Congressman Richard Neal

Congressman Richard Neal
STOP "LUCIFORO" in 2012! ***************

Monday, July 24, 2023

Andrea Nuciforo Jr; Blogger Dan Valenti; Jon Melle's unedited blog post

 Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior aka "Luciforo" aka "Pittsfield's Pot King"

Blogger Dan Valenti - The publisher of the Planet Valenti blog about Pittsfield politics and beyond

July 24, 2023

Re: Dan Valenti's double standard

I tried to post my writings about people who were and are being treated harshly in Pittsfield politics and beyond on the Planet Valenti blog.  I thought that since blogger Dan Valenti has posted his justified writings about Pete White snubbing him and making unfair criticisms of his blog, and then Earl Persip snubbing him and making extremely harsh criticisms of his blog, then he would allow me to post my writings about how I and others have experienced similar mistreatment.  But I - Jon Melle - was wrong to think that blogger Dan Valenti would not edit out most of my posting on his blog, which is his right to do, or course.  I will put a new blog posting of my full writing on my own blog today if anyone wishes to read my thoughts about Pittsfield politics use of retribution, conflict, mean-spiritedness, vindictive vendettas, conspiratorial abuses, and the like.  Despite my post, I still empathize with Dan Valenti for the unfair and harsh labels that Earl Persip wrote about him on Facebook.  I believe that overall, blogger Dan Valenti means well, and he does an important service to the common people of Pittsfield and beyond.

Jon Melle

July 24, 2023

I feel bad for blogger Dan Valenti that he was disparaged so harshly by Earl Persip on Facebook; I defended Dan Valenti.  I felt bad for Andrea Harrington when blogger Dan Valenti wrote harsh words against her in 2022; I defended Andrea Harrington.

When politics devolves to people saying and writing harsh words against each other, it really means that it is not about politics anymore, but about conflict.

When I tell people and mental health professionals about my past experiences with Nuciforo in Pittsfield politics, they all say that while what happened to me back then took place in a political setting - as my father, Bob, was an elected Berkshire County Commissioner from 1997 to mid-2000 - that it was NOT about politics, but rather it was really mean-spirited and vindictive abuses against me and my family that went on for many years of my adult life, even after I moved away from my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, to my current hometown of Amherst, New Hampshire, for the past a little less than 20 years.

My current mental health provider at the VA Medical Center in Manchester, NH, tells me that I have experienced "unusual events" in my life that most people do not experience in their lives.

While I enjoy following Pittsfield politics, including reading and commenting on Planet Valenti's blog, along with sending out my political emails, I have an aversion to career politicians, along with greedy registered lobbyists, especially when they mistreat people harshly for their own political and financial ends.

In my opinion, the most concerning thing in Pittsfield politics in 2023 is Mayor Linda Tyer's third husband, Barry Clairmont's, ongoing civil lawsuit against Melissa Mazzeo.  I am troubled by Mayor Linda Tyer's silence on the matter of free speech in Pittsfield politics, while she could also say that she loves her multimillionaire CPA third husband with an excessively big ego, his mansion in an elitist gated community, and their matching Lexus luxury cars in the postindustrial city with a distressed and extremely economically unequal community full of social services agencies, homeless residents, and violent crime that she has managed over the past a little less than 8 years.

Barry Clairmont gave Melissa Mazzeo an unfair choice.  He asked her to publicly apologize to him for publicly accusing him of being in the city clerk's office where ballots were stored close to the 2019 general election that his second wife, Mayor Linda Tyer, won that year.  Melissa Mazzeo declined to publicly apologize to him, and then he filed a civil lawsuit against her for allegedly defaming his character, which he claimed led to financial losses at his accounting firm.  Where is his accounting spreadsheet(s) and financial statement(s) proving his financial losses?

The aforementioned civil trial is scheduled to begin one month prior to the 2023 general election that two new mayoral candidates will be running in, which may impact the voters' decisions in the city election on November 7th, 2023.  The Pittsfield politics' "October Surprise" of 2023!

I believe that what I went through as the son of a well-meaning politician from Pittsfield was far worse than what the Boston State Democratic Party Officials did when they ran a homophobic smear campaign against Alex Morse prior to the 2020 primary federal election that U.S. Congressman (aka "PAC Man") Richie Neal won that year.  I believe that I went through far worse than what Barry Clairmont went through after the 2019 general election.

The local new media in Berkshire County has written news stories and editorials about Alex Morse and Barry Clairmont, but when it comes to me - Jon Melle - I am invisible because I do NOT count in this world!

Jonathan A. Melle


August 3, 2023

Re: In memory of former Pittsfield State Rep. Tom Wojtkowski

I had dinner out with my dad, Bob, tonight (Thursday, August 3rd, 2023), and I told my father that Tom Wojtkowski passed away and that his obituary was online, which I showed to my dad on my smartphone.  I apologized to my dad for complaining about the Nuciforo/Wojtkowski family and the mean-spirited and vindictive conspiratorial political retribution they did to us over the past over 27 years now.

I told my dad that Tom Wojtkowski was a good man who did a lot of good work in politics.  I do not want to go down to my enemies' level.  I want to live at my own level of dignity in the short time of my life on Earth.  My dad said that he went through some of that, too, and he understood why I complained to him.

My dad said that he had a good relationship with the first Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Senior when he was a Pittsfield State Senator and then a Probate and Family Court Judge many years ago.  My dad said that he served on the Pittsfield School Committee with Tom Wojtkowski's wife, the late Anne Everest Wojtkowski (2014), who later was the first woman Mayor of Pittsfield.  My dad's career in the Pittsfield District Courthouse (late-1970 to early-2002) for a little over 31 years included seeing Attorney Tom Wojtkowski serve as a Defense Attorney many years ago now.

My dad's 3.5 years as an elected Berkshire County Commissioner from 1997 to mid-2000 included him serving along with the second Pittsfield State Senator Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior (1997 - 2006).  It was during the time when my dad, Bob, and the second Andrea Nuciforo Jr. served together when things became ugly for us in Pittsfield politics all the way east to the Boston Statehouse.

I understand that Tom Wojtkowski's sister married the first Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Senior, and that the second Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior is Tom Wojtkowski's nephew, and that his family came before my family in politics.  I wish that Tom Wojtkowski would have stopped the Nuciforo/Wojtkowski political family from persecuting me beginning when I was only 20 years old during the Spring 1996, which is over 27 years ago now in August 2023.  The Nuciforo/Wojtkowski political family never stopped hurting me, even after I relocated from Pittsfield (Massachusetts) to Amherst (New Hampshire) a little less than 20 years ago now.

I do not know what kind of people the Nuciforo/Wojtkowski political family really are, but I have felt the dark side of the aforementioned Pittsfield political family for a majority of my adult life.  I am 48 years old, and my dad is 79 years old now.  Both Tom & Anne Wojtkowski are passed away now.  Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior is 59 years old now.  I wish all that I have spoken out about, written about, and blogged about with the Nuciforo/Wojtkowski political family persecuting me and hurting my dad, Bob, many years ago now never happened.  Life is too short for people to engage in abusive conflict and political vendettas.

I wish to thank Tom Wojtkowski for all of his years public service.  I write this tonight in memory of former Pittsfield State Representative Tom Wojtkowski (1926 - 2023).  May he and his predeceased wife Anne both Rest in Peace.

Jonathan A. Melle


"Former state Rep. Thomas C. Wojtkowski Sr., a champion of public education, is remembered as 'the ultimate extrovert'"
By Jane Kaufman, The Berkshire Eagle, August 3, 2023

PITTSFIELD — Dubbed the father of community colleges, former state Rep. Thomas C. Wojtkowski Sr. died Monday. He was 96.

A lifelong Democrat, Wojtkowski was an early supporter of Sen. John F. Kennedy and criticized the Berkshire County Democratic Party for failing to throw its weight behind his presidential run.

“I personally and my organization in Berkshire County intend to work until the last vote is cast for our party and the future of its promising young senator,” Wojtkowski said in a statement in March 1960. He drafted Peter Arlos to head that effort.

That same year, as a member of the NAACP, he joined a picket line in front of Pittsfield’s North Street F.W. Woolworth Co. protesting segregation in the South.

Wojtkowski helped write legislation that created community colleges across the state, with Berkshire Community College founded as the first in 1960. He himself had gone to college on the GI Bill — “the smartest social program,” he told his son.

He was elected to the state Legislature in 1953, having been the first male elementary school teacher in Pittsfield schools. In 1961, he made an unsuccessful run for state Senate, losing to Edmund St. John Jr. of Adams.

"Believing firmly in the ideals of the Democratic Party, I have tried to follow the humane and just principles of that party," Thomas C. Wojtkowski Sr. wrote in 1961. 

During that 1961 campaign, Wojtkowski wrote, “The future requires greater educational opportunity, it needs to reform our judicial and penal systems; it needs more efficient governmental procedures; it needs more economic protection for the average citizen, it requires the placing of issues above personalities.”

Wojtkowski served for six years on the House Ways and Means Committee, as well as the Committee for Agriculture, the Committee on Old Age and Pension Assistance, the Committee on Education and the Committee on the Judiciary. While serving as a state legislator, he attended law school at night, earning an bachelor's degree from New England Law School and later taking more than 30 graduate courses in Boston area law schools.

After he announced he wouldn’t run in 1972, he became counsel to the Ways and Means Committee and later associate counsel to the state House of Representatives, later serving as a lawyer in Pittsfield.

It was an unreliable 300 SL Mercedes Benz Gullwing that led to a fateful meeting for Wojtkowski.

Thomas C. Wojtkowski Sr. was proud of having been dubbed the father of community colleges.

Anne Everest, the first female student at Boston University’s College of Industrial Technology, was stuck in Pittsfield with her broken down car. At her mother’s suggestion, she hitched a ride to Boston with the 5th Berkshire District legislator. The couple was married at St. Charles Church in Pittsfield in 1962 and raised their two children in Pittsfield.

“My mom told me there was an instant connection,” said Dr. Marcella W. Bradway, the Wojtkowskis’ daughter.

At home, “I learned phone skills from the time I was a child,” Bradway said. “People just called the house with all kinds of issues.”

Both Bradway and her brother, Thomas C. Wojtkowski Jr., fondly remember trips to the Statehouse as children. They stayed in a rented apartment on Beacon Hill and Wojtkowski Jr. said his father placed him on his knee and told him to actually cast votes.

Bradway helped secretaries answer the phone in the House Ways and Means Committee office.

“After work we’d go rollerskating on the Esplanade,” she said.

On weekends, Wojtkowski headed home to Pittsfield and handled the outdoor chores, mowing the lawn, doing woodworking and carpentry. He taught Bradway to repair her bicycle tire and how to change oil.

In Pittsfield, the Wojtkowskis frequently offered hospitality to state officials.

“He would always put people to work,” Bradway said. “He’d have the attorney general or [Gov.] Mike Dukakis helping him cutting down a tree.”

Both children were destined to attend Berkshire Community College following their graduation from Taconic High School. In her first week at BCC, Bradway decided to become a doctor.

While Wojtkowski would have liked his son to pursue public service, “That’s just not how I’m wired,” Wojtkowski Jr. said. He became a mechanical engineer.

When Anne Everest Wojtkowski decided to run for mayor, it may have been her husband who inspired her, Bradway said. She served from 1987 to 1991.

“He loved the fact that she was mayor,” Bradway said. “He just thought it was so cool that she was doing community service. That really was at his heart.”

Bradway described her father as “the ultimate extrovert.”

While living in Boston, he offered hospitality to Sara J. Nuciforo, his niece, who was in her first year of medical school in Boston, making her breakfast every day.

Andrea Nuciforo Jr. said his uncle was “such a gem. He was just such an approachable and relatable person.”

The two often rode together to Boston from Pittsfield when Nuciforo was a state senator and Wojtkowski was working in the Statehouse. On those rides, Wojtkowski shared historical perspective.

“He said to me, in 18 years on Beacon Hill, he never voted against a minimum wage,” Nuciforo said. “He used to talk all the time about the importance of a good reputation. Your word is your bond. If you can’t commit to it, say so. Without credibility you can’t accomplish much.”

Wojtkowski was born in Pittsfield on Sept. 18, 1926. He was the sixth of 13 children of Frank and Anna (Yuhaski) Wojtkowski. His father worked in the dairy business.

“It was a hardscrabble first-generation experience,” Nuciforo said of the Wojtkowski siblings' childhood. His mother, Irene "Batesy" Nuciforo, was Wojtkowski's sister.

Wojtkowski graduated from Pittsfield High School in 1944 and served as a pharmacist's mate aboard the U.S. Navy minesweeper USS Barbican in the Pacific Theater from 1944 to 1946.

He earned an associate degree from Champlain College in Plattsburgh, N.Y., and a bachelor’s degree in education from George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

In June 1999, the Wojtkowskis were separately honored at commencement at BCC, where she taught engineering for many years.

A photographer for The Eagle snapped a photo of the couple as she leaned in to him during the ceremony. Bradway thinks she knows what was on her mother’s mind in that moment.

"The conspiratorial thing," she said, "was 'What can we do now to make things better?'"


Letter: "Tom Wojtkowski made me a better lawmaker"
The Berkshire Eagle, August 4, 2023

To the editor: I was very sad to hear of the passing of former state Rep. Tom Wojtkowski. ("Former state Rep. Thomas C. Wojtkowski Sr., a champion of public education, is remembered as 'the ultimate extrovert'," Eagle, Aug. 3.) 

When I was first elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives more than 20 years ago, I fondly recall seeing him at the Statehouse every day. I would visit him in former Sen. Andrea Nuciforo’s office, where Tom was given a desk of his own. He did research for the office all on his own time, which I thought was remarkable. After Andrea left, I would visit Tom in the Statehouse Library where he did the same. Tom loved state government and always believed that we as legislators were there to help people. He taught me more than he may ever know, and I will forever cherish the conversations that we had.

I became a better public servant by following Tom’s lead. Whenever I show people around the Statehouse, I love pointing out the portrait of Gov. Foster Furcolo who signed the Community College legislation, establishing Berkshire Community College as the first in the commonwealth. Tom Wojtkowski doesn’t get nearly enough credit for the work that he did to get that legislation across the finish line, but I remind people all the time that it was Tom who actually wrote the bill that became law.

Tom was a great man. He was, in many ways, the de facto dean of the Berkshire delegation, always going out of his way to ensure that new legislators were supported and could be successful. He loved the Berkshires and had a vision for how to make our community better. Every legislator should follow his example I will miss him, but I remember the stories he shared with me. I will miss his history lessons. I will do my best to follow his example as I walk the halls of the building that he loved so dearly. Rest in peace to a man who lived an extraordinary life, represented the best of public service and touched so many lives along the way.

William “Smitty” Pignatelli, Lenox

The writer is the state representative of the 3rd Berkshire District.


August 4, 2023

Re: Smitty Pignatelli is not "a better lawmaker"!

Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli wrote a letter praising the late Tom Wojtkowski, who was a Pittsfield State Representative on Beacon Hill many years ago.  Smitty Pignatelli's letter is flawed because he is not "a better lawmaker"!

Smitty Pignatelli has been a corrupt career politician in the Boston State House of Representatives for over 20.5 years now.  He has always voted down Sunshine Laws that would open the state's "cooked books" to rules reforms.  He has even stated that he openly supports the closed-door corruption and secrecy led by the top-down State House Speaker(s) because it efficient.

Smitty Pignatelli has happily accepted countless public pay raises plus perks.  In early-2017, Smitty Pignatelli voted for the outrageous 40 percent state legislative pay raise bill.  Also, Smitty Pignatelli voted for House Speakers Tom Finneran and Sal DiMasi, who later became convicted Felons due to their corruption in state government.

Smitty Pignatelli supports GE's misguided proposal to supposedly cleanup the polluted Housatonic River from Pittsfield down south to Great Barrington, which includes GE putting a capped "leaky landfill" full of industrial chemicals called PCBs in Lee.  Capped toxic waste dumps are time limited.  After a period of time, the caps always all fail, and then the PCBs will again spread in the Housatonic River in the future.  Capped landfills must be monitored from day one.

GE's proposal is to put its capped "leaky landfill" inside of a watershed in the Housatonic River in Lee that borders Lenoxdale.  The capped toxic waste dump is too close to the October Mountain aquifer.  The people who live in the area are protesting Smitty Pignatelli's support for GE over his constituents.

Smitty Pignatelli's college degree is in Finance.  GE has not made a financial commitment to its proposed cleanup of the Housatonic River, which will cost at least $576 million and take 15 years to complete once it starts after years of litigation in federal court.  Shouldn't GE's unfunded promise to his legislative district be a red flag to this "financial genius" who has long enriched himself at the public trough?

Smitty Pignatelli writes op-ed about the Berkshires' shrinking tax base with the past 50 years of thousands of lost living wage jobs and diminishing population numbers while the local tax burden increases without ever once looking at himself in the proverbial mirror as a failed corrupt career politician who voted for hundreds of millions of dollars in state tax breaks for Boston area big businesses that has nothing to do with his mostly rural legislative district in the beautiful Berkshires.

Smitty Pignatelli writes lofty op-eds in Western Massachusetts newspapers that belie his real failed public record in Boston, which is being a rubber stamp bureaucrat for the corrupt State House Speaker on Beacon Hill.  Smitty Pignatelli's real public record in Boston is one of doing many DISSERVICES against the common people and taxpayers.

Smitty Pignatelli writes that then Pittsfield State Senator Andrea Nuciforo Jr.'s Uncle Tom Wojtkowski had a desk in his Boston Statehouse office back in 2003 when Smitty Pignatelli began his political career in the State House.  But 3 years later in 2006, Nuciforo had to step down from his State Senator elected position because he was allegedly illegally double dipping as the Chair of the State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time serving as a private corporate Attorney for Boston's big banks and insurance companies under the Boston Law Firm named Berman and Dowell.  That is not something to omit!

Smitty Pignatelli represents the WORST in state government!  Smitty Pignatelli is a phony!

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: "Tom Wojtkowski was always there for me"
The Berkshire Eagle, August 8, 2023

To the editor: I'd like to echo the heartfelt remarks of Smitty Pignatelli ("Letter: Tom Wojtkowski made me a better lawmaker," Eagle, Aug. 4) upon the passing of former state Rep. Tom Wojtkowski.

Tom was a remarkable legislator, public servant and grand historian of both state and local political affairs. (Smitty's dad, John, was of the same mold.)

As a senior at St. Joe in March 1959, I had the privilege of representing my school at student government day at the Statehouse in Boston. I boarded a train from the grand old Pittsfield station and arrived in Boston, where Rep. Pat Callahan, whose seat I would take the next day, had arranged for a room for me at Boston's famous Parker House. The following morning, a short walk to the Statehouse brought me together with fellow students from schools throughout the commonwealth. There to greet the contingent from the Central Berkshire districts was a young state representative from Pittsfield, Tom Wojtkowski.

What might have been an overwhelming experience for a young lad from the Berkshires became a great opportunity as Tom took the four of us under his wing and gave us a grand escorted tour of the entire Statehouse, which also included meeting the governor in the executive office. At lunchtime, Tom was there to bring us to the cafeteria and make sure we were all fed (on the commonwealth).

Tom met with us again at the afternoon break and arranged a meeting point at the close of the day and offered the four of us a ride back to Pittsfield. We loaded ourselves into the famous Wojtkowski station wagon and set off for the Berkshires. But Tom had additional plans for us. He drove to a famous Boston steakhouse where he treated us to dinner. Unfortunately, this was a Friday and 1959, and he gently reminded those of us who were Catholic, including Tom himself, that we had to order fish. Representing St. Joe, I didn't have much choice. But the memories of that wonderful day remain with me these many years later.

Tom's narrative about government and public service, and the passion with which it was spoken lit a spark in me that even after college and early career to IBM led me to consider running for a public office. Tom was always there for me in my future political ventures. I will miss his advice, memories and friendship.

Joseph W. Ryan, Pittsfield

The writer is a former president of the Pittsfield City Council.


August 5, 2023

Hello editor(s) of the Boston Herald newspaper,

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu's so-called enemies list has been and is the subject of the Herald's news coverage and commentary.  There is another political resident of Boston who is a former Pittsfield State Senator (who really lived in Boston), and he is also known as Pittsfield/East Boston's Pot King named Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior who practiced retribution against innocent people, including yours truly: Jon Melle.  I have written countless letters to the Herald about Nuciforo's persecution of me since I was 20 years old during the Spring of 1996 that went on for many years of my adult life.  It amazes me that every other Democratic Party career political hack is called out for their uses of retribution against innocent people, but not my enemy #1: "Luciforo"!

Jonathan A. Melle


August 6, 2023

Hello Erin Leahy at Act on Mass,

I had a Sunday brunch at my favorite diner in my hometown off Amherst, NH, today (August 6th, 2023); my native hometown is Pittsfield, Massachusetts - which I believe is systemically mocked by the elitist snobs in Boston, especially with the multibillion-dollar state lottery SCAM.  The Have Not named "Jon Melle" who is originally from Pittsfield is the perfect illustration of Beacon Hill lawmakers mocking the common people with their financial shell games and (voluntary) regressive taxation schemes such as the Massachusetts State Lottery SCAM.

During my Sunday afternoon brunch, I sat with my elderly friend who is in his early 80s.  He and I love to talk about financial issues at the local diner.  One of the young bussers of restaurant tables sat down with us.   She is going into her senior year of high school next month.  She was curious about finance.  I wrote her a brief note on a scrap piece of paper.  I wrote to her: "Finance is all about compound interest".  "The 'Rule of 72': 72/6 percent interest = 12 years of compound interest to double your money."  I gave her my note, and I told her that if she holds onto my note over the next 10 years of her young adult life, she will come to understand the crux of finance.  I asked her if she knew what I wrote on my note.  She said no.  My thoughts on financial literacy are that it is so simple to teach young adults in high school, but many adults are financially illiterate throughout part, most or all of their lives.

My story I am writing to you about today leads me to my thoughts on your "Saturday Scoop" political email yesterday.  You, Erin Leahy, wrote that the online lottery legislation was not in the one-month late fiscal year 2024 Massachusetts State Budget.  What you did not write is that the state lottery is nothing more than (voluntary) regressive taxation.  You also did not write that the 50th year of the Massachusetts State Lottery SCAM produced record profits, which state leaders had the nerve to brag about last month.  You also did not write that the state lottery inequitably targets the mostly financially illiterate low- to moderate-income financially constrained residents who have no idea what is really going on here.  You also did not write that the state lottery is misleading because nationally, it only increases state aid financial numbers by 1 percent on average, while 99 percent of the inequitable state lottery revenues go to the high-income residents and big businesses.   You also did not write that on Beacon Hill, the corrupt career politicians represented by the fictional State Representative Sellout Shakedown use the state lottery's inequitable profits to giveaway many millions of dollars in additional state tax breaks to their wealthy campaign donors to enrich themselves, the greedy lobbyist such as state pensioner Dan Bosley, and the financial and corporate elites at the public trough.  You also did not write that while most to all of the multimillion-dollar state tax breaks go to the top 1 percent, which does not benefit most areas of the state, especially in mostly rural Western Massachusetts, state lottery tickets are sold everywhere in Massachusetts.

I agree with your public advocacy for Sunshine laws and a would-be equitable and accessible state government in Massachusetts.  The state lottery SCAM is the perfect illustration of everything that stands as the exact opposite of your public advocacy work on behalf of all of the people and taxpayers in Massachusetts.  Please keep up your good work, Erin Leahy!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


August 6, 2023

In Massachusetts, the latte drinking limousine riding liberals are given a pass for being unable to help the underclass and the vulnerable children who suffer under family poverty and community violence.  The latte limousine liberals are socially liberal, but when it comes to the Almighty Dollar, they are just as greedy as everyone else.

The Boston Herald published two letters concerning the social crisis on "Mass and Cass".  Meanwhile, Beacon Hill lawmakers are sitting over $7.22 billion in surplus state dollars, which is the largest Slush Fund figure in the over 400-year history of Massachusetts.  Meanwhile, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is being questioned over her so-called enemies list - like retribution in Massachusetts politics is unheard of?  [Not by me - Jon Melle, of course!]

I read a news article that Governor Maura Healey will be making her first trip to Nantucket as the state's chief executive officer:

"Governor Maura Healey will be on Nantucket later this month to attend a political fundraiser that will be hosted by the island's Democratic state representatives [- along with the fictional Massachusetts State Representative named Sellout Shakedown and his greedy lobbyist friend named Dan Bosley, who is a state pensioner].

