Nuciforo is currently serving as the Middle Berkshire Register of Deeds "elected" position in his native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He was "elected" to this post in November of 2006 in an uncontested Massachusetts State Government "election". However, Luciforo's anointment to his $93k per year sinecure was NOT due to a lack of interest in the job! Initially, there were 2 women candidates running in the "election". Their names are former Pittsfield Mayor Sara Hathaway...

...and long-time Pittsfield Registry of Deeds employee Sharon E. Henault.

Through Luciforo's dirty, intimidating, corrupt and insider politics, he STRONG-ARMED his two opposing women political candidates out of the race for Registry of Deeds in 2006.
Nuciforo would have FIRED --yes, that is right, FIRED -- Sharon Henault if she had opposed Nuciforo and lost to him on September 19th, 2006. By Nuciforo giving her a "choice" to drop out and letting him run ultimately unopposed -- as Nuciforo soon there-after strong armed Sara Hathaway out of this same race -- or Sharon Henault would have lost everything. By everything, I mean Sharon Henault would have lost all of her own long-term state pension contributions, her health-care coverage, her income, and the like, and she would be then forced to have lived an old age in poverty.

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Andrea F Nuciforo Jr is a strong-arm, machine politician who only represents himself and the powerful special interests that will keep him powerful. He cares NOT for the democratic process of free and fair elections, nor equality!

"Register race narrows to two"
By Tony Dobrowolski, Berkshire [The Berkshire] Eagle Staff, The Berkshire Eagle, Wednesday, March 29, 2006
PITTSFIELD — Sharon E. Henault yesterday withdrew as a candidate to succeed Berkshire Middle District Register of Deeds Mary K. O'Brien and said she will instead support State Sen. Andrea F. Nuciforo Jr.'s bid.
The 38-year-old Henault's decision leaves Nuciforo and his former chief of staff, ex-Pittsfield Mayor Sara Hathaway, both Democrats, as the only two candidates who have so far taken out nomination papers to run for the six-year term as O'Brien's successor in the November elections.
"I love and enjoy my job," said Henault, who has been the first assistant register to O'Brien for almost four years. She began working at the registry of deeds 21 years ago as a junior clerk.
"I was running because I was concerned about what was going to happen to the office," she said. "When I took out my papers, I didn't know who was running or who was interested in the position."
Henault was the first to take out nomination papers for the office, but after meeting with Nuciforo to discuss how the registry operates, and after talking over her decision with family, friends and supporters, Henault said she decided to withdraw from the race and back Nuciforo.
"I've always respected him and enjoyed talking to him," she said. "I felt confident that if he got into office that it would remain the same."
Both Nuciforo and Hathaway could not be reached for comment last night.
The register's position is a low-profile post but carries an annual salary of roughly $80,000 and is a position that incumbents can hold for decades. O'Brien was first elected in 1975, when she defeated three men in the Democratic primary and then out-polled the Republican candidate, the late Paul Abkowitz.
Henault said the register performs more administrative duties than the first assistant does.
"I enjoy being an assistant because I like everything I do and because I'm very hands-on," Henault said. "I felt that if I was elected register it wouldn't be as hands-on. I hope he (Nuciforo) gets in so that I can remain in the position that I'm in."
Henault said she will support Nuciforo's candidacy, but isn't sure how.
"I will do what I can, but as a state employee I have to be careful," Henault said.


On "Luciforo's" Strong-Arming of Sharon Henault and then Sara Hathaway out of a 2006 Massachusetts State Government Election for Registry of Deeds in Pittsfield:
September 24, 2018
Luciforo is a hypocrite when it comes to so-called "elections"! He complained when the elitist Berkshire Brigades' Sherwood Guernsey, et al, sent him a letter to defer to Congressman John Olver's re-election campaign in 2012, where Olver later dropped out and endorsed Congressman Richie Neal. But 6 years earlier in 2006, Luciforo strong-armed 2 women candidates - Sara Hathaway and Sharon Henault - out of the Pittsfield Registry of Deeds so-called "election" to anoint himself to his 6 year sinecure. Guernsey, et al, tried to strong-arm Luciforo out of a so-called "election" in 2012 and Luciforo played the victim of insider politics. But, Luciforo did the same thing in 2006 for his own benefit. Yet, another case of two set of rules that benefits the powerful insiders and cost the powerless outsiders.
- Jonathan Melle
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