The reception is being held on Saturday, Aug. 19th [2023] at the island home of Ken Jarin and Robin Wiessmann, according to an invitation obtained by the Current. Tickets to attend the event range from $500 to $5,000."

Isn't Nantucket the wealthy island that billionaire John Forbes Kerry spends his summers on?  When John Kerry is sighted on the non-island parts of Massachusetts during the summer, people sarcastically say that John Kerry was sighted on the mainland, but lately he has been flying in the sky in his private jet like he is Zeus.  But rather than bolts of thunder, John Kerry spews HOT AIR to the world, which earns John Kerry eye rolls after eye rolls after eye rolls....

Joe Biden is known to summer on the islands off of Cape Cod, too.  The 46th U.S. President vacations in the home(s) of his billionaire campaign donors.  Joe Biden has raised more money from Wall Street and K Street in the Swamp - along with China, Ukraine and other foreign nations - than any other politician in U.S. history.  Elizabeth Warren must be proud of Joe Biden's lucrative campaign coffers because (sarcasm:) she stands for Main Street U.S.A.

I wonder if the "Mass and Cass" social crisis was located in a red state city instead of Boston, what would the liberal establishment write more about the ongoing humanitarian crisis?  But Boston is dominated by Democratic Party politicians so "Mass and Cass" is given a free pass for being unsolvable to Michelle Wu, Maura Healey, Elizabeth Warren, HOT AIR Ed Markey of Chevy Chase, Maryland, and our probably one-term sitting U.S. President Joe Biden.

Those latte limousine liberals!  All of them sure fit the definition and the illustration of GREED!

Jonathan A. Melle

Letters to the editor, By Boston Herald editorial staff, August 6, 2023

Mass and Cass

I agree that something must be done sooner rather than later over the malignant presence of the Mass and Cass homeless encampment (“Time to act on Mass & Cass,” Boston Herald, Aug. 1).  Actions always speak louder than words.

What once was an encampment along Melnea Cass Boulevard and across Mass. Ave. on the highway ramp headed north and south has now metastized  over to Southampton Street, Atkinson Street, up to Clifford Park and seemingly on hold at Edward  Everett Square by the giant pear at Columbia Road. Apparently, the city takes some action but then disappears and only returns when the numbers of homelessness swell up again as they always do.

You can’t seek a solution until you understand why the homeless keep returning to the same place over and over again.

Is the homeless crisis really about not having enough places for folks to live? Or are there a multitude of factors like substance abuse and mental illness that have created so many folks choosing to live on the streets rather than seek or accept housing?

When I first heard of the  proposed creation of a floating hospital-like solution I opposed it. However, at this point in time, it might be the only thing to do. There is no rebuilding of a Long Island facility any time soon. Not only would a new bridge need to be built but then the whole infrastructure out on the island would need rebuilding.

The choice is clear. Do nothing and nothing changes at Mass & Cass. Maybe, a floating treatment center/housing proposal might just work at least for now until the powers-that-be can come up with any other kind of plan.

I am an optimist, I believe that if Boston’s business community and Boston’s political class actually sat down together, we might see new ways of tackling this homeless street people crisis. We have a collection of problems to be solved.

Stop the sound bites and photo opps. The time is now to broach the idea of going back to the future with floating hospitals. This could be the solution or  at least bring us closer to the solution.

As the Boston Herald editorialized, “…the status quo along Mass & Cass does not need to be the norm.” It should not be the norm.

Sal Giarratani

East Boston

Sound the alarm?

What does it matter (‘Sound the Alarm,’ Aug. 03). This (Mass and Cass) has been going on way too long and if we “sound the alarm” we are only going to hear political posturing. The local politicians are never going to really address this issue, just politicize it.

Now I am not a big fan of Michelle Wu but what is Maura Healey’s responsibility with this issue? As far as I can remember she is the Governor of Massachusetts which includes Boston, unless that has changed.

Also, don’t we have two senators that oversee Massachusetts? Sorry, it is not involving climate change so they want nothing to do with it.

This is one of the easiest problems to solve and as you can see the politicians have no plan to solve it, just keep using it to get more federal money.

Michael Westen



"Continue successful strategies at Mass. and Cass"
Letter, The Boston Globe, August 9, 2023

Mayor Michelle Wu says conditions at Mass. and Cass have reached a “new level of public safety alarm” and plans “‘to take a major step’ to address safety threats in the neighborhood” but has not yet elaborated (“Wu sounds alarm on Mass. Cass,” Page A1, Aug. 3). Meanwhile, public officials have called for increased law enforcement intervention and a warrant sweep, saying “it requires a public health and safety response” (”Criminals city’s focus for Mass. and Cass,” Page A1, Aug. 4).

Increased criminalization of people with substance use disorders increases risk of overdose, disrupts treatment plans and services, and hinders housing opportunities. Instead, resources should be devoted to transitional and permanent housing options and harm reduction and treatment programs. Tania Del Rio, director of the Mass. and Cass Response Team, noted the success of this approach, saying, “nearly half the people who were originally living at Mass. and Cass when Wu came to office have moved through transitional housing to permanent housing,” ultimately reducing the number of tenants at Mass. and Cass. Wu also notes the success of the services offered in the area as a reason why people stay close by.

It is not the time to diverge from methods with proven success. We need commitment to evidence-based public health approaches that center community treatment and housing.

Amelia Caramadre


The writer is is a legal fellow for the Action Lab at Northeastern University School of Law and a member of the Massachusetts Rights Coalition for Health.


August 7, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I thought that Eric SwanSIN the SINNER was going to allege those homophobic salacious sex acts towards me - Jon Melle (I am not a homosexual), instead of against the former U.S. President Barack Obama.  I also thought that the Republican Party in the Swamp had another name: The MORAL HYPOCRISY Party!  We all have a Penis or a Vagina everybody.  We all like to ORGASM everybody.  We all have sexual interests everybody.  It doesn't matter if it is the three marriages and countless love affairs ultimate MORAL HYPOCRITE named Donald Trump, or the hunky love bug named Barack Obama.  Cultural Wars in Swamp politics are never-ending and do no nothing to help to better our messed-up society that the fringe media outlets like to broadcast for cheap, gratuitous political points and the Almighty Dollar.  Even Jesus Christ Himself said and THE BIBLE wrote that we are all sinners!

Jonathan A. Melle


August 14, 2023

I look forward to blogger Dan Valenti's posts about Pittsfield politics' 2023 election season!  Also, Barry Clairmont's civil trial versus Melissa Mazzeo in two months.  I won't write that I - Jon Melle - went through far worse than anybody else in the modern history of Pittsfield politics all the way to the Boston Statehouse thanks to Pittsfield's Pot King because it would be redundant.  Only Pete and Pete are allowed to repeat and repeat.

Jonathan A. Melle


August 14, 2023

Peter Marchetti likes to say, “One Pittsfield”, while he would have to take a pay cut to serve as mayor
John Krol is trying to make his mid-life comeback in Pittsfield politics
Karen Kalinowsky wants to collect her would-be mayoral salary that would be on top of her city pension plus perks because it would be a bad example of budgeting by necessity
Pete White wants to be the next City Council Prez
Earl Persip likes to label blogger Dan Valenti with harsh words
Barry Clairmont wants to sue Melissa Mazzeo in two months
Blogger Dan Valenti likes to call Pittsfield “Picklefield”
Jon Melle likes to write about: Barstool, Aberration, Rolodex, Bust, Gated Community, and the next mayoral nickname will be?

Jonathan A. Melle


August 15, 2023

Predictable Pittsfield politics always raises municipal spending by at least 5 percent per fiscal year going back to when Larry Bird won 3 straight MVPs in the mid-1980s.  The "Big 3" - not Larry Bird, Kevin McHale & Robert Parish - in Pittsfield politics are the Public School, the Police and the Fire Department Unions.  Since the Larry Bird era Boston Celtics championship years in the mid-1980s, the Public School Union has received huge amounts of state and local funding only to see the Pittsfield Public School District labeled as Level 5 by the state.  Of course, unlike Larry Bird, Level 5 is the worst rating from the state.  The Police Union's budget has increased by millions of dollars, but the FBI's annual reports always cite Pittsfield in the top 10 cities by population in Massachusetts for violent crime.  During my graduate school studies in public administration many years ago now, the first and second things middle-class families look for in a community is the quality of the public school system and the public safety of the streets.  Of course, over the past 50 years, Pittsfield has experienced many thousands of people moving away from the distressed city, along with huge numbers of lost living wage jobs.  The question I ask is: Why does Pittsfield politics spend over $200 million per fiscal year in return for "a shit sandwich"?  It makes no sense, unless one is part of the state and local cabal of corrupt career politicians and the special and vested interests they serve - DISSERVICE - in government!

Jonathan A. Melle


August 16, 2023

I should have gone the route of Dan Bosley who is a retired North Adams State Representative who collects his state public pension plus perks and double dips as a greedy registered as a lobbyist on Beacon Hill who legally bribes the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown with special interest campaign contributions to earn a his 6-figure salary that is on top of his state pension.  Then I would not be a Have Not.

I should have gone the Route of Richie Neal who is a Springfield (Massachusetts) Congressman who rakes in millions of dollars every two years from K Street corporate lobbyist firms in the Swamp.  Then not only would I not be a Have Not, but also, Dan Bosley would write countless letters to the editor of Western Massachusetts newspapers saying how great I am.

I am a Have Not because I have a good conscience, which means that I need to sleep at night instead of cashing in on big government by selling out the people and shaking down all of the wealthy campaign contributors.  At the end of the business day, I am NOT greed-ball Dan Bosley, and I am NOT PAC Man Richie Neal.

Jonathan A. Melle


August 18, 2023

I - Jon Melle - am a 48-year-old man who is a 100% totally and permanently service-connected disabled Veteran who cares about mental health care.  This is what I read last week: The CDC reported that suicides reached an all-time high in the U.S.A.  This is what I read this week: two age groups reached historically high levels of drug use, as well as binge drinking of alcohol.  Marijuana and hallucinogen use and binge drinking reached historic highs among adults ages 35-50.  The other age group are adults ages 19 to 30.

Our country is experiencing severe crises in mental health care.  We need to start caring about each other again instead of only caring about the Almighty Dollar.  The corrupt career politicians are failing us with their greed and power that has led to endless disservices towards the common people and taxpayers they are supposed represent in government.  Please vote out all of the career politicians!

Jonathan A. Melle


August 18, 2023

Career Politicians only like people who donate big bucks to their campaign coffers.  Greedy Lobbyists only like wealthy people who pay them big bucks - sometimes 7-figure salaries - to do their bidding in the Halls of Power in big government.  It is called CASHING IN at the public trough, while the common people and taxpayers pound sand.  But I do not live in Linda Tyer's Gated Community neighborhood within a few feet of Hancock.  I don't earn a living as a PAC Man on K Street in the Swamp.  I don't fly on billionaire John Kerry's private jet.  I guess I could ask the career politicians and greedy lobbyists who I write and blog about if they would be my friend, but I don't think it would work out well for me: The Have Not who is originally from Pittsfield (Mass.) who everyone knows and loves (except for Pittsfield's Pot King) known as Jon Melle.

Jonathan A. Melle


August 19, 2023

Re: Jon Melle's sad story about how the Have Nots and Pittsfield are mistreated by the elitist snobs in Boston

I have heard stories about the Allendale Elementary School neighborhood and nearby areas of polluted postindustrial Pittsfield about children developing serious illnesses related to GE's industrial chemical waste called PCBs pollution over the course of my a little over 48-year life.  Pittsfield is GE's dump!  Pittsfield is an industrial chemical waste public health danger and disaster zone.  My mom, who turns 77 this Fall 2023, has Stage 4 cancer for life.  She was born, grew up and spent most of her life in Pittsfield.  There are cancer cluster neighborhoods near the former GE plants in Pittsfield.  The EPA, GE and the late Mayor Gerry Doyle sold out Pittsfield with the 2000 Consent Decree.

On top of all of this, Pittsfield charges taxpayers over $205.6 million fiscal year 2024 municipal budget in return for Level 5 public schools, the city always being in the top 10 cities by population in Massachusetts for violent crime, according to the FBI's annual reports, the 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle that has millions of dollars in always increasing unfunded liabilities, Nuciforo's Berkshire Roots Pot Kingdom on Dalton Avenue stinking up nearby neighborhoods with his unpleasant pot growing odors with little to no action taken by the city, over one dozen empty storefronts on North Street, which is sarcastically referred to as "Social Services Alley" due to the sarcastically called "Ring of Poverty" distressed neighborhoods that surround dangerous downtown Pittsfield with its daily shootings by the over 1,000 gang members who live there, severe economic inequality with the only economic growth in the city is its always growing larger underclass, the Rolodex Godfather Jimmy Ruberto writing letters to the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) from Naples, Florida and upscale Lenox, Mayor Linda Tyer living in a mansion in a Gated Community within a few feet from the Hancock border, Peter Marchetti running for Mayor and saying he would have to take a pay cut from his 35-year career at the local bank, John Krol running for Mayor by making questionable promises even though he says otherwise, and Karen Kalinowsky running for Mayor by saying she will cut city spending by budgeting by necessity, but not explaining to voters that she will still be collecting her city pension that would be on top of the $115,725 per fiscal year mayoral salary, which would double her city pension after she steps down from being the Mayor of Pittsfield politics.

The city's failed state and local leadership goes back generations to the mid-1960s, which is around 60 years of the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family in Pittsfield being fed the same "shit sandwich" every year since LBJ was in the Oval Office.  They have to listen to Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley Bouvier tell them her single state legislative priority in Boston is the decriminalization of sex work.  They have to watch Becket State Senator Paul Mark be a banal rubber stamp for State Senate President Karen Spilka.  They have to deal with PAC Man Richie Neal only represent multimillion-dollar K Street corporate lobbyist firms in the Swamp, which have nothing to do with PAC Man Richie Neal's mostly rural Western Massachusetts-based Congressional District.  There is nobody who represents the fictional Kapanski family in local, state and federal government.

To illustrate, the Have Not originally from Pittsfield known as "Jon Melle" has a Master of Public Administration degree from UMass Amherst (May 1999), which means that I understand that Pittsfield runs on "Perverse Incentives" that allows the city government, big 3 public unions, and social services agencies to profit off of deleterious societal outcomes such as poverty, Level 5 public schools, inner-city violent crime, high per capita teen pregnancy and welfare caseloads, social services and not-for-profit agencies, and a scarcity of little to no living wage jobs for the average working person and family.

When I was a young man in Pittsfield, I spent a little over one year of my life searching for a job in Pittsfield with no success.  I felt that I had better odds of winning the state lottery jackpot than finding a job in Pittsfield.  Those are terrible odds!  Back then, if I told my sad story to Mayor Sara Hathaway, State Representative Peter J. Larkin or State Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., they would tell me to play the state lottery and hope to win big money if I needed cash.  Of course, the multibillion-dollar per fiscal year Massachusetts State Lottery is nothing more than a (voluntary) regressive taxation SCAM that was developed by supply side economists to target no- to low- to moderate-income residents like me - "Jon Melle"- in distressed cities such as Pittsfield.

After fiscal year 2023, Massachusetts state leaders and officials had the nerve to brag that the 50th year of the state lottery SCAM had record profits.  Studies of state lotteries around the nation showed that only 1 percent of state lottery profits go to public education and state aid to local government, while 99 percent of the profits go the top 1 percent of wealthy households and big businesses.  The corrupt career politicians on Beacon Hill use most of the state lottery's profits to giveaway huge multimillion-dollar state tax breaks to their wealthy campaign donors.  On top of that, the corrupt career politicians on Beacon Hill are sitting on an over $7.22 billion record surplus cash Slush Fund with no tax relief legislation in sight.

The point I wish to make is that the elitist snobs who run the corrupt and secretive state government in Boston are insidiously making a systemic mockery of Have Nots such as "Jon Melle" and distressed "Gateway Cities" such as Jon Melle's original hometown: Pittsfield.  In one word: DISSERVICES!

Jon Melle


August 23, 2023

Hello Mayor Linda Tyer,

I read and watched a news story about the City of Manchester, New Hampshire, partnering with the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) to find solutions to the community's homelessness crisis.  I lived in inner-city Manchester, NH, for 4 years of my adult life from early-2005 to early-2009.  When I lived in Manchester, NH, I was at risk of homelessness.  In early-2009, I took out a 15-year VA backed mortgage for my condo unit in Amherst, NH, and I only have three more monthly mortgage payments left.  After my November 1st, 2023, mortgage payment, I will live rent free and mortgage free for the first time in my adult life of a little over 48 years.  Thank goodness.  I told my dad, Bob, that if my young women nieces were ever at risk of being homeless, I would sell them my condo unit for $1 because I do not want their adult lives to turn into a nightmare.  I would go back to being a renter, but I would look into living in a 55-year-old plus condo unit 7 or more years from now.  I support your mayoral leadership in my native hometown of Pittsfield (Massachusetts) because you care about the poor people, and you invest in people.  I also support your commitment to Human Rights and that you have a compassionate side to you.  If I ever read about a leader who matched my vision in government, it is you, Linda Tyer.  I have been a Linda Tyer supporter for 20 years now back when I lived in Pittsfield two decades ago.

Manchester announces partnership to help address homelessness (

Best regards,

Jonathan A. Melle


August 23, 2023


I was surprised when one of the candidates for president in the Republican Party debate tonight said that he has a Rolodex that he would use for his economic development initiatives.  Another candidate said he admired Pittsfield's Pot King, and if his campaign fails, he will grow and sell pot on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  Another candidate said that her number one and only priority is to decriminalize sex work because everyone likes a Happy Ending.  Another candidate said that mayors, governors and all of the other career politicians who live in Gated Communities should take in undocumented immigrants.  Another candidate said that the $32.7 trillion national debt is no match for supply side economics and Kufflinks' cooked books.

I thought that the candidates would have offered to cut their own public pay plus perks, but that would have been even more HOT AIR.  I thought that they would have said that they would represent the common people and taxpayers instead of Wall Street in NYC and K Street in the Swamp, but they all know that running for president requires raising big buck$.  If you don't believe me, then please ask the current U.S. President named Joe Biden who raises more money from Wall Street and K Street than any other career politician in U.S. history.  It pays for Joe Biden to have spent over 50 years of his corporate political career in the Swamp!

I didn't know that Hunter Biden was so important to the nation that one of the candidates said that he would put him in prison for one decade.  If Hunter Biden was behind bars, then we would have more Biden Buck$ in our pockets, and wings pasted on pigs would allow them to fly around Capitol Hill and The White House when they weren't flying around Allen Street and Pheasant Lane.  In closing, those 8 Republican Party candidates for U.S. President tonight made themselves look as good as Pittsfield politics' 25-year-old heavily indebted and polluted PEDA debacle.

Jonathan A. Melle


August 25, 2023

I served our country honorably.  I received medals and commendations during my military service in the U.S. Army.  I received the regards of the U.S. President George W. Bush in a letter from the White House.  When I went to my VA hearing in Washington, D.C. over 19 years ago, the VA Judge stated that my hearing was ordered by President Bush.  My mother was with me if you do not believe me.  I am a 100 percent service connected totally and permanently disabled Veteran.  I go to the VA in Manchester, NH, for my health care.  I get along with my fellow Veterans and providers during my VA appointments.  I am a good person.  Other than Nuciforo's over 27-yearlong vendetta against my dad and I, I don't understand why some people say unfavorably words against me in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  I love my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  I graduated from Pittsfield High School in June 1993, which is 30 years ago now.  I still have my high school diploma from PHS.  Go Generals!  Thank you.

Jon Melle


August 26, 2023

Hello greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley,

Please read the news story about the New Hampshire State Lottery SCAM:

"NH Lottery breaks all-time sales record, generating $603 million in total sales in fiscal year 2023"
The Nashua Telegraph, August 24, 2023

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Lottery broke its all-time sales record in Fiscal Year 2023, surpassing $603 million in total sales, marking a 12% or $66.5 million increase from its record high of $536.5 million set the previous year. ....

I have followed your pro-big business political turned greed-ball lobbyist careers for many years now.  You are very intelligent about finance and governmental policies, which means that you know that state lotteries are the biggest and most inequitable SCAMS in history.  The state lottery is nothing more than (voluntary) regressive taxation that targets the underclass, working class, and the mostly financially illiterate no- to low- to moderate-income residents.  It is Robin Hood in reverse!

Greedy lobbyists like yourself like it when Massachusetts and New Hampshire state officials alike have the nerve to brag about their record profits in fiscal year 2023.  It allows greedy lobbyists like yourself to legally bribe the corrupt career politicians in state government to give their wealthy clients bigger state tax breaks.

Me - a Have Not known as Jon Melle - believes that state officials are systemically mocking people such as myself, as well as my economically distressed and very unequal native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, with the state lottery.  If I didn't study public administration in graduate school many years ago now, it would all go over my head, of course.

State lawmakers market the state lottery to "Jon Melle" and "Pittsfield" to raise state revenues so that they can enrich themselves and their wealthy campaign donors at the public trough, while "Pittsfield" always receives underfunded state aid for public education and local government services.

The state lottery SCAM is the worst of both worlds for me and Pittsfield alike, while it puts money into your greedy pockets.  Sarcasm: Congratulations, greed-ball!

In Truth!

Jonathan A. Melle


August 27, 2023

In reply to "Gobsig's" post: "The state has found a way to tax stupidity with the lottery": The state lottery stands for everything that is wrong with the state government in Boston.

The government is supposed to have good men and women politicians who serve in elected office to represent the people and taxpayers in the state government.  When we pay state taxes, the state officials are supposed to use our limited tax dollars to invest in people, communities, and the efficient, effective and accountable management of state government resources.

The state lottery does the exact opposite of good governance.  Instead of treating the people and taxpayers as the state's most valuable resource, the lottery is a SCAM that takes advantage of the people and taxpayers.  After fiscal year 2023 ended on June 30th, 2023, state officials had the nerve to brag about the 50th year of the Massachusetts State Lottery posting record revenues and profits.

The state lottery is nothing more than an inequitable scheme to raise (voluntary) regressive taxation revenues from the people and taxpayers who can least afford it.  National studies on state lottery SCAMS found that only one percent of lottery funds go to public education and state aid to local government, while 99 percent of the lottery funds go to the top 1 percent of wealthy households and big businesses.  The lottery SCAM is a BIG LIE!

Enter greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley who never left Beacon Hill's corrupt and secretive Statehouse in Boston after he retired as a "North Adams" - who also lives in a residence in Boston - State Representative at the end of 2010.  It is pro big business turned greed-ball lobbyists such as Dan Bosley who salivate at the lottery's revenues and profits.  Why?  Because the more people who place "Sucker's Bets" on the state lottery's tickets and games means the more multimillion-dollar state breaks Dan Bosley is able to get for his wealthy clients who he lobbies for in return for his 6-figure lobbyist salary, which is on top of his state public pension plus perks.  Moreover, there are super-greedy lobbyists in Boston who earn 7-figure salaries to legally bribe the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown.

I am not opposed to gambling, but I do not like that gambling is structured into the state's regressive taxation revenues and profits.  I do not like that the state lottery targets "Have Nots" such as "Jon Melle" from "Pittsfield", who are mostly financially illiterate no- to low- to moderate-income people and taxpayers.  If I did not have a Master of Public Administration graduate degree from UMass Amherst (May 1999), I would not have studied these types of inequitable public policies and program, which means that it would all have gone way over my head - just like most of the "Have Nots" who live in "Pittsfield".

I believe that greedy lobbyists such as Dan Bosley and the elitist snobs like him in Boston are making a systemic mockery out of Have Nots such as "Jon Melle" from "Pittsfield" with the state lottery, along with all of their other financial and economic shell games that enrich the elites at the public trough, while "We the People" have to pound sand.

Jon Melle


August 28, 2023

Re: How state "ethics" laws really work in Massachusetts

Does that mean that Pittsfield's Pot King's use of his political connections in Pittsfield and Boston since early-2017 will be subject to the Massachusetts "Ethics" Commission's conflict of interest rules, too?  I thought that the state's "ethics" laws only applied to the "John Krols" of the political world!  I thought that the tens of billions of dollars in state tax breaks that the corrupt career politicians in Boston's corrupt and secretive Statehouse giveaway to their wealthy big business campaign donors during every two-year state legislative session was "ethical" so long as the elites all get rich at the public trough, while we "Kapanskis" all get poorer.  What about Massachusetts' billionaire John Forbes Kerry, who in the first couple of months of 2021 had millions of dollars in investments in the oil and gas industry prior to becoming the nation's first climate change envoy who travels around the world in his gas guzzling private jet?  John Kerry is "ethical" because his Green New Deal policies have more than doubled energy prices in the U.S.A., while the U.S. Government sells its oil reserves to India and China and Joe Biden fist bumps MBS in Saudi Arabia on the world stage.  If John Krol is "unethical", then he must not have the class and status of Pittsfield's Pot King all the way up to John Kerry and Joe Biden!

Jonathan A. Melle


August 29, 2023

Karen Kalinowsky collects a city public pension plus perks.  If she is elected to the position of the Mayor of Pittsfield politics, Karen Kalinowsky will collect the mayoral salary of $115,725 per fiscal year 2024 with future public pay raises through fiscal year 2027, which would be on top of her city pension public pay.  After Karen Kalinowsky would retire as the would-be Mayor of Pittsfield politics, her city pension would double in public pay.  Karen Kalinowsky's OPEB plus city public pension costs would cost taxpayers around $4 million if she lives to an old age of at least 85 years old.  To be clear, the only winner in this scheme would be Karen Kalinowsky.  That is NOT "Budget smart spirit" or "Budget by necessity"!  Rather, it is a local politician enriching herself at the public trough.  Dan Bosley tried to do the same or similar scheme in 2010 when he retired from his position as North Adams State Representative and campaigned for Berkshire County Sheriff.  Dan Bosley has collected his state pension for over one dozen years now, and he is a greedy registered lobbyist in Boston who cashes in on Beacon Hill with a 6-figure lobbyist salary.  Career politicians are the WORST!

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: "Stop protecting incumbents from elections"
The Berkshire Eagle, August 29, 2023

To the editor: Massachusetts lawmakers rarely face challengers for their seat.

In the 2022 election, 64 percent of state legislators were reelected without having to defend their record. Only one member of the Berkshire delegation faced opposition in the primary. Every member of the delegation was easily reelected or, even better, moved to the upper chamber. We have a one-party Legislature that, at great expense, does very little very slowly.

This is not good for democracy. The only way to hold our elected officials accountable to the will of the people they purport to represent is a robust campaign leading to a contested vote. Before we decide whom to support, we should weigh the incumbent’s record and plans for the future versus the challenger’s vision and ability to implement it. Incumbents should not be amassing forbidding war chests to ward off challengers.

Ask yourself when you are invited for the umpteenth time to donate to celebrate your legislator’s birthday, as if our representatives were celebrities instead of public servants, or for a picnic, or just because, why you are doing so. Are you unwittingly undermining democracy in order to stay in the good graces of your legislator? Are you buying access? A coveted spot on speed dial? Are you unwittingly helping them to preemptively ward off challengers?

Every member of our delegation has a lot of money in the bank; the total is well over $200,000, and yet they keep going back to the well. Just this week, I and many of you received an “invitation” to join our state senator at a “campaign” event at a bar on Beacon Hill. Suggested donation: $200 to $1,000. What “campaign”? Why in Boston, 150 miles away? More convenient for lobbyists and influencers?

For those concerned that American democracy is in deep trouble and want to know what we as individuals can do to improve the situation, here is a proposal, modest and realistic: Stop capitulating to the incessant trawling for “campaign donations” unless and until there is an actual contested campaign. Get familiar with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance’s website. See how much money your legislators have on hand and who is funding them.

Tell your legislators that you will be happy to donate to the better candidate in a contested election and that in the meantime they should focus on doing the job rather than fundraising.

Jeanne Kempthorne, Pittsfield


August 30, 2023

PEDA is 25 years old.  That is a little over 4 years longer than Smitty Pignatelli has been in Boston.  I don't know which one is the bigger debacle.  PEDA has millions of dollars in always increasing unfunded liabilities.  Smitty Pignatelli and his fellow corrupt career politicians in Boston are still sitting on over $7.22 billion in surplus state cash.  PEDA is polluted with GE's PCBs.  Boston is corrupt and secretive, and the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown gives away tens of billions of dollars in state tax breaks every two years to his wealthy campaign donors.  The only thing that is worse than PEDA and Smitty Pignatelli is Jimmy Ruberto's Rolodex!

Jonathan A. Melle


August 30, 2023

If/when Karen Kalinowsky is a would-be Mayor of Pittsfield politics, she could use the "I was given incorrect information" card when the shit hits the fan.  Let us not forget that Karen Kalinowsky's whole campaign for Mayor of Pittsfield politics is based on her being outgoing Mayor Linda Tyer's biggest critic.  Karen Kalinowsky says that she will "budget by necessity", but I wonder if she thinks it is necessary for her to collect her city public plus perks which would be on top of the mayoral salary of $115,725 per fiscal year 2024 with annual public pay raises built in over the next couple of fiscal years.  If/when she would step down from the mayor's office, Karen Kalinowsky would double her city pension.  Karen Kalinowsky makes state public pensioner and greedy registered lobbyist Dan Bosley blush due to her own greed-ball schemes to enrich herself at the public trough.

Jonathan A. Melle


September 4, 2023

Mr. Fritz, I still like you despite you calling me a scam artist - but I, Jon Melle, served our country honorably in the U.S. Army and received the regards of the U.S. President (GWB) in a letter from the White House.  Am I the only service connected Veteran who is a scam artist, according to you, or are other service connected Veterans also scam artists, according to you?  Joe Biden had Asthma when his draft number was called.  Donald Trump bone spurs when his draft number was called.  Obama and Bill Clinton are not Veterans.  George W. Bush served in the U.S. Army, but there were reports that he was AWOL.  His father, George H.W. Bush, is a WW2 Veteran.  Ronald Reagan is not a Veteran.  Jimmy Carter is a non-combat Veteran.  Compared to the aforementioned U.S. Presidents, I am a non-combat Veteran who served 1 year and 9 months in the military.  I am no JFK.  I am no George H.W. Bush.  I am certainly no Dwight Eisenhower.  I am very grateful for the VA honoring my honorable military service.  I would be at risk of being homeless without my service connection VA benefits.  I would go back to me living a distressed life.  If I were a homeless Veteran, I could live on a sidewalk on the corner of First and Fenn Street in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  All of my old friends and foes in Pittsfield could watch me shit on the pavement.  In my state of banality, maybe Pittsfield's Pot King could give me a joint to smoke out of charity for all of the abuse he gave me since the Spring of 1996 when I was only 20 years old and my dad, Bob, began his political campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000),  Would you, Mr. Fritz, still call me - Jon Melle - a scam artist if I wasted away on the inner-city streets of Pittsfield?  My last breath to you would be, I still like you Mr. Fritz, but I will never like Pittsfield's Pot King!  Jon Melle

Jonathan A. Melle


September 5, 2023

In Pittsfield politics, every citywide election is always decided by the (mostly middle-class) voters of Ward 4 with a marginal impact from the voters of Ward 3, going back decades in time.  The rest of the city's wards do not matter in terms of deciding who the next Mayor, 4 at large City Councilors, and 6 "Level 5" School Committee members will be, as well as the Pittsfield's State Representative to Boston's corrupt and secretive Statehouse, who resides in Ward 4, of course.

Peter Marchetti ran for Mayor of Pittsfield politics in 2011, but he lost to Dan Bianchi back then.  Peter Marchetti would collect a 6-figure city public pension plus perks if he wins the mayoral election in 2023 and serves one or two 4-year terms in the corner office.  John Krol would make his comeback in Pittsfield politics if he wins.  Karen Kalinowsky would double dip by collecting her existing city public pension plus perks on top of the mayoral salary of $115,725 per fiscal year 2024, and after she retires all over again, she would double her city public pension.

Jonathan A. Melle


September 6, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I read the news article in the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) rag (newspaper) today that covered the September 5th, 2023, preliminary mayoral debate between Peter Marchetti, John Krol, and Karen Kalinowsky.  My thoughts about their answers about Pittsfield are misguided.  Of course, Pittsfield (Massachusetts) is a city plagued by violent crime, poverty, homelessness, economic inequality, Level 5 public schools, a downtown that is sarcastically called "Social Services Alley", the distressed inner-city neighborhoods that surround North Street that are sarcastically called "The Ring of Poverty", the 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with its always increasing millions of dollars in unfunded liabilities (debts), Nuciforo's "Berkshire Roots" Pittsfield Pot Kingdom stinking up nearby residential neighborhoods with his unpleasant odors from his single largest marijuana growing operations in Berkshire County, the city government's bloated $205.6 million municipal operating budget, the city government's hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts plus OPEB unfunded liabilities (debts), 50 years of severe population loss along with thousands of lost living wage jobs that never return in our nation's "rust belt" postindustrial wastelands, Senior Citizens and disability recipients being used as the city's ATM, the elitist snobs in Boston, such as greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley, making a systemic mockery of Pittsfield (and Gateway Cities like it) with the state's (voluntary) regressive taxation schemes such as the 51-year-old state lottery SCAM that allows greed-ball lobbyist Dan Bosley to give his wealthy big business clients in Boston many millions of dollars in additional state tax breaks, while the low- to moderate-income mostly financially illiterate residents, such as "Jon Melle" of (native hometown) Pittsfield, do not understand that they are the target of snobbery and inequitable public policies that make a mockery of them.  I only understand all of these financial shell games because I have a Master of Public Administration degree from UMass Amherst (May 1999).  To be clear, the corrupt career politicians on secretive Beacon Hill only do DISSERVICES to the common people and taxpayers of Massachusetts.  To be clear, the corrupt career politicians on Beacon Hill do nothing but enrich themselves and their wealthy campaign donors via greedy lobbyists such as Dan Bosley at the public trough, while the rest of us pound sand.

This is how state and local government is supposed to work in Pittsfield, Massachusetts:

The voters of Pittsfield elect good men and women to represent their economic and financial interests in City Hall and in the Boston Statehouse.  In return for the common people and taxpayers' hard-earned tax dollars, the good politicians return the favor by investing the city and state government's limited economic and financial resources in people and the community so that Pittsfield would be - in a perfect world - a safe community with Level 1 public schools and small businesses that provide workers with living wage jobs and benefits.  The people and taxpayers are supposed to be treated by the elites as the community's most valuable resource - because they are just that in Pittsfield.

In terms of the environment, the state and local government officials should tell the truth that Pittsfield is GE's toxic waste dump full of GE's industrial chemical waste called PCBs, and that the capped landfills are a ticking time bomb that will set off more public health crises, especially learning disabilities (brain damage) and cancer cluster cases.  The state and local government officials should shutdown the PEDA debacle because it is polluted and heavily indebted, and PEDA should be turned over to the EPA as a Superfund site.

State and local officials should stop all of the tax giveaways that amounts to tens of billions of dollars of Reverse Robin Hood every two years that benefits big businesses that do not exist in most regions of the state, especially mostly rural Western Massachusetts.  State and local officials educate the people and taxpayers about all of the state's (voluntary) and disingenuous regressive schemes such as the inequitable state lottery SCAM that is nothing more than regressive taxation that exploits the poorest residents of the state to make greed-ball Dan Bosley rich, along with his wealthy big business clients.  Moreover, there are some registered lobbyists in Boston who earn 7-figure salaries by legally bribing the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown, who sells out his constituents and shakes down anyone and everyone.

In closing, the reason why I have been a supporter of Mayor Linda Tyer over the past 20 years is that she understands public management.  In all of the news articles I have read, Mayor Linda Tyer has said most to all of the aforementioned idealistic words.  She has a compassionate side to her in government, and she always took the time to invest in people and the community, including the poorest people and neighborhoods.  I hope that Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey offers Linda Tyer an important administrative job in her administration in early-January 2024 because Linda Tyer has received praise from state and local officials throughout Massachusetts, and she is a hidden gem in Massachusetts.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


September 6th, 2023

Posted on "Planet Valenti" blog comment section: I promise to always post under my own name - unlike Eric SwanSIN the SINNER! I am a Have Not, therefore I cannot promise to put $50,000 into a campaign account to go all around Pittsfield and tell voters that if I paste wings on PIGS then they will fly all around the city, and that I will give residents who vote for "Jon Melle for Mayor of Pittsfield politics" umbrellas to keep them from all of the PIG yellow rain and brown SHIT that would fall on their heads, especially the voters in Ward 4.  I wonder if greed-ball lobbyist Dan Bosley would donate money to my would-be campaign, but I would not give him an umbrella because he resides in North Adams and Boston.      I would give Richie Neal a couple of Quarters to play PAC Man.  I would sell HOT AIR to Ed Markey when he is not at his home in Chevy Chase, Maryland,  I would give Joe Biden a "Get out of Jail Free card" from Monopoly for his son, Hunter Biden.  Jon Melle


September 9, 2023

Re: "Luciforo's" new mansion

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior aka "Luciforo" aka "Pittsfield's Pot King" spent a little less than $1 million to purchase a home 0.3 miles from Mayor Linda Tyer and multimillionaire CPA Barry Clairmont's mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College near the border with Hancock, Massachusetts.


George C. Whaling and Karen C. Gomula sold property at 4 Southbrook Lane, Pittsfield [Massachusetts], to Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., trustee, EEM NT, $950,000.

Source: Berkshire County Real Estate Transactions for August 21 - 25, 2023, by Jeannie Maschino, September 09, 2023.


Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. served as a Berkshire-based State Senator to Boston from 1997 - 2006.  Nuciforo had to step down from his aforementioned elected position because he was allegedly illegally double dipping as the Chair of the State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time, he worked as a private Attorney for Boston's big banks and insurance companies (1999 - 2006) for the Boston Law Firm Berman and Dowell.  Nuciforo never faced legal charges for his unethical and disgraced political career.

Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., who controversially anointed himself as the Middle Berkshire Registrar of Deeds in Pittsfield by strong-arming two women candidates named Registry staff member Sharon Henault and former Pittsfield Mayor Sara Hathaway out of the 2006 state government so-called election.  In early-January 2007, the Boston Globe reported that Nuciforo lobbied the then new Governor Deval Patrick for the nomination to the position of Commissioner of Insurance, but Nuciforo was not nominated, and he stayed at the Registry of Deeds for the next 6 years.

For 6 years from 2007 to 2012, Nuciforo plotted to oust the now late-John W. Olver from his elected position in U.S. Congress, but due to redistricting, Olver retired from the U.S. House of Representatives, which led Nuciforo to challenge Richard E. Neal in the 2012 primary election, which Nuciforo lost by 40 percentage points to Congressman Richie Neal.  The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) called Nuciforo "a fringe politician".

In late-winter, early-spring 2017, Nuciforo used his political connections in Pittsfield and Boston to be one of the first marijuana businesses to receive permits to open "Berkshire Roots" in Pittsfield and then in Boston.  When Mayor Linda Tyer won the mayoral election in 2015, Nuciforo was pictured in the news media online photos at her swearing in ceremony in early-January 2016.

Nuciforo's marijuana growing buildings on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield are the single largest grower of marijuana in Berkshire County, Massachusetts.  The nearby residential neighborhoods that surround "Berkshire Roots" on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, have long complained to no avail about Nuciforo's unpleasant marijuana growing odors.  Of course, Southbrook Lane in Pittsfield is not near Nuciforo's "Berkshire Roots" marijuana growing building on Dalton Avenue.  Of course, the homes near "Berkshire Roots" on Dalton Avenue are not mansions in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood.

My personal story about Nuciforo goes back to the Spring 1996 when I was only a 20-year-old man back then.  My dad, Bob, campaigned for Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000), and Nuciforo campaigned for Berkshire-based State Senator, despite that he really lived full-time in Boston, but his late-father was a Pittsfield State Senator several decades prior to 1996 so he had an inside track with his late-father's voting bloc.  Ever since I first met Nuciforo over 27 years ago now, Nuciforo conspiratorially had people connected to his Pittsfield political family's network hurt, bully, harass and even threaten to assault me for many years of my then young adult life.

From the Fall 1997 - Spring 1998, Nuciforo filed multiple state "ethics" reports - the irony - against my dad, Bob, to multiple state government agencies from Pittsfield to Boston to try to have my dad fired from his state government job in the Probation Department at the Pittsfield District Courthouse, and force my dad to resign his elected position on the Berkshire County Commission.  Nuciforo, along with then North Adams State Representative Dan Bosley, who is now a greedy registered lobbyist on Beacon Hill, abolished Berkshire County Government effective July 1, 2000.  The state government assumed the administrative duties of Berkshire County Government since then.  Thankfully, Nuciforo's persecution of my dad, Bob, was ineffective.

During the Summer 1997, Nuciforo gave me a hostile stare after the promotional swearing in of Judge Francis Spina on the grounds of the Pittsfield Courthouse.  During the North Adams Fall Foliage Parade in 1997, Nuciforo, with his then legislative aide Sara Hathaway at his side, broke his parade route and threateningly walk towards me like he was going to assault me, but my cousin and Uncle from Saratoga Springs stepped in front of me, and then Nuciforo and Sara Hathaway proceeded to walk back to their parade route.  Sara Hathaway never told Nuciforo to stop.

For one year and 6-months, Nuciforo conspiratorially had people connected to his political network abuse me, and then Nuciforo began to abuse me himself, and then he filed "ethics" reports against my dad, Bob.  On May 20th, 1998, Nuciforo made false allegations against me to the Pittsfield Police Department that I made "veiled threats" against him.  My dad, Bob, found out about Nuciforo's false allegations at his job in Pittsfield Courthouse, and my dad said Nuciforo never expressed any of his concerns to him, despite their communication in government back then.  My dad told me to stay away from Nuciforo.  Thankfully, Nuciforo's persecution of me was ineffective.

When I graduated from UMass Amherst with a Master of Public Administration degree in May 1999, Nuciforo blacklisted me from employment in the Berkshires back then.  In the Fall 1999, I joined the U.S. Army, where I served for 1 year 9 months, and I received an honorable discharge, and I am a 100 percent totally and permanently disabled Veteran since July 8, 2001.  I moved from the Berkshires to Amherst, New Hampshire during the early-Spring 2004 to live with my family who previously recently relocated to Southern New Hampshire from the Berkshires back then.

On July 23rd, 2005, which was my 30th birthday, the Massachusetts Democratic Party held a gathering at Bousquet in Pittsfield.  Following that function, I heard reports from attendees that Denis E. Guyer, who was a Dalton State Representative who was married to Allison Crane of the Crane and Company wealthy family back then, allegedly said that "All Jonathan Melle ever did was stalk a Jewish woman from Otis [Massachusetts]".  I did not even live in the Berkshires anymore, but I was still being abused there.  Denis E. Guyer later told me that he never spoke those hurtful words against me.

The woman was married during the Summer 2002.  The woman's father worked as an environmental science Professor at Berkshire Community College for decades with Nuciforo's now late-Aunt Anne Everest Wojtkowski back when I was a young man.  The woman's father bullied and threatened to assault me for several years of my then young adult life back then.  I was set up by Nuciforo back then, and then they used it all to hurt me.

In counseling, I have been told that what Nuciforo has done to hurt me is mean-spirited, and that while what happened to me over so many years of my life took place within the context of politics, it was not politics, but, once again, it was mean-spirited.  In counseling, I have been told that I am a person and Veteran who has faced unusual events in my life.  I was told that even though I say that I am a persecuted person, these were unusual events in my life.

Neither Nuciforo nor any of his bullies in his conspiratorial network ever once apologized to me for hurting me.  During Nuciforo's campaign to oust Richie Neal from U.S. Congress, the Springfield editorial wrote that Nuciforo's campaign was mean-spirited.  I wonder if my dad, Bob, and I are the only ones who Nuciforo has hurt.  My brother told me that Nuciforo probably hurt many people over the years.  The abuse I have endured from Nuciforo never really ended all of these years later in the late-Summer 2023.

In closing, I hope that Nuciforo and his family enjoys their new almost $1 million mansion within walking distance from Mayor Linda Tyer's mansion on Pheasant Lane in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood.  If there is an afterlife with a place called Hell, I hope that "Luciforo" rots in Hell for eternity for being a mean-spirited Son of a Bitch!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


September 15, 2023

Outgoing Ward 2 City Councilor Charles Ivar Kronick is a powerful voice of dissent against Mayor Linda Tyer and her six rubber stamp City Councilors.  I agree with most of what he had to say in Pittsfield politics over the past two years.  He reminded me of Chris Connell's leadership in Pittsfield politics.

I also think that Mayor Linda Tyer's leadership and public management is effective.  She was the only competent mayor in over a generation of failed leadership in Pittsfield politics.

I do not like that dissenting voices are supporting candidates who are running against Mayor Linda Tyer's record because they have not proven themselves as a coalition in power in Pittsfield politics.

To illustrate, retired Pittsfield Police Officer Karen Kalinowsky's whole campaign is based on her criticizing Mayor Linda Tyer, but she herself is looking to cash in on the mayor's $115,725 public pay, which would be on top of whatever her city public pension plus perks are, which would double her city public pension after she would retire all over again as the future outgoing would-be Mayor of Pittsfield.

Alex Blumin would represent the public interests of Ward 2, which is the poorest Ward in the distressed and severely unequal economy of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  The other two candidates for Ward 2 City Council would also speak for their constituents in Pittsfield politics.

Jonathan A. Melle


September 17, 2023

Hello Editor(s) of the the Berkshire Eagle,

The FTX cryptocurrency scam shafted investors out of over $8 billion, among other victims who Sam Bankman-Fried hurt with the loss of tens of billions of dollars in a company that never hired an accredited accountant to manage the bankrupted company's "cooked books", which was most likely on purpose.  The young adults who ran FTX are facing federal indictments, plea bargain agreements, upcoming trials, and many years in federal prison.  Ryan Salame is from Berkshire County, Massachusetts, which the Berkshire Eagle newspaper covers.

There is another scam artist and disgraced former corrupt politician turned Pittsfield Pot King in Berkshire County named Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior who is also known as "Luciforo" who has a questionable public record in Pittsfield politics all the way east to Boston in Massachusetts state politics.  I have written to the Eagle and many others over many years now about Nuciforo's political corruption, scams and reputation as a mean-spirited and conspiratorial bully who hurts anyone and everyone who stands in his way of money and power.

Unlike Ryan Salame, Nuciforo gets to do whatever the Hell he wants and he never faces any consequences for his actions in politics and the pot business.  The Eagle wrote about how Alex Morse was the target of a homophobic smear campaign by Massachusetts State Democratic Party Officials in Boston during the Summer 2020 prior to his primary election versus Congressman Richie Neal.  The Eagle covered Mayor Linda Tyer's third husband - the multimillionaire CPA - Barry Clairmont's civil lawsuit against Melissa Mazzeo for the alleged defamation of his reputation and alleged financial losses to his accounting firm.  The Eagle never covered my allegations that Nuciforo conspiratorially persecuted me since I was only 20 years old in the Spring 1996, which is a little less than 27.5 years now.  I must be invisible to the Eagle and others in this otherwise cruel world.

A little over one week ago, the Eagle reported that Nuciforo bought a $950,000 mansion in Pittsfield's elitist gated community neighborhood that Mayor Linda Tyer and Barry Clairmont also live in.  Nuciforo's pot company named "Berkshire Roots" must have made him a multimillionaire similar to how Barry Clairmont's accounting firm made him a multimillionaire.  Are Nuciforo's books cooked?  How did Nuciforo found his Pittsfield Pot Kingdom with a second dispensary in East Boston with such deep pockets of cash?  Who were the investors who put their cash into "Berkshire Roots" and how did Nuciforo pay them back since early-2017?  Did Nuciforo's connections with Boston's big banks and insurance companies factor into his path to pot glory?

It is unbelievable to me how the Eagle defended Alex Morse, but I never counted.  It is unbelievable to me how the Eagle covers Barry Clairmont's ongoing civil lawsuit against Melissa Mazzeo over her free speech in Pittsfield politics, but I never counted.  It is unbelievable to me how the Eagle writes about Ryan Salame, but Nuciforo purchased himself a mansion with his pot cash without any question from the Eagle and others about his political corruption, scams and his reputation of being a mean-spirited and conspiratorial bully who hurts people he dislikes.

Jonathan A. Melle


Our Opinion: "The public deserves to know just how good Salame's plea deal is"
The Berkshire Eagle, Editorial, September 15, 2023

As the fallout for former FTX executive Ryan Salame and his extensive portfolio unfolds, it’s sad but unsurprising that this fallout is being felt in Lenox, where Mr. Salame owns a tidy empire of downtown eateries.

As part of an agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, Mr. Salame last week pleaded guilty to one criminal count each of making unlawful political contributions and conspiring to run an unlicensed money transmitting business. The government claims that Mr. Salame is liable for more than $1.5 billion as a result of his activities. He is a former CEO of FTX Digital Markets and a close colleague of financial wunderkind-turned-pariah Sam Bankman-Fried. Presumably, the government believes that Mr. Bankman-Fried at least shares Mr. Salame’s liability.

If Mr. Salame cooperates with prosecutors and abides by the conditions of a forfeiture order, though, he will be relieved of about 99 percent of his monetary liability. Mr. Salame agreed to pay $6 million and turn over a handful of his properties to the federal government by March 6, his scheduled sentencing date. In addition to forfeiture, Mr. Salame also faces up to 10 years in federal prison as punishment for the crimes he has admitted.

The properties Salame must forfeit include The Olde Heritage Tavern — the 12 Housatonic St. property in Lenox considered to be the crown jewel of his restaurant holdings — as well as a Lenox residence on Tucker Street and his ownership and equity in the East Rood Farm Corp. based at his family homestead on 74 Rood Hill Road in Sandisfield. He also must turn over his 2021 Porsche 911 Turbo.

For those keeping score at home, those forfeitures might make for an impressive portfolio for anyone who isn’t a CEO for a shady crypto company. However, their cumulative worth probably does not add up to 1 percent of the $1,555,186,143 the U.S. government is seeking to recover. If Mr. Salame turns over the ordered properties and payment — and his declaration of his financial status as of Sept. 7 is found to be truthful — he will walk away from more than $1.5 billion of liability. To be sure, part of this equation is prosecutors offering a carrot along with the stick so as to incentivize Mr. Salame’s cooperation and testimony in the ongoing cases against even bigger fish in the FTX pond — particularly Mr. Bankman-Fried. And it is worth noting that Mr. Salame reached out to authorities as a whistleblower as the bottom began to fall out for FTX, though any praise for that effort is sharply tempered by the fact that he did so at the last possible moment before the cryptocurrency exchange’s implosion became public.

If the plea agreement holds through his sentencing in March, it’s safe to say Mr. Salame — who took out a $55 million loan from FTX’s hedge fund subsidiary and also received an additional $30 million in bonuses — will have received a big deal, at least when comparing the total sum the government is seeking to recover minus what he’s been ordered to pay and forfeit.

While we’re familiar with Mr. Salame’s Berkshire properties, we aren’t aware of the full scope his portfolio — although the federal government should be if Mr. Salame was honest in completing an affidavit that describes his current finances. (And if he was less than honest, he could pay a $1.5 billion penalty over it.)

What are the other properties Mr. Salame holds, and just how big of a “carrot” is the government extending with this deal? Lenox gets some sense of closure regarding the fate of the Olde Heritage Tavern, but not on the multiple other downtown Lenox commercial properties owned by Mr. Salame and operated under various corporate entities — what about those?

As the title “United States of America v. Ryan Salame” implies, prosecutors are pursuing this case not just on behalf of those fleeced by FTX’s ethically bankrupt and financially disastrous practices but the American public as well. The public therefore deserves some indication from the SDNY U.S Attorney’s Office as to how a full accounting adds up regarding the contours of this deal and Mr. Salame’s total assets. One is left wondering if, for Mr. Salame, crime pays. Right now, we can’t tell — and in this particular case, we the people deserve to know.


September 18, 2023

The most valuable resource in Pittsfield is the people and taxpayers who live in Pittsfield.  In return for our taxpayer dollars, Pittsfield should return the favor and invest in people, the state government - Tricia Farley-Bouvier and Paul Mark - should invest in the community, and the federal government - "PAC Man" Richie Neal, Ed "Maryland" Markey, and Elizabeth "not on Main Street" Warren should represent the public interests of the nation's postindustrial rust belt that defines post-GE Pittsfield, along with the rural Berkshire region that surrounds Pittsfield.

Instead, Pittsfield has an outgoing Mayor, Linda Tyer, who lives in a mansion in an elitist Gated Community within 0.3 miles from Pittsfield's Pot King's newly purchased $950,000 mansion.  Tricia Farley-Bouvier's only state legislative priority is to legalize sex work because everyone enjoys a Happy Ending, Paul Mark is Karen Spilka's biggest rubber stamp, Richie Neal cashes in on K Street in the Swamp, Ed Markey spews HOT AIR from his suburban home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and Elizabeth Warren supports Joe Biden in the White House because his presidential campaigns take in more money from Wall Street and K Street than any other politician in U.S. history.

There is NOBODY representing the people and taxpayers who live in Pittsfield, Massachusetts!  Ergo, Pittsfield's most valuable resource - the people and taxpayers of Pittsfield - are NOT being invested in by the ruling elites from Pittsfield to Boston to the Swamp.

Jonathan A. Melle


September 18, 2023

Pittsfield politics preliminary election 2023:

Vote for Peter Marchetti so he can collect a 6-figure city pension plus perks for life 4 or 8 years from now.

Vote for John Krol so he can make his mid-life comeback in Pittsfield politics.  There was a middle-aged mystery man from Texas who lives in Naples, Florida, who did the same thing 20 years ago, who is infamously known for his Rolodex and failed downtown Renaissance.

Vote for Karen Kalinowsky so she can collect her existing city public pension on top of the $115,725 mayoral public pay, which would double her city pension in 4 or 8 years from now.

Write in Mickey Mouse for Mayor of Pittsfield to send a message to Peter, John and Karen that they all represent the rock bottom of the downward spiral in Pittsfield politics!

Jon Melle


September 18, 2023

Pittsfield politics equals PTSD:
* Level 5 public schools
* Top 10 city in Massachusetts for violent crime
* The 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in debts
* The $205.6 million municipal operating budget in return for the same old "shit sandwich" going back 60 years in time
* The hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debt and unfunded OPEB liabilities
* Pittsfield's Pot King living in a mansion near Mayor Linda Tyer's mansion in the city's elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of BCC that is far away from his 3 story pot growing building on Dalton Avenue that stinks up nearby neighborhoods with his unpleasant pot growing odors
* North Street aka "Social Services Alley" with "The Ring of Poverty" inner-city distressed neighborhoods that surround downtown Pittsfield
* Barry Clairmont suing Melissa Mazzeo for her publicly saying he was in the City Clerk's Office near the ballots close to the 2019 general election that his second wife won
* Tricia Farley-Bouvier telling her constituents in Pittsfield that her only state legislative priority in Boston is to legalize sex work
* Jimmy Ruberto's notorious "Rolodex" and failed downtown Renaissance, along with his letters signed from Naples, Florida and Lenox
* The last 4 mayors also known as "Barstool", "Aberration", "Rolodex", and "Bust"
* The city's ongoing homelessness crisis that does NOT attract economic growth
* The Godfather-like 4 families who have run Pittsfield into the ditch, while they purchase mansions, or live in Naples, Florida, or give out-of-town multimillionaires huge city tax breaks, and who sues Melissa Mazzeo over Free Speech

Jon Melle


September 18, 2023

John Krol's quote: “Our downtown needs our help. Downtown needs our help. Yes, we went through our revitalization in the mid-2000s. But boy, we got empty storefronts, we have an empty Wright Building, we have a lot of challenges.”

What is wrong with John Krol's quote? Answer: The so-called "Ruberto Renaissance" of downtown Pittsfield only worked for a few short years with a lot of taxpayer dollars in the tens of millions of dollars, but then it failed many years ago now.  During Jimmy Ruberto's 8 years as Mayor of Pittsfield, the city saw thousands of people move away and hundreds of lost living wage jobs, while local taxes always increased - the worst of both worlds.

Jimmy Ruberto never owned a home, nor rented an apartment, in Pittsfield in his life.  As man who was in his 50s in the early-2000s, he moved into his mother's Pittsfield home after he relocated from Texas.  Jimmy Ruberto always lived in an upscale condo unit in Naples, Florida.  After he sold his late-mother's Pittsfield home sometime around 2019, Jimmy Ruberto purchased a $490,000 condo unit in Lenox as a part-time resident there with cold hard cash.

John Krol's praise of Jimmy Ruberto tells me that he is a dupe who will allow Pittsfield's "Godfather" to continue his legacy of Good Old Boys Pittsfield politics that has failed the city over the past 60 years.  If there were any candidate whom I would NEVER support for elected office, it is John Krol.

Pittsfield politics needs change!  I am unhappy with John Krol, Peter Marchetti and Karen Kalinowsky.  I am happy that I live in Amherst, NH, so I don't have to dodge bullets, get stabbed to death, or otherwise risk my life as a would-be resident of my distressed native hometown: Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  

Jimmy Ruberto was not, is not, and will never be the answer to Pittsfield politics!  Move on from Jimmy Ruberto already, please!

Jon Melle


September 19, 2023

Hello Brenna Ransden at Act on Mass,

Your political email on Monday, 9/18/2023, about a hearing on Wednesday, 9/20 at 1pm, for a bill to guarantee state house staff the right to unionize led me to ask you if you could look into how many (greedy) lobbyists there are on Beacon Hill versus how many state house and state senate staff members there are on Beacon Hill.  I wonder how much money does the highest paid (greedy) lobbyist take in versus the highest paid state house and state senate staffer.  I wonder what is the median income of the (greedy) lobbyists versus the staffers.

I read that some of the highest paid (greedy) lobbyists on Beacon Hill earn 7-figure salaries.  I read that many of the (greedy) lobbyists earn 6-figure salaries.  Some of the (greedy) lobbyists such as Dan Bosley collect a state public pension plus perks that is on top of their (greedy) lobbyist salaries.  I read that Beacon Hill lawmakers giveaway tens of billions of dollars in state tax breaks to their wealthy campaign donors during every two-year state legislative session.  The problem with "pay to play" state government is that there are regions of Massachusetts, such as the beautiful Berkshires, where big banks and insurance companies and the like do not exist.

Beacon Hill lawmakers are all about the almighty dollar and political power so that they can sit on their fat asses in elected office for life.  To illustrate, Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli has been in Boston for over 20 years now, and I predict that he will continue to be a corrupt career politician there for another 20 years until the early-to-mid-2040s when he will be in his 80s.  Smitty Pignatelli has always voted down Sunshine Laws on Beacon Hill.  Smitty Pignatelli voted for Speaker turned convicted Felon Tom Finneran, as well as Speaker turned convicted Felon Sal DiMasi.  Smitty Pignatelli has voted for and happily accepted countless public pay raises plus perks.  Smitty Pignatelli has enriched himself at the public trough, while doing nothing but DISSERVICES against the people and taxpayers he supposedly represents in Massachusetts State Government.

I support your public advocacy on behalf of the people and taxpayers of Massachusetts, but until your organization ousts corrupt career politicians such as Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli, then nothing will change on Beacon Hill - except for all of the HOT AIR, of course.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Monday, September 18, 2023

TAKE ACTION: Sunlight Agenda hearing this Wednesday

Dear Jonathan,

This Wednesday at 1pm, the State House is holding a hearing for our Sunlight Agenda bill to guarantee state house staff the right to unionize (S.2014/H.3069). The hearing will take place both virtually and at the State House, in Hearing Room A-1. 

Can you join me in signing up to testify before the committee in support of the Massachusetts State House Employees Union (MSHEU) on Wednesday? If you’re able to come to the State House, be sure to say hi — I’ll be the one wearing an Act on Mass sticker!


If you’re unable to attend the hearing, you are still able to submit written testimony by 5PM on Wednesday, 9/20


With reports of underpayment and unequal payment, long hours, racial and gender discrimination and more, State House staff deserve the right to collectively bargain for better work conditions.

Let’s make our solidarity for the MSHEU loud and clear by testifying in support of S.2014/H.3069.

See you on Beacon Hill,

Brenna Ransden (she/her)

Organizing Director


September 20, 2023

Only one out of five registered voters actually vote in municipal elections in Pittsfield politics - give or take a few percentage points - because Ward 4 always decides the winners of citywide elections.  The city's other six wards do not really matter in citywide elections.  Ward 4 controls the outcome of the mayoral, at-large city councilors, Ward 4 City Councilor, and the six (Level 5) School Committee members.  Then there is the issue of campaign dollars.  Who will raise the big buck$ between now and the general election?  Then there is the issue of social media outreach.  Who will be on social media to sell their campaign messages to the voters?

In 2011, Peter Marchetti lost to Dan Bianchi because he did not stand for anything that the voters wanted out of Pittsfield politics.  Will he make the same mistake 12 years later in 2023 with John Krol?  Peter Marchetti touts his financial management experience and expertise, along with his many years of being involved in community events.  John Krol touts that he will be the most accessible mayor ever, and that he will revitalize the city's distressed economy.  Lastly, I always ask the age old question: What ever happened to investing in people who are the community's most valuable resource?

Jon Melle


September 21, 2023

Meanwhile, Pittsfield's Pot King recently purchased a $950,000 mansion that is 0.3 miles from Mayor Linda Tyer's mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of BCC.  Who invested in "Luciforo's" "Berkshire Roots" marijuana business?  Wasn't Nuciforo an alleged illegal double dipper with Boston's big banks and insurance companies in the mid-2000s?  Didn't the King of Pot in Pittsfield use his political connections in Pittsfield and Boston alike to cash in on the green products?  Compared to John Krol's alleged "theft" of $6,800, Nuciforo's story of political corruption and his Pittsfield Pot Kingdom is huge!  BUT, But, but, Nuciforo is a Good Old Boy Democratic Party Prince of Pittsfield politics, unlike John Krol.

Jonathan A. Melle


September 21, 2023

Re: Jon Melle's thoughts on John Krol's radio interview

My thoughts on John Krol's radio interview are that he has enemies in Pittsfield politics.  Unfortunately, Jon Melle has gone through similar unusual and mean-spirited events in Pittsfield politics since I was only 20 years old in the Spring 1996 - I am now 48 in the late-summer 2023 - thanks to a 4 foot piece of poop that walks around Pittsfield and Boston in the form of a man.

I do not understand why Barry Clairmont is suing Melissa Mazzeo for defamation of his reputation.  I don't understand why John Krol will pursue a defamation civil suit against the named and unnamed people in the Dirty Bird's so-called "hit piece".  The best thing I have done is to write, email and blog about how I am a persecuted person in Pittsfield politics.  People who care about Pittsfield politics know that I was hurt because my dad, Bob, was a Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000).

I disagree with John Krol that he is not part of the political machine because he is endorsed by Jimmy Ruberto and Melissa Mazzeo.  He is not part of the political machine that is currently in power in Pittsfield politics.  In all levels of politics, I feel like at the end of the day, the ruling elites are all in collusion to enrich themselves and their wealthy campaign donors at the public trough, while the rest of us pound sand.

Lastly, I agree with John Krol that most people avoid politics because of the cut throat actions of a few insiders who hurt anyone who stands in their way of power and money.

Jon Melle


Letter: "Voter turnout for Pittsfield preliminary was dismal"
The Berkshire Eagle, September 21, 2023

To the editor: It was a really sad showing in terms of Pittsfield voter turnout on Tuesday. (“Mayoral candidate Peter Marchetti wins lion’s share of votes in preliminary election and ward races see narrowed fields,” Eagle, Sept. 20.)

It shows younger voters we are a bunch of hypocrites, as we are trying to instill the voting process as the American way.

Pittsfield politics are a joke. We want change, we want lower taxes, real representation, we complain and do nothing to change it.

When the final vote comes in the November general election, remember the people who have been running it for their purpose, not ours. If that is what you want, oh well, stop complaining and watch the multitude of seniors losing their homes, businesses not moving in, city of useless bike paths, schools given free rein of unlimited spending that goes nowhere.

They talk of air conditioning Pittsfield High School when new units at Taconic High School are not working.

Voters of Pittsfield better wake up. You will never know if change will work unless you vote for it.

The present regime is not getting it done. Even if you disagree with me, at least vote.

Maggie Smith, Pittsfield


September 23, 2023

Re: Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.'s Pittsfield Pot Kingdom versus John Krol's "theft" of $6,800

The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) cherry picks who to criticize in Pittsfield politics.  For many years now, I have written, emailed, and blogged about Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's political corruption and his Pittsfield Pot Kingdom.  The Dirty Bird gives "Luciforo" - aka - Pittsfield's Pot King - a free pass, while John Krol receives the harshest of treatment.

Let us review Nuciforo's public record.  First elected in 1996 to the position his late-father of the same name held many years prior - State Senator from Pittsfield - Nuciforo conspiratorially had people in his Pittsfield political network bully, harass and even threaten to physically assault me after I first met him during the Spring 1996 when my dad, Bob, successfully campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire County Commissioner.  I was only 20 years old during the Spring 1996; I am 48 years old on this first day of Autumn 2023.

Nuciforo himself even threatened me twice.  Once during the Summer 1997 after Judge Francis Spina was promoted at the Pittsfield Courthouse when he gave me a long, cold and threatening stare.  The second time, he with Sara Hathaway at his side threatened me by Nuciforo breaking from his Fall Foliage 1997 parade route in North Adams and getting in my personal space with Sara Hathaway never telling Nuciforo to stop.  My Uncle from Saratoga Springs (NY) and my cousin stepped in front of Nuciforo, and then Nuciforo with Sara Hathaway at his side, backed off and they returned to their parade route.

From the Fall 1997 to the Spring 1998, Nuciforo filed multiple state "ethics" complaints against my dad, Bob, to multiple state agencies in Massachusetts to try to get my dad, Bob, fired from his state government probation job that my dad, Bob, held since early-December 1970, and to force my dad, Bob's, resignation from his elected position as a Berkshire County Commissioner.  Thankfully, Nuciforo's plot was ineffective.

Nuciforo did not stop there.  On May 20th, 1998, Nuciforo made secretive and false allegations against me - Jon Melle - to the Pittsfield Police Department that I was making "veiled" threats against him, and that if I entered his State Senate district office, his staff were directed to immediately call the police and I was to be arrested and jailed.  Back then, Nuciforo's closest political ally, the now late Berkshire County Sheriff Carmen Massimiano, Jr., ran the county jail in Pittsfield.  My dad, Bob, had daily communications with Nuciforo and his district office staff back then, but he found out about Nuciforo's plot at his job in the Pittsfield Courthouse, and he told me to stay away from Nuciforo.  Thankfully, Nuciforo's plot was ineffective.

During the Summer 1998, Nuciforo, along with then North Adams State Representative Dan Bosley, filed a rider to the fiscal year 1999 Massachusetts State Budget to abolish Berkshire County Government effective July 1, 2000, and for the state government to take over all administrative duties because - sarcasm - the bureaucrats in Boston know how to manage county government duties better than the people who live in Berkshire County.  For two years from July 1, 2000, to June 30, 2002, Pontoosuc Lake, which sits in both Pittsfield and Lanesborough, was placed in a state accounting agency in Boston, which meant that it was neglected for 2 years, prior to being put into the state environmental agency.

Dan Bosley retired from being a North Adams - he also resides in Boston - State Representative after his term ended in 2010.  In 2010, Dan Bosley unsuccessfully ran for Berkshire County Sheriff against Tom Bowler, who is in his third 6-year term.  Dan Bosley is a greedy registered lobbyist on Beacon Hill and beyond.  Dan Bosley collects a state public pension plus perks, which is on top of his 6-figure lobbyist loot.

Nuciforo's retribution against me when I was a resident of the Berkshires until early-Spring 2004 included him blacklisting me from employment in Pittsfield, having his political network spread vicious and half-truth rumors against me to the Pittsfield area, and then after I moved to Amherst, NH, where my family relocated to back then, Nuciforo and his network still kept up their abuses to hurt me for many years thereafter the early-Spring 2004, but there were and are good people in Pittsfield who apprised me of these ongoing mean-spirited and unusual events, and thankfully, I was defended against the ongoing attacks.  People told me that they were turned off by Nuciforo's uses of retribution.

From 1999 - 2006, Nuciforo allegedly illegally double dipped as the Chair of the State Senate Finance Committee while he at the same time served as a corporate Attorney for the Boston Law Firm "Berman & Dowell" as counsel of Boston's big banks and insurance companies.  Nuciforo's political corruption led him to have to step down from his elected position as a State Senator from Pittsfield - he really always lived Boston as a professional adult - and for him to enter the state government 2006 "election" for Registrar of Deeds in Pittsfield.  Nuciforo strong-armed two women candidates - Sharon Henault and Sara Hathaway - out of the aforementioned "election" to anoint himself to the sinecure.

In January 2007, after Nuciforo became the Registrar of Deeds in Pittsfield, the Boston Globe published a news story that he lobbied the then new Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, to be appointed as the state's Commissioner of Insurance, but Nuciforo was passed over for the position.  The Dirty Bird published an editorial saying that Nuciforo should remain at the Registry of Deeds in Pittsfield.

Over the next 6 years, Nuciforo plotted to oust the now late Congressman John W. Olver from his elected position, but due to the 2012 redistricting, Olver retired from U.S. Congress, and Nuciforo opposed Congressman Richie Neal in the September 2012 primary federal election.  The Dirty Bird wrote that Nuciforo was "a fringe politician".  The Springfield Republican wrote that Nuciforo's campaign was "mean-spirited".  Nuciforo lost to "PAC Man" Richie Neal by 40 percentage points.  Nuciforo's corrupt political career was over after 16 years of him being a mean-spirited political hack who hurt people such as me - Jon Melle.

In March 2017, Nuciforo went to pot.  Nuciforo used his corrupt political connections in Pittsfield politics to the Boston Statehouse to the Boston Financial District to start his marijuana company "Berkshire Roots".  The Boston Globe published news stories and editorials mentioning Nuciforo's ambitions to establish his Pot Kingdom in Pittsfield and East Boston.  

On Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield, Nuciforo's "Berkshire Roots" touts itself as the single largest grower of marijuana plants in the Berkshires.  Behind his Dalton Avenue 3 story tall marijuana growing building, nearby residential neighborhoods have been complaining over recent years to Pittsfield City Hall that they have to smell Nuciforo's unpleasant pot growing odors on a  daily basis, but nothing is done about it because, as one can now see, Nuciforo can do what ever the Hell he wants to do and he never faces any consequences for his action.  Nuciforo has a marijuana dispensary in both Pittsfield and in East Boston.

Two weeks ago, the Dirty Bird published a real estate transaction report that Nuciforo purchased a $950,000 mansion that is 0.3 miles away from Mayor Linda Tyer's mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood.  12 days later on Thursday, September 21st, 2023, the Dirty Bird published a bombshell news story that mayoral candidate John Krol allegedly embezzled $6,800 from a not-for-profit animal shelter that has since merged with another not-for-profit animal shelter.  John Krol denied any wrongdoing.

Today, which is two weeks after the Dirty Bird reported that Nuciforo purchased his mansion, the Dirty Bird published an editorial defending its bombshell news story stating that John Krol is a "thief" by asking John Krol to openly publish his banking and credit card statements to defend himself against the allegations that were made against him shortly after the preliminary election this past week.

Please allow me to review: Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.'s Pittsfield Pot Kingdom versus John Krol's "theft" of $6,800.  Nuciforo has spent the past over 27 years getting away with being a mean-spirited and vindictive corrupt politician, as well as using his disgraced political legacy to cash in as Pittsfield's Pot King.  The Dirty Bird gives Nuciforo yet another free pass after the newspaper reported that Nuciforo purchased a $950,000 mansion in far west Pittsfield.  John Krol allegedly stole $6,800 from an animal shelter, and the Dirty Bird publishes a bombshell news story and then an editorial against him.  This is the exact illustration of the small town news media being UNFAIR!

Jonathan A. Melle


Our Opinion: "For Pittsfield voters' sake, mayoral candidate John Krol can and should shed some light on Animal Dreams drama"
The Berkshire Eagle, Editorial, Saturday, September 23, 2023

On Thursday, this newspaper broke the story that Pittsfield mayoral candidate John Krol had diverted $6,800 from a nonprofit organization of which he was a director to his personal benefit.

Mr. Krol denies wrongdoing. Mr. Krol claims he’s the victim of a political hit job and has castigated The Berkshire Eagle for reporting the story. Significantly, Mr. Krol does not question the accuracy of any of the material facts in the article.

Former president of Animal Dreams says John Krol 'stole' $6,800 from nonprofit; Krol says it's a banking 'mistake'
The story, first published online Wednesday evening (24 hours after Tuesday’s preliminary election) and in print on Thursday morning, raises serious questions about Mr. Krol’s honesty, integrity and fiscal acumen — all matters that voters could and indeed should consider when evaluating any candidate for an executive office.

Mr. Krol said he made the payments on his personal American Express credit card by unwittingly transferring funds from the bank account of Animal Dreams, a nonprofit of which he was a director with the authority to approve money transfers. Mr. Krol maintains he intended for the transfers to come from his personal account.

In June 2019, Stacey Carver, Animal Dreams’ president, discovered five separate withdrawals, from November 2018 to March 2019, from the nonprofit’s bank account. She traced them to Mr. Krol’s American Express card.

Ms. Carver contacted Mr. Krol. He told her then and he continues to assert now that it was Greylock Federal Credit Union’s fault.

Krol’s “explanation” begs more questions than it answers.

If accurate, he mistakenly directed Animal Dreams’ account at Greylock to send money to pay his American Express bill — or, he mistakenly directed American Express to make withdrawals from Animal Dreams’ account.

Mr. Krol can settle his case by publicly disclosing both his American Express card and his Greylock Federal bank account statements for 2018 and 2019. Most likely, these statements are available to him online without cost.

The statements can show when and from what sources Mr. Krol made payments on his American Express card before November 2018. That may, in turn, shed light on his assertion that his mistakes stem from having been given an incorrect “router” number by a Greylock employee in 2015. If his claim has merit, Mr. Krol would have had to have been given an erroneous bank account number — not an incorrect bank routing number.

A comparison of his American Express and his Greylock Federal bank statements might answer questions of what payments, if any, Mr. Krol made to his American Express account from 2015, when he claims he received the bad “router” number, to November 2018, when he made the first payment out of the Animal Dreams’ account. And from November 2018 to March 2019, when payments were made from the Animal Dreams account, and subsequently from June 2019 on, when the Animal Dreams account was no longer connected to his credit card, the account records would show activity that could prove his assertion.

The most glaring question: Did Mr. Krol have enough money in his own account during that time to cover his American Express bills?

If he innocently directed a withdrawal from the Animal Dreams account when he meant to direct the withdrawal from his personal account, why did he not have the money to correct the error when Stacey Carver brought it to his attention? If he mistakenly had those payments made from the nonprofit’s account, his personal account had about $6,000 more than he reasonably thought it contained.

Mr. Krol apparently did not have that $6,800, or anything close to it, when Ms. Carver contacted him. Mr. Krol was not obliged to balance his own bank accounts every month, but most working people would know if their bank reported their balances to be several thousand dollars higher than they believed.

Clearly, Mr. Krol would have had the belief that his account contained that $6,800 when he ordered the withdrawals, so it would be difficult for him to sincerely say that he had no idea what his balances were at the time. Again, disclosing his bank statements would shed much light on the issue.

We must add that Mr. Krol had a fiduciary duty to Animal Dreams when he ordered the withdrawals. As such, the law required him to exercise the greatest degree of trust and loyalty in dealing with Animal Dreams’ property.

Voters need to assess how Mr. Krol has conducted himself in his dealings with Animal Dreams when they decide who will receive their votes. If he’s elected mayor in November, he will be dealing with taxpayer money and public funds.

Mr. Krol controls the information that would allow voters to answer these serious questions.

We call upon him to publicly and promptly disclose the monthly statements issued to him by both Greylock Federal Credit Union and American Express at least from Jan. 1, 2018, through Jan. 1, 2020.

This will give Pittsfield voters real information upon which they can decide on Mr. Krol’s fitness to hold the office of the mayor of the city of Pittsfield.

Impugning the motives of those who have brought the uncontroverted facts to light can only divert the public’s attention while answering nothing. We implore Mr. Krol to do the right thing and release the relevant information.


September 23, 2023

Someone emailed me: "Did Mr. Pot king buy on pheasant Dr? What number?"

My - Jon Melle's - reply: The Dirty Bird reported:

George C. Whaling and Karen C. Gomula sold property at 4 Southbrook Lane, Pittsfield [Massachusetts], to Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr., trustee, EEM NT, $950,000.

Source: Berkshire County Real Estate Transactions for August 21 - 25, 2023, by Jeannie Maschino, September 09, 2023.

Mayor Linda Tyer lives in a mansion at 3 Pheasant Lane, Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  The distance between Nuciforo's recently purchased mansion and Mayor Linda Tyer's mansion is 0.3 miles according to Google Maps.  Both Nuciforo and Mayor Linda Tyer's mansions are located in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood that is west of Berkshire Community College, which is close to the Hancock border but still in Pittsfield.

Nuciforo is Pittsfield's Pot King.  He started his marijuana business in March 2017.  Nuciforo used his corrupt political connections and unknown investors with deep pockets of cash - most likely from Boston's big banks and insurance companies that he has been in bed with since 1999, and the Wojtkowski side of his family - to cash in on Massachusetts' multi-billion-dollar predatory marijuana industry.

The point I am making is that Nuciforo's millions is and should be a huge scandal compared to the Dirty Bird calling John Krol a thief over a matter of $6,800.  For less than 30 years now in Pittsfield politics and in Boston alike, Nuciforo has been very controversial, corrupt and questionable, but the Dirty Bird almost always gives "Luciforo" a free pass!  John Krol is NOT the problem, but rather, Pittsfield's Pot King is the real problem!

Jonathan A. Melle


September 23, 2023

We live in a new era of McCarthyism.  Instead of giving a person the benefit of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law usually by a Jury of one's peers, there are extremist people and news media outlets out there that go full force against a person in the harshest of terms.

In politics, things become conspiratorial instead of rational.  In my own experiences in Pittsfield politics when I was a young man many years ago, I didn't understand who I was fighting against until I witnessed unusual events unfold before my own eyes.  As a 48-year-old man, I now know who I was fighting against all of those years ago.

Career politicians are all about corruption (money), retribution (rule by fear), and power (authority).  When I witnessed politics over the years, I found out that everything was a done deal because the money went into the pockets of the politicians and their vested and special interest that finance their decades in elected office.  I found out that when someone stands against corrupt career politicians, they receive retribution even in the land of the free and the home of the brave.  I found out that authority applies to who you are, not necessarily your actions.

The Beltway in the Swamp is the wealthiest region of the U.S.A.  Instead of the government serving the people, Capitol Hill is K Street's "pay to play" paradise.  Maryland and then the part of Virginia closest to Capitol Hill and K Street are also very wealthy suburban areas.

Meanwhile, the U.S.A. has a huge swath of the country called the postindustrial "rust belt" whereby there are endless rows of trailer parks, as well as many impoverished inner cities with their countless social services agencies, the jail and prison industrial complex whereby a youth that is able to graduate from high school is at risk of ending up of behind bars because the ruling elites refuse to invest in people and communities, and so on.

In closing, John Krol is and should be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  John Krol should not have received the harshest of treatment by the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle).  Pittsfield has politicians other than John Krol that almost always receive a free pass from the Eagle.  I will never support John Krol in Pittsfield politics because of his allegiance to Jimmy Ruberto, who is one of the biggest Good Old Boys in Pittsfield politics, and he was a failed Mayor of Pittsfield for 8 years (2004 - 2011) who never owned a home nor rented an apartment in Pittsfield in his entire life.  I see John Krol as a dupe who needs to get his own personal life together instead of trying to make his mid-life political comeback in Pittsfield politics.

Jon Melle


September 24, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

"Flogging Molly" wrote and posted on your blog: "As far as this Melle innocent until proven guilty horseshit...."

The exact definition of tyranny that the Founders - who mostly owned Slaves - fought the British Crown over was that the Colonialists in the North American 13 States had no legal right to due process of law and they could lose everything they owned, including the Right to Life, Liberty, and Property (the Pursuit of Happiness) at the whim of the British Crown's decree.

John Krol, whom I would never support and/or vote for in politics, is still a U.S. Citizen with state and federal constitutional entitlements including the absolute right to be innocent until guilty just like the rest of us.  I liked his older sister when I was in classes with her over 30 years ago now when we attended Pittsfield High School together.  She is a nice person.  Unlike his older sister, I don't know John Krol on a personal basis.  I am repulsed by his politics because his political boss is Jimmy Ruberto, who was a failed Mayor of Pittsfield who never owned a home, nor did he ever rent an apartment, in Pittsfield in his life, but told local taxpayers to "sacrifice" to move the distressed city forward, which as we all know all too well failed to happen.

This is not about John Krol anymore, but rather, this is about the fact that the Massachusetts and the U.S.A. alike are a nation of laws, not of men.  We put our good faith in the law, not in men.  John Krol's character and reputation was viciously attacked in Pittsfield politics, but it should mean nothing until he is given his right to due process under law with Equal Justice Under Law.  The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) needs to state these words instead of being a self-righteous yellow journalistic rag!

Similar to John Krol, I have been viciously attacked in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts in Pittsfield politics beginning when I was 20 years old during the Spring of 1996 when my dad, Bob, successfully campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000) .  After I first me Nuciforo back then, I have experienced as well as witnessed unusual events and heard horrible words said about me over the past 27.5 years of my adult life, as I am now 48 years old.

No one in Pittsfield politics ever gave "Jon Melle" his day in court when it comes to the aforementioned persecution of me.  I have been hurt over and over again by Pittsfield politics, but people, including you blogger Dan Valenti, have told me that you have defended me over the years.  Thank you!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


September 26, 2023

Sarcasm: I asked Barry Clairmont if the settlement of his civil lawsuit against Melissa Mazzeo will impact Free Speech in Pittsfield politics.  He told me that he would make a great official in countries such as China, Russia, North Korea, Iran....  I told him that Pittsfield is in the U.S.A., not those other countries.  He kicked me out of the Gated Community that he lives in with his second wife, Mayor Linda Tyer, along with Pittsfield's Pot King "Luciforo".  I shouted to him that he is in (no) good company with Nuciforo.  He said that he is going to sue the next Mayor of Pittsfield to change the city's name to RETRIBUTION!  I shouted out to him that he should change Pittsfield's name to Barry's RETRIBUTION.  He told me to go back to my homelessness sidewalk on the corner of First and Fenn Streets.  I am not good enough to live in a mansion in Barry Clairmont and "Luciforo's"Gated Community that is west of Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield.

Jon Melle


September 26, 2023

Blogger Dan Valenti reported:

By Dan Valenti
PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

ADD 1 9-26-2023 p.m. — Breaking news. The defamation case launched by Barry Clairmont, husband of Mayor Linda Tyer, against Tyer’s mayoral opponent Melissa Mazzeo has been settled. We’ll have more later.

THE PLANET got word through our spies, and we got on the horn to Mazzeo, who confirmed the out-of-court agreement had been reached.

Watch now. THE PLANET is breaking this news. It won’t be long before The Boring Broadsheet contacts the principals in the case and claims they got it first.

Bet the house.

ADD 2 later 9/26/2023 p.m. — Mazzeo said she settled based on her insurance company’s recommendation. Last week, Mazzeo’s insurers paid Clairmont $140,000.

“I wanted to take this to court,” Mazzeo told THE PLANET, “but [the insurance company] wanted the case settled and off the books. I agreed. It would have been costly [and time consuming] to hire private representation, so in August, we went to mediation in Boston. We went from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. That’s when [Clairmont] dropped the defamation charge and changed it to ‘pain and suffering,’ which is much easier to prove than defamation.”

She said Clairmont came into arbitration demanding an unrealistic amount of money as well as a public apology. She said there’s no way she would ever agree to an apology or the initial amount sought in damages, because her claims were correct. Her insurance lawyer negotiated downward toward a much more favorable number, she said.

“[Clairmont] was behind the counter [where the votes were being counted]. He shouldn’t have been there. He had direct access to the ballots. I didn’t say he stole ballots, only that he had access to them. The recount was the only way we could be assured [of an honest tabulation].

“I wanted to go to trial,” Mazzeo said. “I wanted to take jurors to city hall to show how Clairmont went to where the votes were being held.” She says he didn’t use the public entry to city hall like every other private citizen but entered the inner sanctum through doors for official use only.

“I stand by my charges,” Mazzeo said.


September 30, 2023

The answer is that John Krol is legally entitled to be innocent until proven guilty in a constitutional court of law by a Judge and Jury of his peers.  John Krol is innocent because the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle)'s hatchet job does not constitute due process of law.  Anyone, any group, and newspaper or yellow journalism rag such as the Dirty bird can do a hatchet job on John Krol or anyone else out there, but it means nothing in the eyes of the law.

I have lived this painful experience since I was 20 years old way back in the Spring 1996 when my dad, Bob, began his successful campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000) for the past 27.5 years of my adult life - (Jon Melle is now 48).  The Nuciforo network conspiratorially hurt me over and over again setting up bait for me to behave inappropriately and/or illegally like I was and am a mouse looking at eating a piece of cheese on a deadly mouse trap, but my response is not to take the bait, but rather, for me to write, send political emails, and blog about the mean-spirited abuse I have endured from the aforementioned 4-foot tall piece of poop that exists in the form of a man who is sarcastically called "Luciforo" and "Pittsfield's Pot King".

Politics is a game played by the financial, corporate and ruling elites, and we common people are all bystanders.  To illustrate, the Republicans in U.S. Congress are in the process of impeaching Joe Biden.  Democrats in the Swamp and a few state governments are indicting Donald Trump on felony charges.  The irony of all of this is that they are all corrupt career politicians and multimillionaires in the Swamp - granted some a lot worse than other spoiled rich brats.

When Bill Clinton was impeached because he loved receiving blowjobs from younger women, it came out that many of those in U.S. Congress back then also loved similar sex affairs with younger women - past and present back then.  Moral hypocrisy on the Hill and in the Oval Office - or in Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's case: The Oral Orifice Cigars and Thongs White House.

Jonathan A. Melle


September 30, 2023

Pittsfield politics: A $205.6 million municipal operating budget, hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts plus OPEB unfunded liabilities, the 25-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in always increasing unfunded liabilities (debts), capped "leaky" landfills full of GE's PCBs industrial chemicals including Hill 78 abutting Allendale Elementary School, a dangerous downtown with 15 empty storefronts, Level 5 public schools with over 650 students who choice out to neighboring public school districts, Pittsfield's Pot King stinking up residential neighborhoods with his unpleasant pot growing odors on Dalton Avenue, a Pittsfield State Representative named Tricia Farley-Bouvier who supports illegal immigrants having Massachusetts Driver's Licenses and the legalization of sex workers, Mayor Linda Tyer living in a mansion in an elitist Gated Community along with "Luciforo" who lives 0.3 miles away from Linda and her litigious CPA 3rd husband, Jimmy Ruberto supporting John Krol from Naples, Florida and his Summertime residence in Lenox, the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle)'s yellow journalism hatchet jobs on the proverbial dog catchers....

Jonathan A. Melle


October 1, 2023

John Krol's calls for reforms to Pittsfield politics and City Hall ring hollow because he has the endorsement of Jimmy Ruberto aka Rolodex, who was Pittsfield's Snake Oil Salesman Mayor of Pittsfield who himself never owned a home, nor did he ever rent an apartment, in Pittsfield in his life, but he often used to tell residents and small businesses to sacrifice, which meant big municipal spending increases, including during the 2008 economic recession, which was the single worst recession since the Great Depression in the 1930s.  

Compared to Mayors (the late) Gerry Doyle aka Barstool, Sara Hathaway aka Aberration turned Level 5 Schoolmarm, the aforementioned Rolodex, Dan Bianchi aka Bust who also works for Montello Energy, Mayor Linda Tyer is the only good Mayor over the past generation of stinkers.  Mayor Linda Tyer is well regarded by state and local officials throughout Massachusetts.  Mayor Linda Tyer inherited a mess from Dan Bianchi.  Mayor Linda Tyer stabilized the city's municipal finances.  I refuse to judge Mayor Linda Tyer because of her litigious third CPA husband Barry Clairmont.

I hope that Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey will hire Linda Tyer to complement her administration because Linda Tyer is an effective public manager who actually knows what she is doing in state and local government.  John Krol was once friends and allies with Mayor Linda Tyer, but now he is criticizing her because she endorsed his opponent, Peter Marchetti for Mayor of Pittsfield in 2023.

I would be very upset with how things are going if I were in John Krol's shoes, too, because he is being treated unfairly by the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) and conspiratorially by his opposition.  I have experienced similar events throughout my adult life of 48 years thus far in Pittsfield politics, too.  It upsets me on a personal level, too.  My heart goes out to John Krol, but he is NOT above scrutiny as a political candidate for Mayor of Pittsfield.  John Krol knows what he got into when he began his middle-age political comeback in Pittsfield politics.

I have heard rumors about Peter Marchetti for decades, too.  In 2006, I was told that Peter Marchetti spread rumors about me - as I am his relative as my late maternal grandmother's maiden name is Marchetti - in Pittsfield politics, despite me living in Southern New Hampshire back then through present times.  Peter Marchetti has been known to engage in dirty politics, despite all of the rumors spread about him in Pittsfield politics over many years now.

To be clear: I support Mayor Linda Tyer and I think she has been the best Mayor of Pittsfield in my adult lifetime.  John Krol is off base to use her to divert the unfair political attacks he has received over the past couple of weeks.  This could be an episode in the series: The Twilight Zone.  It has turned into an ugly mayoral election campaign in 2023 Pittsfield politics.

Jonathan A. Melle


October 2, 2023

Are you, B. Clairmont, really a citizen of Russia or China or North Korea or Iran....because you sued and settled with Melissa Mazzeo over her use of Free Speech?  Did you, B. Clairmont, know that Pittsfield is in the U.S.A., which entitles Melissa Mazzeo to Free Speech?  What kind of precedent have you, B. Clairmont, set in Pittsfield politics by using retribution against Melissa Mazzeo for her exercising Free Speech?  I have yet to read anyone, including The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) and Planet Valenti, affirm your civil lawsuit and settlement of $140,000.  Your second wife, Mayor Linda Tyer, should have issued a statement saying that while she loves her third husband, CPA Barry Clairmont, she denounces your use of retribution in Pittsfield politics over Melissa Mazzeo exercising Free Speech!

Jonathan A. Melle


October 7, 2023

I learned that my 30 year PHS class reunion will take place on the evening after Thanksgiving 2023 on November 24th, 2023, at 5:30 pm, at the GEAA in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  I wont be attending.  I used to have a Facebook account years ago, but I canceled it years ago.  I became upset that some of the people, including some of my peers from Pittsfield High School who I new in my teenage years over 3 decades ago, unfriended me over my comments about the recurring abuse I endured in Pittsfield politics starting when I was only 20 years old during the Spring of 1996 when my dad, Bob, successfully campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000), which has continued over the past 27.5 years of my adult life - even after I moved away from Pittsfield, Massachusetts in the early-Spring 2004 when I moved to Amherst, New Hampshire to live with my family who previously relocated their residences.

How would my PHS class of 1993 classmates understand that I am a persecuted person at the hands of Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior aka "Luciforo" aka "Pittsfield's Pot King" and his conspiratorial network of bullies?  If I attended my PHS 30 year class reunion, my peers would ask me questions, tell me that I am a horrible person, and say that I am messed up.  It would hurt me - Jon Melle - to be criticized by the people who I attended Pittsfield High School with many years ago because I like all of them all of these many years later.  I love Pittsfield because it is my native hometown and I have many warm memories in the beautiful Berkshires from the days of my youth.

I wish that I never had to know Nuciforo and his mean-spirited clique because I would otherwise attend my PHS 30 year class reunion to see my peers next month.  But I have to function and live my middle-aged life with peace of mind, so I am going to stay home with my family in Amherst, NH during the Thanksgiving 2023 holiday weekend.  I like my PHS peers, and I love Pittsfield, of course.  Thank you for your understanding.

Jonathan A. Melle


October 7, 2023

I did not ask for my dad, Bob, to run for elected office in the Berkshires when I was only 20 years old in the Spring 1996.  I did not ask for Nuciforo to conspiratorially and abusively bully me over the past 27.5 years of my adult life because Nuciforo has a vendetta against my father, Bob.  I could not possibly expect that my PHS 1993 classmates would be able to take the time out of their own adult lives to understand that I am a persecuted person in Pittsfield politics due to "Luciforo" aka "Pittsfield's Pot King's" mean-spirited actions.  It all just falls directly on my - Jon Melle's - head because my only crime in my life is being the son of a former politician from Berkshire County named Bob Melle.

Jonathan A. Melle


October 8, 2023

Re: Maura Healey's Latte Limousine Liberals only huddle

Hello Boston Herald Editors,

I will send my letter to the Herald to Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey to let her know that I agree with the Herald that her Latte Limousine Liberals only huddle(s) are anti-democratic.  But I also wish to ask the Herald: How is this anything new or different than business as usual in the corrupt, secretive and top-down Boston Statehouse?

My dad, Bob, was a politician in Berkshire County, Massachusetts a generation ago.  I witnessed that politicians first raise money and then set public policies and by the time they debate, if that even happens anymore, and vote on a piece of state legislation, it is always a done deal in state government.  It is money first, set the public policies second, debate third, if that even happens anymore, of course, and vote fourth.

If I went up to Governor Maura Healey or the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown with a check written out to them for no less than $1,000, then they would give me at least one minute of their time to listen to what I have to say to them.  If I went up to either of them with only HOT AIR, they would tell me to go pound sand.

Is the Herald really surprised that Governor Maura Healey and the fictional State Rep. Sellout Shakedown are unable to manage the state's migrant crisis, the state's homelessness crisis, the ongoing Mass and Cass crisis, and so on?  It is the Latte Limousine Liberals way of only doing DISSERVICES against the common people they supposedly represent in government.

Jonathan A. Melle


A Boston Globe Editorial: "Healey’s elitism infuriating" - "Gov. Maura Healey needs to be reminded she’s the governor for the entire state — not just Democrats"

By the Boston Herald editorial staff, October 8, 2023

An infuriated Herald reader put it best after reading that Gov. Maura Healey huddled with fellow Democrats over the state’s migrant crisis: “This is ridiculous!”

“Well, that’s nice and very secretive. What are you hiding?” the reader added, alluding to the fact that no Republicans were invited to that huddle.

The governor needs to study the Massachusetts Constitution. The “body politic” (i.e., Governor, Legislature, etc.) must adhere to a solemn “social compact” working toward “the common good.” That’s just in the preamble, so Gov. Healey shouldn’t need to read much further.

It doesn’t say in times of trouble, consult with your party.

Article V (worth reading, governor) states in full: “All power residing originally in the people, and being derived from them, the several magistrates and officers of government, vested with authority, whether legislative, executive, or judicial, are their substitutes and agents, and are at all times accountable to them.”

This means, as we read it and I’m sure thousands of others do too, that Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians, Green Party, Constitution Party all the way to the Pizza Party (go check it out, it’s a political designation) represent the people of this great state.

It is elitist for Gov. Healey to think only her party has the right to brainstorm about coping with the right-to-shelter law here in Massachusetts and the migrants and homeless leaning on that flawed passage.

Gov. Maura Healey, Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll, House Speaker Ronald Mariano, Senate President Karen Spilka, and members of the state’s congressional delegation — all Democrats — were in on that virtual huddle, as the Herald reported. Aides to U.S. Reps. Seth Moulton and Jake Auchincloss as well as U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey confirmed their attendance.

Both top legislative Republicans — Minority Leaders Sen. Bruce Tarr and Rep. Brad Jones — in Massachusetts confirmed they did not receive an invite.

A source tells the Herald the migrant crisis has hit districts with hotels housing these newcomers very hard. Reps and senators are all trying to adjust while begging for leadership from the Corner Office.

So what does the governor do? She rallies her base. She seeks opinions from her party.

That brand of leadership, where you turn to like-minded supporters, has proven fatal for generations. You need dissenting voices, skeptics, and people who will challenge the status quo.

Not inviting Bruce Tarr and Brad Jones smacks of partisan politics and is precisely why Congress has an approval rating of 19%. Politicians forget they work for the taxpayers.

This is exactly what we feared would happen from electing a Democratic governor here in Massachusetts — one-party rule.

Gov. Healey has asked the state Legislature to approve $250 million in additional funding for the emergency shelter system on top of the $325 million that was included in the fiscal year 2024 budget. Taxpayers are footing this bill.

Gov. Healey needs to realize, as Article VI of the state Constitution says, that she cannot “obtain advantages, or particular and exclusive privileges, distinct from those of the community.”

Or, she will be a one-term governor.


October 10, 2023

Pittsfield politics nicknames: the late Mayor Barstool, Lobbyist Larkin, Luciforo aka Pittsfield's Pot King, Tricia Country Buffet, Chrome Dome, Mayor Aberration aka Level 5 Schoolmarm, Mayor Rolodex, Mayor Montello, Mayor Gated Community, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, PAC Man Richie Neal, Maryland Markey, Syracuse Joe, Financial Wizard Krol, Gavel Marchetti, Voltron White, Cumby's Clairmont, Social Services Alley surrounded by The Ring of Poverty distressed neighborhoods, the polluted PEDA debacle, the Hill 78 & Allendale Elementary School chemical cancer center, the Water Wizard, Kufflink's cooked books, Paul Marx, Shitty Pignatelli, career politician John Barett III, greed-ball Bosley, the historic flood zone Wahconah Park, the Dirty Bird's daily yellow journalism rag, a vibrant and dynamic shit sandwich, Linda's ARPA Buck$, over one dozen empty storefronts, Bowler's bullshit, Shugrue's mentor, the Berkshire Museum heist, a top 10 city for violent crime, Shitty Hall, the Shitty Clowncil, the Level 5 Scohol Committee, the Good Old Boys, the Ruberto Renaissance, A City in Decay, economic growth in the underclass, 50 years of population loss and the losses of many living wage jobs, postindustrial rust belt creative economy of welfare and disability caseloads, the 2-headed Pittsfield Democratic Party fighting factions, the infamous Dalton Avenue 3 stories stinker of nearby neighborhoods pot palace, littered streets full of nip bottles, cig butts, and old scratch tickets, the Stockbridge blogger, the so-called delusional and paranoid NH blogger, the GOBSIGs and SUITS, the 20 percent voter turnout apathetic elections, the city of RETRIBUTION and civil lawsuits, the city of severe economic inequality, the once proud city that fell into a downward spiral, GE's toxic waste dump, Lenox's ugly sister city, there are a lot of Pittsfields out there city, the economically distressed city, the leave and never look back city, the most cliquey and mean-spirited city of inbred mulligenerational moron families, the don't drop your keys there city, the Neutron Jack Welch city, the city of con artists, the big 3 police, fire, and public school unions and the special interests and out-of-town millionaires cut of the loot city, the service city for the southern Berkshire towns, the Consent Decree in exchange for 30 pieces of silver city, the no to the bypass, downtown community college, downtown mall, new ballpark city, and the scary city that JON MELLE ran away from as a longtime persecuted person in Pittsfield politics.

Jonathan A. Melle


October 15, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Do you understand how frustrating it is for me - Jon Melle - to read about Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's Berkshire Roots marijuana HCA lawsuit against Mayor Linda Tyer's City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts?  The crux of Nuciforo's lawsuit is that he is alleging that Mayor Linda Tyer did NOT act in GOOD FAITH in charging his Pittsfield Pot Kingdom on Dalton Avenue $440,000 in HCA fees.  The frustration I am experiencing here is that in the 27.5 years of me following Nuciforo's career, I believe that Nuciforo never once in his life acted in good faith in politics, the law and in the multi-billion-dollar predatory pot industry in Massachusetts.

Since I first met Nuciforo in the Spring 1996 when I was 20 years old, and when my dad, Bob, began his campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner back then while Nuciforo started campaigning for the Berkshire-based State Senate elected position in Boston, Nuciforo conspiratorially had people who were part of his Pittsfield "All in the Family" political dynasty bully me - even threaten to physically assault me - over the past 27.5 years of my adult life - I am now 48 years old.

Nuciforo always had a vindictive vendetta against my dad, Bob, who from the Fall of 1997 - Spring 1998, Nuciforo filed multiple state "ethics" complaints against my dad to multiple state agencies from Pittsfield to Boston.   On May 20th, 1998, Nuciforo made false allegations against me to the Pittsfield Police Department that I was making "veiled" threats against him, but the truth was that it was Nuciforo who was the one who was threatening me, including him harshly staring at me after Judge Francis Spina's promotion at the lawn of the Pittsfield District Courthouse in the Summer 1997, along with Nuciforo with Sara Hathaway at his side breaking his parade route in the 1997 North Adams Fall Foliage Parade to confront me - Sara Hathaway never told Nuciforo to stop - but my Uncle from Saratoga Springs, NY and my cousin stepped in front of me, which led Nuciforo to back off of me and return to his parade route.

Nuciforo blacklisted me from employment in the Berkshires.  Nuciforo's network spread half-truth vicious rumors about me all over the Pittsfield area.  Neither Nuciforo nor any of his network of bullies apologized to me and/or my family for hurting me over many years of my adult life.

From 1999 - 2006, Nuciforo was a double dipper.  In the mid-2000s, Nuciforo chaired the State Senate Finance Committee.  At the same time back then, Nuciforo worked for the Boston Law Firm Berman and Dowell as a private Attorney for Boston's big banks and insurance companies.  In 2006, Nuciforo got in trouble over his allegedly illegal double dipping, and he had to step down from his elected position as a Berkshire-based State Senator in Boston (1997 - 2006).  Nuciforo is a disgraced politician!

In 2006, Nuciforo strong-armed two women out of a state government so-called "election" for Middle Berkshire Registrar of Deeds.  The two women candidates were Sharon Henault, who worked at the aforementioned Registry of Deeds, and Sara Hathaway, who is a former one-term Mayor of Pittsfield.  Nuciforo anointed himself to the sinecure from 2007 - 2012.

In early-2007, the Boston Globe published a news article alleging that Nuciforo lobbied the then newly elected Governor, Deval Patrick, to appoint him to the position of Commissioner of Insurance, but Nuciforo was passed over for the post.  The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) wrote in an editorial that Nuciforo should stay at the aforementioned Registry, which he did while he spent the next 6 years of his life plotting to oust Congressman John W. Olver, who has since passed away, but due to the 2010 redistricting, Olver retired in 2012, and Nuciforo faced Congressman Richie Neal in the 2012 federal primary election.  The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) wrote that Nuciforo is a FRINGE politician, and Nuciforo lost to Neal by 40 percentage points.  Nuciforo's political career was finally over in 2012.

In mid-March 2017, Nuciforo received his permit in Pittsfield to start his marijuana business that is now named "Berkshire Roots".  The Boston Globe wrote news articles and editorials about Nuciforo and other politicians who cashed in on the predatory pot industry in Massachusetts.  Later on, Nuciforo received his permit in Boston to open a marijuana dispensary in East Boston.  This past Summer 2023, Nuciforo purchased a mansion for $950,000 in the same Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College that Mayor Linda Tyer lives in.  Their respective mansions are 0.3 miles apart, according to Google Maps.

For Nuciforo to file a lawsuit against the City of Pittsfield that basically argues that Mayor Linda Tyer did NOT act in good faith with his pot business "Berkshire Roots" is the ultimate illustration of hypocrisy by Nuciforo, who never acted in good faith in his adult life.  Mayor Linda Tyer is a good Mayor of Pittsfield, and Nuciforo is bullying her with his lawsuit.

Jonathan A. Melle


“LEGAL” Marijuana industry is another corrupt bureaucracy pushed upon taxpayers by the Criminals in Beacon Hill.

I could smell the stench from ROOTS all the way to RIBCO when I went to get plumbing parts.

The fact Nuciforo was fast tracked into the business/scheme is because he was one of the corrupt at one time and knows the BEACON HILL MOB well.

- Mad Trapper


It will come from taxpayer money so I don’t think Marchetti will hesitate to give it to him if elected. Probably with interest. And good chance Nucifero knew this before even asking. This is no blindside. May have tossed a few bucks into the campaign bucket for good measure.

- "snark snark"


Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's Berkshire Roots versus Mayor Linda Tyer's City of Pittsfield lawsuit:

Nuciforo is asking for Pittsfield to pay Berkshire Roots $440,000 plus fees and unspecified damages. Basically, Nuciforo is accusing Mayor Linda Tyer of NOT acting in good faith in the city's HCA contract with Berkshire Roots.

I find Nuciforo's lawsuit against Mayor Linda Tyer interesting because if anybody in Pittsfield politics has a history of NOT acting in good faith, it is Nuciforo. I have followed Nuciforo's corrupt career over the past 27.5 years of my adult life now, and please believe me when I write to you that Nuciforo should be a Convicted Felon for allegedly illegally double dipping as a disgraced former Pittsfield State Senator who chaired the Finance Committee in Boston, while he also worked as a private Attorney for Boston's big banks and insurance companies for the Boston Law Firm "Berman and Dowell" from 1999 - 2006.

I am on Mayor Linda Tyer's side. Nuciforo is a disgrace to the law!

Jon Melle


October 27, 2023

Is the City of Pittsfield better than it was 4 or 8 years ago?  The answer is that Pittsfield is in an endless downward spiral of....a shit sandwich.

Does Matt Kerwood aka Kufflinks Cook the Books in Pittsfield politics?  The answer is that he secretly shuffles money around various city accounts to continue Pittsfield politics' 40 year tradition of always increasing municipal spending by 5 percent per fiscal year since Proposition 2.5 became state law in the early-1980s.

Will Peter Marchetti build on Mayor Linda Tyer's public record in Pittsfield politics?  The answer is he would continue predictable Pittsfield politics' business as usual that treats the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working family like a doormat.

Will John Krol change course in Pittsfield politics?  The answer is that he will always make utopia-like promises to voters and use banal taglines such as "AUDIT" to criticize his opposition.   

How will Pittsfield politics go from the shit show that we all know and hate all too well to a functioning democracy?  The answer is NOT Nuciforo's pot lawsuit against the city that basically argues that Mayor Linda Tyer acted in BAD FAITH on the HCAs with Berkshire Roots.  The answer is NOT Barry Clairmont's recently settled lawsuit against Melissa Mazzeo over FREE SPEECH in a FREE COUNTRY.  The answer is NOT 20 percent voter turnout in municipal elections whereby Ward 4 always decides who the next Mayor will be.  The answer is NOT Pittsfield politics other name: RETRIBUTION!

Jon Melle


Letter: "Krol can bring needed change to Pittsfield as mayor"
The Berkshire Eagle, October 17, 2023

To the editor: Pittsfield does not need more of the same.

I hear Peter Marchetti talking about 35 years of experience as a banker and 16 years on the City Council, the last eight as council president. But I wonder: Is the city better than it was four years ago, eight years ago?

He has promised to build on the foundation of what has been done in the previous administration. What exactly is that legacy? Taxes are out of control. We’re not seeing better services. Our schools are struggling. Our downtown is in shambles. Clearly, building on a “foundation” of this record is not going to lead to better results.

John Krol is the choice to bring change, and he has my vote. I ask you to join me in doing the same.

Sue Halpin, Pittsfield


October 21, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

A tale of two weasels: It was the best of times for one weasel (Nuciforo), It was the worst of times for the other weasel (John Krol).

The best of times weasel is Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, who is suing the City of Pittsfield for $440,000 in HCAs fees he paid to the city for his CONTROVERSIAL Pittsfield Pot Kingdom named "Berkshire Roots", plus Nuciforo is asking the city to pay his pot company interest, fees and unspecified damages. The heart of Nuciforo's lawsuit essentially argues that Mayor Linda Tyer acted in BAD FAITH with Nuciforo's "Berkshire Roots" marijuana company when the city charged Berkshire Roots fees for the HCAs. Mayor Linda Tyer said that the city will vigorously fight Nuciforo's lawsuit.

The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) allows the best of times weasel (Nuciforo) off the hook over his years of acting in BAD FAITH as a Berkshire-based State Senator in Boston whereby Nuciforo chaired the State Senate Finance Committee in the mid-2000s while at the same time Nuciforo allegedly illegally double-dipped as an Attorney for the Boston Law Firm Berman and Dowell whereby Nuciforo served as legal counsel for Boston's big banks and insurance companies from 1999 - 2006, which led to Nuciforo having to step down in disgrace from his elected position as a Massachusetts State Senator in 2006 after one decade there (1997 - 2006). The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) could but does not write news articles and editorials about Nuciforo's disgraced political legacy and his hypocritical ongoing lawsuit against the city, but the best of times weasel (Nuciforo) gets a free pass.

The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) writes news articles and editorials about the worst of times weasel named John Krol, who allegedly embezzled $6,100 from a not-for-profit charitable animal shelter years ago. John Krol faces criminal legal allegations, but to this date (10/21/2023), John Krol was never allowed due process of law for the Eagle to hear both sides of the story under oath. On November 7th, 2023, John Krol and Peter Marchetti are on the ballot for the elected position of Mayor of Pittsfield. It looks like the Eagle is trying to prejudice Pittsfield voters against John Krol over mere allegations of wrongdoing.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


October 21, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Over the years, you have written to me and others that you know that I was hurt in Pittsfield politics, that you have defended me on your blog, and that we are family friends with our families are all natives of Pittsfield.

While I know I have written to you about it many times before, it bothers me that Pittsfield politics other name is RETRIBUTION.  When Nuciforo started his conspiratorial, mean-spirited and hurtful bullying of me, I was only 20 years old during the Spring of 1996 when my dad, Bob, campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000), while Nuciforo campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire-based State Senator (1997 - 2006).

It has been 27.5 years of my adult life of me being treated like a doormat or a lot worse, a toilet that Nuciforo's network shits on.  I have read that I am a delusional, paranoid schizophrenic, a horrible person, that I am messed up, and so on due to my writings on this ongoing unusual situation and unusual events.

John Krol is going through it in Pittsfield politics, but like me - Jon Melle - nobody in Pittsfield politics is affording John Krol due process of law, including the Berkshire Eagle newspaper.  Both sides need to be heard under oath in a court of law for allegations to be considered legitimate.  Why isn't the Eagle writing that John Krol is facing allegations of allegedly embezzling $6,100 from a not-for-profit charitable animal shelter account, but over all of these years, nobody has afforded him due process of law?  It looks similar to the unusual events that I - Jon Melle - went through in Pittsfield politics because like John Krol, I never had my day in court with Pittsfield politics.

Everyone has somethings that they hope to hide in their lives.  When Jon Melle or John Krol face allegations over many years of our adult lives, the other side doesn't want to testify under oath because they don't want the truth to be told on them.  It is easy to point a finger at a person, but when it comes to due process of law, it leaves the finger pointer(s) vulnerable to legal jeopardy.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle


October 21, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Someone posted on your blog: "Mere allegations!? The only people who dismiss the obvious evidence and believe that John Krol is merely incompetent when it’s evident John Krol embezzled is you, Dan Valenti, and John Krol’s mom."

My - Jon Melle's - response: I never wrote that I dismissed the evidence in the mere allegations against John Krol that he allegedly embezzled $6,100 from a not-for-profit charitable animal shelter years ago. I never wrote that John Krol is merely incompetent over this matter. Why do you allow someone to put words into my writings on your blog?

The Berkshire Eagle's editorial today omitted that the allegations during John Krol's political campaign for Mayor of Pittsfield are not legitimate because John Krol was never given due process of law whereby all statements are made under oath and both sides are heard and that all are vulnerable to legal jeopardy when they are heard in a court of law. As it stands, John Krol is innocent just like the rest of us until he is proven guilty of the alleged embezzlement from many years ago in a court of law.

The Berkshire Eagle should be questioning the disgraced former politician and lawyer turned Pittsfield Pot King named Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, whose lawsuit against the City of Pittsfield basically argues that Mayor Linda Tyer did NOT act in GOOD FAITH in the city's signing of the HCAs with Berkshire Roots.

Here is Nuciforo's lawsuit:

Please go to page 8 to see the name under the signature of Berkshire Roots' lawsuit against the City of Pittsfield: Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr.

There are 43 pages of Nuciforo's lawsuit that essentially argues that the "BAD FAITH" actor named Mayor Linda Tyer defrauded him of $440,000 in HCAs fees from Berkshire Roots to the City of Pittsfield.

For Nuciforo to argue in a lawsuit against the city he once represented as a disgraced Massachusetts State Senator from Pittsfield - who never really lived in Pittsfield - that the "BAD FAITH" actor named Mayor Linda Tyer defrauded him of $440,000 in HCAs fees to the city is the height of hypocrisy by Nuciforo.

The Boston Globe has published multiple news stories and editorials about Nuciforo over the years. The Boston Globe reported that from 1999 - 2006, Nuciforo allegedly double dipped as a State Senator, who chaired the Senate Finance Committee in the mid-2000s, while at the same time, he served as an Attorney for the Boston Law Firm Berman and Dowell whereby Nuciforo served as legal counsel for Boston's big banks and insurance companies. In 2006, Nuciforo had to step down from being a State Senator in disgrace over this matter.

Nuciforo's public record was NOT in GOOD FAITH! Nuciforo's double dipping was allegedly illegal. Nuciforo should have been charged over this, but he stepped down in 2006 to cover his behind. Nuciforo should be a Convicted Felon over this matter. Nuciforo should have been disbarred over this matter. Nuciforo's ongoing lawsuit should not even be reality if we lived in a perfect world whereby Nuciforo was held accountable over this matter.

Nuciforo's Pittsfield Pot Kingdom on Dalton Avenue, as well as his dispensary in East Boston, is CONTROVERSIAL! Nuciforo used his disgraced political connections in Pittsfield and Boston alike to cash in on the multi-billion-dollar predatory pot industry in Massachusetts. There are questions about how Nuciforo's marijuana business always had such deep pockets of money. Where did Nuciforo receive his pot company's investments from? How was he one of the first people to receive permits over other worthy candidates to start marijuana businesses?

Why does the Eagle always give Nuciforo a FREE PASS on all of his corruption in politics, the law, and the marijuana business? For crying out loud, Nuciforo is suing the City of Pittsfield and he is arguing that Mayor Linda Tyer acted in BAD FAITH to defraud him of $440,000 over Berkshire Roots HCAs with the city. For crying out loud, Nuciforo has a long history of acting in BAD FAITH on many levels in Pittsfield and in Boston alike.

When one compares the Eagle's coverage of John Krol's alleged embezzlement of $6,100 to Nuciforo's lawsuit against the city that argues Mayor Linda Tyer acted in BAD FAITH to defraud Berkshire Roots of $440,000 in HCAs fees to the city, one sees the Eagle's double standard of questioning John Krol with mere allegations, while giving Nuciforo a FREE PASS.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle


October 22, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti, and the Honorable Mayor Linda Tyer,

Someone wrote on your blog, Planet Valenti: "Jesus, Jon, do yourself a big favor and let Nuciforo go. The only one you are hurting is yourself."

I wish to thank this person for looking out for me.  However, I have something to say here.

I had breakfast with my 79-year-old dad, Bob, this Sunday morning.  I asked my dad, Bob, if he is surprised that Pittsfield's former disgraced State Senator named Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior is suing the City of Pittsfield and essentially arguing that Mayor Linda Tyer acted in BAD FAITH and that she thereby allegedly defrauded Nuciforo out of $440,000 in the HCAs fees that Nuciforo's Berkshire Roots marijuana company paid the city years ago.  My dad, Bob, said that Nuciforo wants the money.

I also asked my dad, Bob, who is a former Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000) if Nuciforo's lawsuit could backfire on him given all of the corruption and allegedly illegal double dipping Nuciforo was accused of in the mid-2000s when he was the Chair of the Massachusetts State Senate Finance Committee while he also worked for the Boston Law Firm named Berman and Dowell whereby Nuciforo served as legal counsel for Boston's big banks and insurance companies from 1999 - 2006.  Nuciforo was a State Senator from 1997 - 2006, but due to his corruption in state government with Boston's Financial District, Nuciforo had to step down from being a State Senator in disgrace in 2006.  My dad, Bob, said that the city's lawyers can present Nuciforo disgraced political legacy in Massachusetts State Government to the Berkshire Superior Court as part of Nuciforo's character, especially given that Nuciforo's lawsuit against the city is basically arguing that Mayor Linda Tyer's character is one of her NOT acting in GOOD FAITH with Nuciforo's marijuana company named "Berkshire Roots".

To read Nuciforo's lawsuit against the City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, please go this link:

Given all that I know about how Nuciforo operates in politics, the law, and the lucrative marijuana industry, how could I stay silent and allow Mayor Linda Tyer to be persecuted by Nuciforo?  The other thing is that there are no other lawsuits or formal complaints that I know of that argues that Mayor Linda Tyer acts in BAD FAITH and allegedly DEFRAUDS people or businesses.  I understand that there is another Pittsfield marijuana company suing the city to receive a lesser amount of their HCAs back, but Nuciforo's legal argument targets Mayor Linda Tyer's character.

The hypocrisy by Nuciforo of attacking Mayor Linda Tyer's character is that Nuciforo is the disgraced politician, not Mayor Linda Tyer!

Best wishes,

Jon Melle


October 28, 2023

LITIGIOUS Pittsfield politics:

Mayor Linda Tyer's 3rd husband multimillionaire CPA Barry Clairmont sued and recently settled his lawsuit versus Melissa Mazzeo for $140,000.  He wanted her to publicly apologize to him for saying that he was in the City Clerk's Office close to the voters' ballots close to election day in November 2019, but she refused, so he sued and recently settled with her in 2023.  So much for FREE SPEECH!  Pittsfield politics other name is RETRIBUTION!

Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's Berkshire Roots is suing the City of Pittsfield for $440,000-plus.  Nuciforo is essentially arguing that Mayor Linda Tyer acted in BAD FAITH with his marijuana company over Berkshire Roots' HCAs payments to the city.  The irony is that Nuciforo is the DISGRACED former FRINGE politician turned Pittsfield Pot King, NOT Mayor Linda Tyer.  Nuciforo's long disgraced public record may be used against him in the legal proceedings at the Berkshire Superior Court, which would lead to him losing his lawsuit against the City of Pittsfield.

Please click on the link and go to page 8:

John Krol said he may sue the named and unnamed people who accused him of embezzlement from years ago.  John Krol said it was a political hit job by the Berkshire Eagle newspaper.  John Krol was never afforded his day in court by his accusers.  What do his accusers have to hide here?  We will never know, of course.  It is too easy to point the finger against John Krol without his accusers having to face due process of law whereby they would be questioned under oath, too.  It is a one-sided mudslinging attack meant to bias Pittsfield voters against John Krol's candidacy for Mayor in 2023.

Peter Marchetti is being sued as part of the management team at Pittsfield Co-op Bank in Federal Court for allegedly harassing and discriminating against former bank employee Victoria May.  Peter Marchetti allegedly verbally abused the former female bank employee by allegedly calling her "a bitch", among other allegations.  If a would-be Mayor Peter Marchetti acts similarly in City Hall, then city taxpayers will pay for his alleged temper tantrums in would-be future lawsuits.

Jon Melle


October 29, 2023

Pittsfield politics' Mayors: (the late) "Bar-stool", "Aberration/Schoolmarm", "Rolodex", "Montello", "Gated Community".

Pittsfield's next would-be Mayor: "The Gavel" or "The Embezzler" - both of whom could end up behind bars, but are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Pittsfield's public school district: Level 5 - the WORST rating!

Pittsfield's downtown: "Social Services Alley" with 15 empty storefronts.

Pittsfield's inner-city: "The Ring of Poverty" with over 1,000 gang members living there.

Pittsfield's daily rag: "The Dirty Bird" (Berkshire Eagle)'s political hit jobs based on allegations without formal legal complaints.

Pittsfield's Lucifer: "Pittsfield's Pot King: Luciforo"- the disgraced former fringe politician who is suing the city; Please click on the link and go to page 8:

Pittsfield's State Rep.: "Illegal Immigrants - Happy Endings - Country Buffet" who sent her own children to the Lenox public school district.

Pittsfield's State Senator: Paul Marxism who is Karen Spilka's favorite rubber stamp vote.

Pittsfield's Congressman: PAC Man Richie Neal who is the darling of K Street corporate lobbyist firms, especially insurance companies.

Pittsfield's business park: The 25-year-old indebted and polluted PEDA debacle that is symbolized by an old bar-stool and a rusted out rolodex found at the rock bottom of Silver Lake.

Pittsfield's economic growth: The underclass, teen mothers, welfare caseloads....

Pittsfield's business model: A shrinking tax base with record breaking city return for "a shit sandwich".

Sarcasm: Pittsfield is really attracting Fortune 500 companies, small business investments, middle-class families, and its so-called "Renaissance" that rivals Paris, London, NYC, and L.A. because after all it is "Brooklyn in the Berkshires"!

Jon Melle


November 10, 2023

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Unlike the disgraced former Pittsfield State Senator Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior and his despicable political network of bullies in Pittsfield politics to Boston, there are still good people who defend me and my family in Pittsfield, Massachusetts; someone wrote in an email to me tonight:

"For record, I never tolerated the abuse heaped upon you and the coarse calumnies. A gentleman called me 6 months ago. He apologized to me on behalf of the village for their behavior. He spoke of and your father and spoke of your grievance."

I wish to thank all of the good people who fight the good fights and who fight for good people who live in Pittsfield, Boston and beyond.

In Manchester, NH, Alderman-at-large Joe Kelly Levasseur won reelection this past week.  In 2008 - 2009, he defended me from political attacks in the City of Manchester, NH.  He is a Republican, but at the end of the day, we are all Americans who believe in democracy, liberty and justice for all.

There are good people everywhere.  I am a disabled Veteran and I go to the VAMC Manchester, NH, on a weekly basis.  I have wonderful neighbors, family and friends in Amherst, NH.

I am thankful that you, Dan Valenti, have told me that you have defended me over these past 27.5 years of political persecution since my dad, Bob, ran and served as a Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000).  North Adams' John Barrett III also defended my dad, Bob, back then.

During this month of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all of the good people in my life.  I hope to pay it forward in the years to come during my short time of life on Earth.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle


December 4, 2023

Do you people even know what happened to me in Pittsfield politics at the hands of "Luciforo"?  Nuciforo persecuted me because he had a vendetta against my dad, Bob.  It all started in the Spring 1996 when I was 20 years old and my dad started campaigning alongside of Nuciforo back then, and my dad was elected Berkshire County Commissioner and Nuciforo was elected State Senator in the 1996 election.  It annoys me when people write that I am still complaining about events that happened 30 years ago, which is not at all accurate.  Furthermore, Nuciforo's abuses against me never stopped, even after I moved to Amherst, NH, nearly 20 years ago.  Other people, politicians and news media outlets have written about Nuciforo over the years.  Most of the printed words were unfavorable to Nuciforo in politics, the law and the marijuana industry.  The Berkshire Eagle once called Nuciforo a FRINGE politician.  The Springfield Republican once called Nuciforo mean-spirited.  The Boston Globe said that Nuciforo used his political connections in Massachusetts, along with his unknown financial backers with deep pockets, to be one of the first people to receive state and local permits to start his Pittsfield Pot Kingdom on Dalton Avenue with a dispensary in East Boston called "Berkshire Roots".  I am NOT alone in writing about Nuciforo being a very questionable character who has disgraced himself in politics due to his corrupt special interests in the financial world, especially insurance companies; The Boston Globe once reported that Nuciforo co-hosted an elitist campaign fundraising event with then presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry whereby they wore matching tuxedos to impress billionaire John Kerry's wealthy donors.  I never understood why someone such as Nuciforo would use so much of his energy to hurt "Jon Melle" over and over again, but I feel fortunate that people have defended me in Pittsfield and beyond over and over again.  I am a nobody whose father was once a political and community activist in Pittsfield politics.  It never made any sense to me.  But Nuciforo's 2012 fringe and mean-spirited campaign for U.S. Congress was also nonsensical, which he lost by 40 percentage points to PAC Man Richie Neal, who also has a questionable reputation for being too close to insurance company lobbyists on K Street in the Swamp.  Nuciforo's 2023 lawsuit against the City of Pittsfield is also a long-shot.  Nuciforo is pushing 60 years old come next February 2024.  I don't know what will come next for him, but I hope that he will either stop being a very questionable character or that he will end up in prison where he belongs!

Jonathan A. Melle


Saturday, December 16, 2023

A recap in the past week of Pittsfield politics - Holidays edition:

This past week in Pittsfield politics, the City Council raised the municipal tax rate by a little less than 9 percent, which almost triples the 3.2 percent Social Security CoLA and almost doubles the median increase in workers' pay.  6 out of the 11 City Councilors voted to soak the low- to moderate-income property homeowners who are scared for their financial livelihood.  4 City Councilors voted no, while Councilor Earl Persip was absent and he was not present to vote on the excessive tax rate hike.

Later on this past week in Pittsfield politics, Mayor Linda Tyer - who lives in a mansion in an elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College (along with her neighbor and Pittsfield's Pot King "Luciforo" whose lucrative marijuana kingdom is suing the city over $440.000 in years ago HCAs fees plus unspecified damages) - announced that she was selected for a high paying state government 6-figure position as the new Executive Director of Workforce Training and Community Education at Berkshire Community College.

To recap, the retired nurse who told the City Council that the city's excessive spending is causing her to fear for her financial security and that she fears having to lose her home due to the hundreds of dollars more she has to pay to the city every fiscal year.  Meanwhile, Mayor Linda Tyer is moving on to a 6-figure sinecure working for the state government in a new position at Berkshire Community College - a very short drive from her millionaire estate.

Lastly, the thing that is most alarming to me is that this past week, Governor Maura Healey's administration stated that the state's surplus cash is at a record high of $8.2 billion.  I would think that the Governor of Massachusetts would have then stated that she is going to give rebates to the property taxpayers with the state's historic Slush Fund, but instead, she filed her economic development bill this past week that went to the do-nothing (but DISSERVICES) state lawmakers who are enjoying their 7-weeks-long taxpayer-funded vacation.

Jon Melle

P.S. The above events and facts is a perfect illustration of why most people dislike career politicians!

December 18, 2023

I went through far worse in Pittsfield politics since the Spring 1996 when I was 20 years old  way back then when I first had the unfortunate experience of meeting "Luciforo"; I believe that I am persecuted person who has had it worse than anybody else in Pittsfield politics over the past over 27.5 years, but my heart goes out to all of the other victims of Pittsfield politics over the years.

As we all know all too well, blogger Dan Valenti, Pittsfield politics' other name is RETRIBUTION.  We are supposed to live in a FREE COUNTRY whereby the state and local government is NOT a FIEFDOM, but Pittsfield, Massachusetts, is, indeed, a FIEFDOM run by a few inbred families that love to hurt anyone who challenges their control over the provincial FIEFDOM.  I am thankful for you, blogger Dan Valenti, for defending me and anyone else who has been a victim of RETRIBUTION in Pittsfield politics.  What a DISGRACE!

Jonathan A. Melle


December 24, 2023

Somehow, I drove into Pittsfield's Gated Community, but my car was stuck between Mayor Linda Tyer's mansion and Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's mansion.  I called Linda Tyer, but she said she was already tucked in for the night after a long day at the City Hall.  Then I called "Luciforo", but he said that he only helps out customers of "Berkshire Roots".  I did not know what to do.  But then a number's man with a Cumby's cape came swooping in.  I said, "Cumby's Clairmont", my car is stuck, can you help me get moving again.  Cumby's Clairmont whipped out an air pump for my flat tire, he charged my car's engine, he put 1 gallon of gas in my car's tank, and he lifted my car up and put it outside of the gate.  He then gave my car a good push and said start your engine.  I drove off into the night.

But the night was young.  I stopped by Cumby's on 1st Street.  I pulled out a crisp new $100 bill.  I said to the store clerk, in the name of the 3 am Super Hero of Cumberland Farm's on 1st Street, please give me $100 worth of scratch tickets.  I hit it big.  I cashed out with $500 in winnings.  I drove down Dalton Avenue.  I entered "Berkshire Roots", I said to the clerk, I have $500 cash to spend at Luciforo's Pittsfield's Pot Kingdom.  The clerk replied, what would you like to buy.  I answered, Andy's special herbs.

I got real high, and I started to fly around Pittsfield.  When I reached the clouds, I deployed my parachute, but it would not open.  I thought that I was done for, but out of nowhere, Cumby's Clairmont swooped out of the sky and brought me safely back to Earth.  I said to him, what would I do without you.  He said that he patrols Pittsfield into the early hours of the night.  He told me to drive home to my condo unit in Amherst, NH.  I said that it is over 100 miles away from Pittsfield, but I complied and went back home.

The next day, I thought about Nuciforo's lawsuit suing the City of Pittsfield for $440,000 in HCAs plus unspecified damages.  He would not help me get out of the ditch, while he sat in his $950,000 mansion that is 0.3 miles away from Cumby Clairmont and Linda Tyer's mansion.  I thought to myself that Nuciforo only helps himself, while he sues the city that hosts his Pot Kingdom.  I called Nuciforo and told him that not everyone is into his pot, smoke and big bucks.  Nuciforo replied that the next time I am in Pittsfield, stop in City Hall and say hello to my second cousin, Mayor Peter Marchetti for him.  I replied, I don't wish to talk to Pete and re-Pete, LUCIFORO!

Jonathan A. Melle


December 27, 2023

Hello correspondent,

It is too bad that Mayor Linda Tyer went low on her opponents on the outgoing City Council by having her hand in the Eagle's news article about the 4 dissenting City Councilors having arrears with the city government.  I understand your beliefs that Mayor Linda Tyer is unproductive, manipulative, and scheming.  I also understand that marijuana is very harmful to the mental health of young adults.  Similar to the alcohol, tobacco, gambling, porn and sex workers industries, the marijuana industry is a predatory industry that exploits people's impulses, demands and desires.

I love to read about financial management, which has a dark side to its own industry.  I tell people that my understanding of financial management is that we spend our adult lives trying to transition from negative income, to neutral income, to positive income, and if one does well enough and lives long enough, progressive income.  I also tell people that given all of the predatory industries that play on our impulses, demands and desires as human beings, it is O.K. to spend one's money on "negative income" interests.

If I wish to play the lottery or go to a casino. I may say to myself, I have a $100 limit or another amount in a given month, and once I lose my $100 or another set amount of money in a given month, then I am done gambling for the rest of the month, and then I wish myself better luck next month with my new $100 limit or another set amount of money.  I know that gambling is a predatory industry that plays on my impulses, demands and desires.  I know that gambling is "negative income".  I know that casinos are like the Opiate Dens of old times that I read about in my history books.  I know that gambling - especially the state lottery - is regressive taxation that allows the state government to lower taxes for the corrupt career politicians' wealthy campaign donors who pay some of the super-greedy lobbyists $7-figure salaries.  I know that greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley loves regressive taxation schemes such as the state lottery because it allows him to make more money than he otherwise would by Dan Bosley getting big tax breaks for the wealthy big businesses who hire him as their lobbyist in Boston and beyond.

When I buy a Powerball ticket that tonight advertises a $700 million jackpot, I call it a couple of dollars and my elusive dream of being wealthy.  The odds of me winning tonight's Powerball $700 million jackpot prize are irrational.  When I was a kid growing up in Pittsfield, people used to say to me that the lottery was "A dollar and a dream".  Who comes up with these kinds of SCAMS?  When I try find the answer, I think of greed-balls such as Dan Bosley, who is very intelligent about financial management and government operations, but he is also very greedy.

The trinity of addiction for people in need of dopamine rushes are substance abuse, paying for porn and/or sex, and gambling.  For young adults who have an addiction(s) and are in need of dopamine rushes, their mental health is at stake because their youthful still developing brains are being wasted.  Beer companies show celebrities, beautiful young women in bikinis on the beach - sex sells, and other dreamy ads that target young adults.  Instead, they should show middle-aged adults with beer bellies complaining about their divorces, debts and bouts of depression.

Mayor Linda Tyer is who she is, but I believe that Dan Bosley is much worse than her in politics because he has spent his political and lobbyist careers supporting the wealthy campaign donors in state government in Boston by pushing predatory SCAMS such as the state lottery on the common people to further enrich himself for greed.  I also believe that predatory industries and career politicians in state government mock the common people and the economically distressed and unequal cities that they live in, while the Dan Bosley's of the world cash in on regressive taxation and the elites enrich themselves at the public trough.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle


January 12, 2024

Donald Trump is facing 4 criminal trials and multiple civil trials in 2024.  Joe Biden is facing an impeachment inquiry in 2024.  The corrupt career politicians in the U.S. House of Representatives on the Republican Party side want Hunter Biden to testify in privately held depositions to throw his father, Joe Biden, under the bus so that the Swamp politicians will have more ammunition to use against the sitting U.S. President.  Hunter Biden defied the subpoena because he knows that it is a mousetrap.

For years now in Pittsfield politics (Massachusetts), I - Jon Melle - have written about the deadly mousetrap(s) set up to ruin my life because Nuciforo, who is an Attorney, had a vendetta against my dad, Bob, and tried to ruin his life in the mid- to late-1990's.  People have said and written that what happened to me was many years ago, but the political and legal mousetraps are still there for me in my native hometown of Pittsfield.

This is called CONSPIRATORIAL POLITICS and LEGAL ENTRAPMENT(S)!  They are doing it to Donald Trump.  They are doing it to Joe Biden and his scoundrel son Hunter Biden.  In Pittsfield politics, they are still doing to to me: Jon Melle - even though it happened many years ago now.

Why do politicians and lawyers set up these kinds of conspiratorial mousetraps?  Aren't we supposed to be treated both FAIRLY and SAFELY with Equal Justice Under Law?  If your father was the sitting U.S. President and you knew that a mousetrap was set up for you to throw your own father under the bus, would you take the bait like a rodent?  Hunter Biden is a lawyer who has lawyers defending him.  Hunter Biden chose to NOT throw his father, Joe Biden, under the bus.

Jon Melle


January 15, 2024

WAMC's journalist Josh Landes promote's North Street's sarcastic name of "Social Services Alley":

Downtown Pittsfield (Mass.)'s glut of Social Services Agencies and 15 empty storefronts on North Street is surrounded by Pittsfield's inner-city distressed neighborhoods that are sarcastically called: "The Ring of Poverty".

Social Services Staff always talk about the generations of traumatized individuals and families that face recurring episodes of direct, structural and cultural abuses, assaults, and community conflicts in Pittsfield, which is always ranked in the FBI's annual reports as being in the top ten cities by population in Massachusetts for violent crime.

I grew up in Pittsfield.  One of my biggest fears in my life on 48.5 years was having to end up as a low- to moderate-income adult who resided in inner-city Pittsfield.  It still amazes me - Jon Melle - that I own my own condo unit in a civilized community in Amherst, New Hampshire.  I thank the lucky stars after leading a life of social anxiety and emotional traumas as a native of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

Why does Pittsfield always have recurring themes of suffering people and families, along with a distressed community that has an over-reliance on social services?  I am Exhibit A as a person who grew up in Pittsfield who had recurring themes of anxiety and traumas.  I did everything in my power to not be part of Pittsfield's generations of traumatized individuals and families.  It still saddens me to read about Pittsfield's never-ending and always recurring downward spirals....

Jon Melle


January 15, 2024

A correspondent wrote to me: "Josh Landes is to me as Nuciforo is to you. He is absolutely a malevolent shit".

My reply is that there are many pieces of poop who exist in the form of men, including Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior and Josh Landes.

Please do not speak for me by saying that I wanted to be part of the club in Pittsfield politics, but I was denied membership (many years ago when my dad, Bob, was a politician in Berkshire County).

I wish to speak for myself, please.  I wanted - and still wish to be - to be an American Citizen who uses my FREE SPEECH to participate in our government in our FREE COUNTRY!

You sound like a stool sample yourself.  Do you know why government stinks?  It is full of....!

Jon Melle


January 18, 2024

Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti will air his new local TV show on the Monday evening prior to the biweekly Tuesday evening City Council meetings.


He will talk about Pittsfield politics excessively taxing the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family out of their home.

He will talk about the Pittsfield public school district's Level 5 rating, which is rock bottom.

He will talk about Pittsfield always being ranked in the top 10 cities by population in Massachusetts for VIOLENT CRIME.

He will talk about Allendale Elementary School abutting Hill 78, which is a capped leaky landfill full of industrial chemicals called PCBs.

He will talk about all of the Social Services Agencies and the 15 empty storefronts on North Street.

He will talk about postindustrial Pittsfield's past 50 years of huge losses in population and living wage jobs.

He will talk about Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier's sole state legislative priority to legalize sex workers in Massachusetts.

He will talk about Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's Pittsfield pot kingdom called "Berkshire Roots" stinking up working-class and middle-class residential neighborhoods near his Dalton Avenue marijuana business, while Nuciforo lives in his $950,000 mansion in the same elitist Gated Community former Mayor Linda Tyer resides in.

He will talk about Governor Maura Healey being one of the most unproductive governors in Massachusetts history, while she recently cut state funding for all of the social services agencies and programs that Pittsfield's distressed and extremely unequal economy over-relies on.

"Throw the underclass, disabled, children, elderly and working poor people of Massachusetts off of the proverbial cliff, Maura!"

He won't be talking about "Luciforo's" civil pot lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield.

He won't be talking about Jimmy Ruberto's Rolodex (debacle).

He won't be talking about the federal lawsuit that names him, his men colleagues, and the local bank he worked at for 35 years that alleges sex discrimination by Victoria May.

He won't be talking about trying to reduce spending in the next fiscal year's municipal budget (even though he said he took a pay cut to be the mayor at a city salary of $115,725 per fiscal year 2024).

He probably won't be inviting blogger Dan Valenti on his local television show because he publicly said that he wants a 90 day grace period free of criticism on social media websites and blogs, which he said that he is not a fan of.

Jon Melle


January 20, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) rag (newspaper) published an editorial criticizing the 7 out of 11 Pittsfield City Councilors for voting in favor of a petition to level fund or close to level fund the yet to be proposed fiscal year 2025 municipal budget that will take effect on July 1st, 2024 and end on June 30th, 2025.  The editorial did make some valid points, including that it was too soon for the petition and that it would have been better if the petition requested that the new Mayor, Peter Marchetti, find ways to reduce city spending in Pittsfield politics.

The issues I have with the Dirty Bird's editorial are that:

1. The Dirty Bird published a news story about the four no voting City Councilors tax arrears when they voted on then Mayor Linda Tyer's a little less than 9 percent tax rate increase.  The Dirty Bird has a pattern of publishing unfavorable news stories and editorials against dissenting voices, such as their coverage of former Ward 2 Pittsfield City Councilor Charles Ivar Kronick.  Also, The Dirty Bird took the nuclear option to sink John Krol's mayoral campaign the day after the preliminary election.  In fact, The Dirty Bird has not published any of my many letters to them in a little less than 20 years because someone - (Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior) - doesn't like me: Jon Melle.

2. The bigger story would be for The Dirty Bird to follow up on Mayor Peter Marchetti's online WAMC radio interview whereby he publicly asked for a 90 day grace period from criticisms, as well as him saying that he is not a fan of social media and blogs.  What message did Mayor Peter Marchetti send to the people he works for in Pittsfield, Massachusetts?  I would think that The Dirty Bird would want to clarify the new mayor's public remarks!

3. There are so many other career politicians for The Dirty Bird to write about and comment on.

A. Joe Biden.  U.S. Congress will likely impeach him in the coming months of 2024.  His scoundrel son Hunter Biden is a very suspicious person in the Swamp for his overseas business dealings in Ukraine, Russia and China, among his other activities.  Joe Biden raised and raises more big campaign dollars from Wall Street and K Street corporate lobbyist firms than any other person in U.S. history.

B. Elizabeth Warren.  She claims to fight for Main Street, but she fully supports Joe Biden and all of his fortunes from big government and big business.

C. Ed Markey.  He lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland, which is a wealthy suburb near the Swamp.  He campaigned on the Green New Deal, but he openly supports GE's plan to put a capped leaky landfill full of PCBs in Lee (Mass.) over the objections of his constituents there.

D. Governor Maura Healey.  She is the poster woman for being UNPRODUCTIVE.  In the past year, she signed a record high state budget into law, tax relief for the elites into law, and she recently cut state funding for social services.  It looks to me like she could not pass Financial Management 101.  I cannot understand why she wanted to be Governor when she fails at public management.

E. Paul Mark.  He is a big RUBBER STAMP for Karen Spilka in the State Senate.

F. Smitty Pignatelli.  He has voted against Sunshine laws and rules reform measures in Boston for a little over 21 years now.

H. Tricia Farley-Bouvier.  Another do nothing career politician who has not helped Pittsfield's distressed and extremely unequal economy.

I. John Barrett III.  He has been a career politician for almost as long as Joe Biden's a little over 51 years in the Swamp.

J. Mayor Peter Marchetti.  Victoria May alleges in a sex discrimination federal lawsuit that he called her a BITCH at the bank prior to her termination there.

K. City Council President Pete White.  Like his City Council colleague and V.P. Earl Persip, he refuses to be interviewed by blogger Dan Valenti.  Why?

L. School Committee member Sara Hathaway.  Doesn't she work as a middle-school teacher?  If so, should she even be on the Pittsfield School Committee?  Also, she sued the City of Pittsfield over age and sex discrimination around one decade ago and walked away with an undisclosed settlement under the Dan Bianchi administration.

M. Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior.  There is so much for me to write about him.  He is a disgraced politician for double-dipping as a Pittsfield State Senator who chaired the State Senate Finance Committee in the mid-2000, but had to step down from his elected position in 2006 due to him also serving as a corporate Attorney for Boston's financial district - big banks and insurance companies - where he still has a law office today in 2024.  In 2006, he proceeded to strong-arm two woman candidates - Sara Hathaway and Sharon Henault - out of the 2006 "election" for Middle Berkshire Registrar of Deeds to anoint himself to the 6-year term (sinecure).  For nearly 6 years, Nuciforo plotted to oust the now late John W. Olver from his seat in U.S. Congress.  In 2012, Nuciforo lost to Congressman Richie Neal by 40 points.  In early-2017, Nuciforo used his political and financial business connections to start his marijuana business.  In mid-2023, Nuciforo filed a civil lawsuit against the City of Pittsfield over the $440,000 in HCA's fees "Berkshire Roots" paid plus unspecified damages.

N. Richard Neal.  Instead of Congressman, the fitting title should be PAC Man!  Richie Neal has been in office since the dinosaurs roamed the Earth.  Richie Neal only represents K Street corporate lobbyist firms in the Swamp, especially big Insurance Companies.  If a common citizen wishes to contact Richie Neal, they would have better luck with talking to Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

O. Violent Crime in Pittsfield.  Going back decades, Pittsfield always ranks in the top 10 cities by population for VIOLENT CRIME.  The first thing that businesses look at in a community is the crime rate.  How can any mayor honestly say they are for economic development when Pittsfield is a gang-land?

P. Level 5 public schools.  Why are Pittsfield's public schools always rated Level 5, which is the worst rating by the state.  The first thing than a middle-class family looks at in a community are the quality of the public schools.  How can any mayor honestly say they are for middle-class families living in Pittsfield when the public schools are a disaster?

Q. PCBs.  Allendale Elementary School abuts Hill 78, which is a capped leaky landfill full of GE's industrial chemicals called PCBs that cause cancer and learning disabilities in children and adults alike.  Most of Pittsfield's PCBs sites are in capped leaky landfills, which do not last forever.  

R. PEDA.  How many millions of dollars in debts and unfunded liabilities does PEDA hold?  Who will pay off these arrears?  PEDA will turn 26 years old this upcoming Summer 2024, but it is still very polluted with GE's PCBs.  PEDA is a DEBACLE!

S. North Street.  Downtown Pittsfield has 15 empty storefronts, a glut of social services agencies, and a down and out vibe to it.

T. The state lottery.  The multi-billion-dollar Massachusetts State Lottery boasts record profits, but it is really a regressive taxation scheme that systemically mocks "Gateway" cities such as Pittsfield.  Why? ....

U. Dan Bosley.  He is a greedy lobbyist in Boston and beyond.  Dan Bosley is a big supporter of the lottery SCAM because it allows him to give his big business clients in Boston huge state tax breaks, while the low- to moderate-income residents of Pittsfield (and North Adams) are being played for fools by playing the lottery.

V. RETRIBUTION.  Pittsfield politics' other name is RETRIBUTION.  It seems like it is The Dirty Bird's other name, too.

W. Homelessness.  The state sends homeless people and families - both domestically and around the world - to Pittsfield, and then the Governor cuts state funding for the social services the city and homeless people and families rely on.  She should resign over this fiasco!  If not, she should apologize to everyone and the cities involved, and then she should not only restore the state funding, but increase it.

X. Beacon Hill.  Why is the Boston Statehouse so corrupt, inaccessible, inequitable, secretive and top-down?  Answer: The ruling elites enrich themselves by enriching the financial and corporate elites with billions of dollars per fiscal year in state tax breaks.  Some super-greedy lobbyists in Boston earn 7-figure per year salaries legally bribing the fictional Massachusetts State Representative Sellout Shakedown.  I hear he is Dan Bosley's cousin!

Y. The Swamp.  Joe Biden not only broke all of the records in raising big dollars in campaign cash, he also spent more money than any U.S. President in U.S. history.  Oh, by the way, our U.S. national debt surpassed $34 trillion earlier this month of January 2024.  Over 40 years of deficit spending, while the working class' median pay increased a whole $5 over the past 50 years.  The system of government is broken!  It must be why postindustrial Pittsfield is part of our nation's rust belt.

Z. The Kapanski's.  The fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski works hard for a living, plays by the rules, and lives in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  The Kapanski's never get ahead.  They live their lives in Pittsfield by paying the bills, while City Hall, the Boston Statehouse, and the Swamp are all living the high life.

Jon Melle


January 28, 2024

Why do we common citizens even expect all of the stool samples in elected office to not block our political emails to them?  The pieces of poop in elected office who always block my political emails are: Maryland Ed Markey, Paul Mark (Marxism), Smitty Pignatelli (Shitty Pig-pen), and Tricia Farley-Bouvier (Country Buffet, Illegal immigrants, and Happy Endings).  The government is supposed to serve the people, but I must not be good enough to email the aforementioned stool samples.  Then there is the biggest piece of poop of all in my adult life who exists in the form a 4-foot-tall man who is sarcastically called Luciforo as well as Pittsfield's Pot King.  Career politicians, greedy lobbyist such as Dan Bosley, and the financial and corporate elites are all systemically mocking us common people, especially with the multi-billion-dollar Massachusetts State Lottery SCAM.  They are all in bed with each other, while we have to pound sand.

Jon Melle


January 28, 2024

The combined amount of federal and state spending in 2023 by lobbyists was $5.6 billion.  $4.6 billion in the Swamp plus $1.4 billion in the state capitals throughout the U.S.A. last year in 2023.  The numbers were higher in 2022 because it was an election year.  The numbers will mostly likely be higher in 2024 because we are in an election year.

I have read about lobbyist firms for years.  Some lobbyist firms report tens of millions of dollars in yearly earnings, especially in the Swamp.  On Beacon Hill, I have read that some registered lobbyist make 7-figure per year salaries, while many others make 6-figures.

In Western Massachusetts, retired Beacon Hill lawmakers who turned to lobbying include Dan Bosley, Peter Larkin and Stan Rosenberg.  These political hacks never left the Boston Statehouse after they retired there with their state public pensions plus perks because they chose to cash in at the public trough as double dipper greed-balls.

Please don't get me started on the politically corrupt hacks who went to pot to cash in, including Pittsfield's Pot King who last Summer 2023 purchased a $950,000 mansion in the same elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College that the former Pittsfield Mayor, Linda Tyer, lives in with her third husband Cumby's Clairmont.  But I wonder how Luciforo's marijuana lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield is going?

Jon Melle


February 6, 2024

It figures that former Mayor Dan Bianchi is a partner in Nuciforo's pot company named "Berkshire Roots".  Dan Bianchi was to the late Mayor Anne Everest Wojtkowski (who was Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's Aunt) as Matt Kerwood was to former Mayor Linda Tyer and is to sitting Mayor Peter Marchetti (who, unfortunately, is my relative, as we share the same great grandparents who migrated from Italy to Pittsfield, Massachusetts, a long time ago).

The aforementioned people who ran or run Pittsfield politics are all disingenuous and only out for themselves.  Dan Bianchi, the late "Queen Anne" and her evil nephew "Luciforo", Matt Kerwood, Linda Tyer and Peter Marchetti have all done very well for themselves in Pittsfield, while the rest of us have not.

The late "Queen Anne" and "Luciforo" conspiratorially persecuted me since I was 20 years old beginning in the Spring 1996 when my dad, Bob, began his campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner, 1997 - mid-2000.  They were mean-spirited and abusive with their political power in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  My dad, Bob, served on the Pittsfield School Committee with "Queen Anne" a long time ago.  They obviously did not like each other, which led to them targeting me to get to my father, but it ended up backfiring on them, and I read and hear that good people in Pittsfield still defend me from the ongoing mudslinging attacks even though I haven't lived in Pittsfield in about 20 years.

"Luciforo" is currently suing The City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts" over his $440,000 pot HCAs fee payments that he wants refunded with unspecified damages to "Berkshire Roots".

Jon Melle


February 6th, 2024

Good riddance, Smitty Pignatelli.  You are one of the worst career politicians in Massachusetts history.

You support GE's plan to put a capped leaky landfill in Lee (Mass.) over the strong objections of the town's residents who will be impacted by GE's industrial chemicals called PCBs.

You always voted against Sunshine rules and laws reform measures that would have brought transparency to Beacon Hill's secretive operations.  You even publicly stated that you support closed door governance because you said it is efficient and gets things done.

You are a Rubber Stamp vote in favor of the top-down State House leadership.  Beacon Hill lawmakers and the inequitable governor's office gives away billions of dollars per fiscal year in state tax breaks to Boston area big businesses that do not exist in Western Massachusetts - the worst of both worlds for your constituents.

You voted for two House Speakers - Finneran (your very first vote in Boston) and DiMasi - who later became Convicted Felons as a result of their illegal actions in their leadership positions.

You voted for your own 40-percent state legislative pay raise bill that cost state taxpayers millions of dollars.  You happily accepted countless state legislative public pay raises plus perks for over 21 years now.  You will file for a 6-figure state public pension plus perks one year from now.

You wrote op-eds decrying Berkshire County's past 50 years of losses in population and living wage jobs - a shrinking tax base - while state and local taxes increased - a distressed economy in Western Massachusetts.  You never once looked at yourself in the proverbial mirror of self-reflection as a career politician who is part of the problem.

You proposed legislation to give youths criminal records if they possess a small amount of marijuana near a youth center instead of helping them succeed in their young lives; (the real alleged criminals are the corrupt career politicians, registered lobbyists and marijuana dispensary owners with political connections at the Boston State House)

In early-2004, you - along with now greedy lobbyists Dan Bosley and Peter Larkin - refused to sign my nomination papers for Berkshire-based State Senator because you chose loyalty to then Pittsfield State Senator Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, who two years later had to step down from his elected position due to Nuciforo allegedly illegally double-dipping as the Chair of the State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time serving as legal counsel for Boston's big banks and insurance companies in Boston's Financial District where Nuciforo still has a law office in 2024.

You block all of my political emails to you because your ego is bigger than the size of the Moon.  Moreover, you blame Governor Maura Healey's one year in her current elected office for the problems that you have failed to solve in over 21 years in Boston.

You have two faces. One was sweet for the rich and powerful. The other was sour for the rest of us. Instead of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, it is Smitty & Shitty.

You represent everything that is wrong with state and local politics.

Jon Melle


"State Rep. William 'Smitty' Pignatelli will not run for another term. Friends, Colleagees and Constituents say he'll be hard to replace"
By Greg Sukiennik, The Berkshire Eagle, February 6, 2024

Lenox - State Rep. Smitty Pignatelli will not run for another two-year term representing the 3rd Berkshire District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, the longtime Democratic lawmaker told The Berkshire Eagle on Monday.

Pignatelli, who was first elected to the House in 2002, said he made that announcement now to give would-be hopefuls “plenty of opportunity to explore” a run for the seat.

But Pignatelli, 64, emphasized that his leaving Beacon Hill is “not a retirement” when it comes to public service, and that he remains focused on finishing out his 11th two-year term. “I promise you that I’ll be running through the tape at the end of my term in January 2025,” he said.

“There is always more to do, but I feel it’s time for a new generation of leadership to hopefully make the people of the 3rd Berkshire District their priority as your new state representative," he said.

"I'm still humbled by the show of support that I have received," he said in a letter announcing the decision. "Each day that I enter the Statehouse I think about my immigrant grandparents who wanted nothing but a better life for themselves and their families. In our Commonwealth, with nearly 7 million people, I think that they would be proud knowing that their grandson was one of 160 people chosen to serve our state in the House of Representatives."

Why now?

“I think it’s time,” he said. “I've seen a lot of changes and I've been losing a lot of dear friends — it’s keeping life in perspective. After 40 years of elected office and over 50 years of service, I feel it’s time to move on.”

Also, Pignatelli never expected to make a career out of Beacon Hill.

“I gave up a very good job just to run for this job,” he said of his former role in business development at Lee Bank. “This was never my plan ... it just happened.”

“I told my staff for 22 years do your job every day and the next election will take care of itself. I still believe that,” he said.

Friends, town officials and fellow lawmakers said Pignatelli’s tireless effort and follow-through, empathy, willingness to listen and commitment to the district’s needs made him effective — and popular. They also pointed to the many favors Pignatelli has done for others, quietly and without fanfare or publicity.

“South County identifies itself geographically as a place. But there’s only been one unifying government we could call for the last however many years — it’s been Smitty,” Lenox Town Manager Christopher Ketchen said. “So the idea we’ll no longer have him is understandable from his perspective, but sad for us who have enjoyed working with him.”

“The strength of Smitty is his ability to connect with people,” said Gene Dellea, president of Fairview Hospital and Hillcrest Family Health Center of Berkshire Medical Center. "Beyond being a legislator he is there to solve problems for people other than legislation.

"He's the go-to person for South County — I know that firsthand. He’s responsive and always gets back to people. If he says he’ll do something it always will be done,” Dellea said.

“The thing I think of is he's fast on his feet,” said Mary Ellen Deming, who recently retired as Lenox director of administrative services. “He was sincere and honest and always there to help anyone … you could call him at any moment and he will help you.”

Pignatelli made the announcement on the day his late father, former Lenox Select Board and Berkshire County Commission member John Pignatelli, would have turned 100. The fifth anniversary of his late mother Mary Jane Pignatelli’s death, in 2019, is Tuesday.

“I owe everything I am today to my parents, who laid the foundation for service to our community,” Pignatelli said.

"My father was a great mentor to me. He taught me you have to understand history to chart a path forward, otherwise you're going to make the same mistakes," he said. "Whoever the next state rep. is needs to have his perspective."

John Pignatelli, a World War II veteran and electrician, joined the Lenox Planning Board in 1957, and served as a Lenox Select Board member from 1961-93 and a county commissioner from 1972-92. Smitty — named after his father’s childhood friend, William Henry Smith, who was killed in World War II — also started his public service career on the Planning Board, and was elected to the Select Board in 1992, serving with his father for one year.

Deming, who worked with both father and son in town government, said the younger Pignatelli went about things the same way as his dad. “That’s how he grew up," she said.

Michele Rivers Murphy, a longtime friend who grew up in the same neighborhood as the Pignatellis, said she thinks about how proud John Pignatelli would be of his son.

“I think about his father a lot, just knowing what his father meant to Lenox and to Berkshire County politics — and how proud he would be of those 40 years of selfless service to others,” she said.

“From a public service standpoint it's hard to imagine you’ll ever find such a staple of goodness and service again," she said. "Everyone’s posturing and positioning. And then there’s Smitty.”

Of his mother, a world language teacher in the Lenox Public Schools, Pignatelli was impressed by her combination of compassion, tenacity and dedication to public service.

“It was about doing something to help other people,” he said of his mother’s efforts. “She did things in a very different style — quiet and behind the senses but equally as effective.”

Another close friend, Doug Trombly, recalled how he and Pignatelli bonded during a weeklong trip to New Orleans in 2007 to rebuild a Lower Ninth Ward home that had been decimated by Hurricane Katrina.

Two years after the storm, a family was still living in a FEMA trailer not much bigger than an SUV, Trombly recalled. Pignatelli organized a small army of Berkshire building contractors and tradesmen and led a weeklong trip to build the family a new home.

“It says everything about who he is. He cares about people. He’s not the politician of politicians; he sincerely cares for you,” Trombly said. “If I call and tell him I've got a problem, or a buddy of mine has a problem, this is what he’d tell you: ‘Give him my cell phone number.’ He’d never hesitate to do that. And he’d help him out. He’d see it through. I think that’s what makes him special.”

Whoever follows his footsteps has big shoes to fill — and an 18-town district stretching from Dalton to Mount Washington.

“In a district that size you need somebody who has a lot of energy, a lot of commitment. Being a representative in a district like that means working 14-hour days, six days a week,” said state Sen. Paul Mark, whose Senate district is even larger. “It’s a lot of time away from family and has a significant impact on your personal life.”

Mark said Pignatelli was invaluable as a mentor. He recalled that one time before a tough vote — in which he was bucking leadership — Pignatelli related his experience with the 2004 same-sex marriage bill, in which he gave his first House floor speech in favor of the state granting that right.

“The point I took from it was even when you’re worried about doing the right thing, the right thing is usually its own reward in the end,” said Mark, D-Becket, of the advice. “That meant a lot to me.”

While many hailed Pignatelli for his advocacy on behalf of the Berkshires, others said the loss of a 22-year veteran will be felt.

“Smitty has moved up in seniority and he’s well known,” Dellea said. “He knows how to approach an issue with a commissioner or the governor. For a new person there’s a learning curve."

When it comes to future priorities for his successor, Pignatelli remains convinced that the state must do more to ease the Berkshires' housing crisis — not with a single project in a single town, but with a "patchwork" spreading homes throughout the county. 

But he remains convinced that the most important work is constituent service. 

"The day-to-day interactions you can have are far greater than trying to go down there to solve big issues," he said. "I’m glad to be part of a team to solve big issues. But don't lose sight of where you came from."


February 16, 2024

Putin killed another Russian dissident, but in Pittsfield politics, Jon Melle is still alive, Luciforo and his conspiratorial network of bullies who hurt me since the Spring 1996 when I was 20 years old.  I am relieved that Nuciforo's disgraced political career in Massachusetts politics is long over!

Jon Melle


February 16, 2024

Why did he return to Russia?  He should have stayed in a democratic country so that he wouldn't have been sent to a Siberian prison and killed by Russia's authoritarian henchman, Putin.

After all of the abuses Luciforo did to me over the past a little less than 28 years now, I feel peace of mind living 100 miles away from Pittsfield (Mass.) in Amherst, New Hampshire.  Why would I return to Pittsfield (Mass.) knowing that the Nuciforo network would continue to hurt me there?

I know a few people who are my friends who used to live in Pittsfield, but live near me in southern, New Hampshire.  I go out to eat once a week with my friend, who is a Navy Veteran, and a lady at the diner said to us: "Both of you experienced life in the Pitts".

In closing, I guess it was better for me to have been in the Pitts than in Siberia, Russia.

Jon Melle


February 16, 2024

Do you know anyone who would serve as my Attorney to sue Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, who - by the way - is currently suing the City of Pittsfield over his marijuana company Berkshire Roots' past payments of $440,000 in HCAs fees plus unspecified damages?  I would be more than happy to sue "Luciforo" for all of his conspiratorial abuses against me since the Spring 1996 when I was 20 years old and my dad, Bob, began his successful campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner, 1997 - mid-2000!

I believe that Nuciforo belongs in prison due to his allegedly illegal double dipping in the mid-2000s when he chaired the Massachusetts State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time serving as an Attorney at the Boston Law Firm Berman & Dowell as legal counsel for Boston's big banks and insurance companies, which led to Nuciforo having to step down in disgrace as Pittsfield's State Senator in 2006.  These are all facts that were published in The Boston Globe in early- to mid-January 2007.

Furthermore, in present day 2024, Nuciforo still has a law office in Boston's financial district.  Someone needs to hold Nuciforo accountable for being a mean-spirited, abusive and corrupt disgraced politician, Attorney, and marijuana businessman.

Instead, Nuciforo lives in a mansion he purchased last Summer 2023 for $950,000 in the same elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College that former Mayor Linda Tyer also resides in.  Also, Nuciforo's owns other properties in Pittsfield and Boston.

The Berkshire Eagle targets other politicians and people, but not Nuciforo, who is the biggest FRAUD in the history of Pittsfield politics!

Jon Melle


February 17, 2024

If I sued Nuciforo and I won money due to "Luciforo's" conspiratorial harmful actions against and multi-decades persecution of me, then I would give it all away to good causes.  I am NOT in it for the money.  Also, Mr. Fritz, I am not "playing the victim card".  Thank you.

What did former Mayor Linda Tyer's 3rd husband Barry Clairmont do with his 6-figure settlement at the end of his multi-year civil lawsuit versus Melissa Mazzeo?

What is the status of Nuciforo's ongoing pot lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield?

I have not filed any lawsuits, while Barry Clairmont did, and Nuciforo is doing.  I do not rule out filing a civil lawsuit versus Nuciforo.

Also, I do not live in a mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood like Barry Clairmont and "Luciforo".  I only own a 1-bedroom condo unit in Amherst, NH.

Jon Melle


February 19, 2024

Happy U.S. Presidents' Day 2024

Here are my ideas for Pittsfield politics' Holidays:

Life in the Pitts Day


PCBs Day

Cancer clusters Day

Level 5 Scohol Day

Learning disabilities Day

Blame the GE Day

Barstool Day

Aberration Day

Rolodex Day

Gated Community Day

Openly Gay Day

County Buffet Day

Luciforo Day

Violent Crime Day

Dead Downtown Day

Kufflinks' Day

Kapanski Day

Krooklyn in the Berkshires Day

Rinaldo's Day

Nip bottle Day

Lottery litter Day

The Dirty Bird Day

The Fart of the Berkshires Day

Sell Norman Rockwell paintings Day

20 percent Voter Turnout Day

Growth in the Underclass Day

50 years of population loss Day

No living wage jobs left Day

Fall off the Cliff (Nilan) Day

Homeless in Pittsfield Day


The Good Old Boys Day

The 5 Families who run Pittsfield Day

Pittsfield is a political fiefdom Day


Excessive municipal spending Day

Pittsfield is a junkie for state aid Day

The panhandler on every corner Day

The 3 am Cumby's Clairmont Day

The Tell 'em Angelo sent you Day

The Carmen Massimiano, Jr. Day

The everyone is related to each other Day

The low gene pool Day

The Retribution Day

The there is nothing for you here Day

Jon Melle


February 20, 2024

Hello Congresswoman Annie Kuster,

Is it true that the Democrats since Bill Clinton was the sitting U.S. President many years ago now have created issues that can be blamed on the Republicans?

Is Governor Maura Healey cutting Massachusetts health benefits for citizens so she can spend more state dollars on public schools and the like?

Are illegal immigrants and Ukraine taking away federal dollars from programs like WIC, U.S. Veterans, housing, etc.?

My dad, Bob, who will turn 80 this Summer 2024, was a Berkshire County, Massachusetts, politician several decades ago.  That is why blog posters in the Berkshires refer to my father being a Democrat elected official.

Disgraced former Pittsfield (Massachusetts) State Senator (and failed candidate for U.S. Congress in 2012) Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior has persecuted me ever since the Spring 1996 when I was 20 years old back then.  He also tried to ruin my dad's life by filing multiple state "ethics" complaints to multiple Massachusetts state agencies from the Fall 1997 - Spring 1998.  He also tried to jail me by lying about me to the Pittsfield Police Department during the Spring 1998 - Summer 1998.  Due to his many abuses, mean-spirited actions and corruption, Nuciforo's political career ended in disgrace a long time ago.  Nuciforo is sarcastically called "Luciforo" and Pittsfield's Pot King, and he is currently suing the City of Pittsfield.

The then U.S. President, George W. Bush, ordered a hearing at the VA Central Office near The White House that I attended (with my mother) in the Summer 2004.  I am a 100 percent totally and permanently disabled Veteran who served honorably.  Your office has helped me with matters before the VA over the years.  Thank you.

Are the Democrats in DC going to eliminate my VA benefits?

Thank you for your time,

Jonathan A. Melle

Attn: Congresswoman Annie Kuster:

I posted my letter to you on the blog.  These are the responses that I read.

* Just the Democrat mantra JM since Clinton, create an issue you can blame the Republicans for and it always seems to be aimed at the poor and weak. Our current Governor played the Dem play and cut MA Health benefits so she can give more money to scohols. Keep voting for them JM so at least you will have stuff to write about!

* JM, you do realize that the cuts to programs like WIC, help for US veterans, housing, etc, are being cut by the people YOU VOTED FOR, in favor of illegal aliens and Ukraine.

Let that sink in before you pen your next letter and look like a fool. YOU VOTED FOR THIS.

Actions have consequences. This isn’t your father’s democRAT party.

Get off MSNBC and go ask a recent Vet how he feels about democRATS and their policies.

Have you considered allowing a few illegals to live with you? You’d be a democRAT hero.

You could tell them your tales of woe and misery. Starting with your Army DI’s offending you by screaming and cussing at you in basic training. Followed by the Andy “Luciforo” Nuciforo story and how he has tormented you for 35 years and counting.

* I - Jon Melle - wrote: I served honorably just like you did, but I believe that you were the better Soldier than I; thank you.

As for Nuciforo, I am not the only one who feels like vomiting when his name is mentioned. Please ask him how his lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield is going? I am not suing anyone.

The U.S. Congress should pass the late federal budget already.

* John, the current Junta in DC are treating the CRIMINAL ALIENS better than American citizens. Maybe they will eliminate your VA benefits and give those to the invaders too!

Guess what? YOU VOTED FOR THEM!!!!


February 23, 2024

Sarcasm: Would-be Mayor of Pittsfield politics Jon Melle files a counter lawsuit versus Pittsfield's Pot King "Luciforo" for being a 4-foot-tall piece of poop in the form of a man who will turn 60 - "666-0" - this upcoming Monday.

More sarcasm: If I won, then the would-be city-owned Berkshire Roots marijuana business would be renamed Berkshire Poops because Nuciforo and his pot business both STINK!

Jon Melle


February 23, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

One of your well-informed posters on your blog wrote: "Locally how can you say the city is following the example of the 4 freedoms when the citizens are afraid to voice opposition in fear they will become JM?"

My reply is that Pittsfield politics' other name is RETRIBUTION.  The career politicians only do DISSERVICES to the common people, while they serve their political, financial and corporate backers.  The multi-billion-dollar per fiscal year record breaking Massachusetts State Lottery is a perfect illustration of the government scamming the common people to enrich the financial, corporate and ruling elites at the public trough.

My dad, Bob, once was a political and community activist in Pittsfield (Massachusetts) many years ago now.  When I was a young man back then, my dad's political enemies abused me as a means to hurt my dad, especially "Luciforo".  I - Jon Melle - know that if I ever returned to my native hometown of Pittsfield, they would find ways to hurt me there all over again.  But I am not the one who is suing the city, unlike the aforementioned Nuciforo (aka "Pittsfield's Pot King").

Predictable Pittsfield politics should not be always raise its municipal fiscal year operating budget by between 5 percent to 10 percent every year since the early-1980's.  There is no real middle-class tax base in Pittsfield anymore.  The city is basically robbing the Senior Citizens of their monthly Social Security checks, among other low- to moderate-income local taxpaying households.

I wish I could change and reform things for the better in the government, but it would end up being me getting abused and hurt again (and again and again....) in an act of futility.

Jon Melle


On Monday, 2/26/2024, Pittsfield's Pot King "Luciforo" turns "666"-0 years old.  Nuciforo's marijuana company's lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield is claiming that the city government owes him $440,000 in past HCAs fees plus unspecified damages.  Maybe "Luciforo" will end up winning a sum total of $666,666?  As Nuciforo is playing the victim card here, we should all sign his birthday - victim - card and wish him a Happy Birthday.

Poor 60-year-old Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior. He has made millions of dollars off his stinky marijuana company called "Berkshire Roots", but nonetheless, he is playing the victim card by suing the city government. I hope he loses his lawsuit because he is a stinky old fart.

On the night of "Luciforo's" 60th birthday, Pittsfield City Councilor Alisa Costa is holding her first constituent meeting at Living in Recovery off of McKay Street at 7:00 pm on Monday, February 26th, 2024.  What if one of her constituents asks her about his addiction to marijuana, and if it is O.K. that Nuciforo is profiting off of being a drug dealer of pot products?

Jon Melle


February 27, 2024

Nuciforo owns multiple properties that he rents out in both Pittsfield and Boston.  Nuciforo's mansion home in Pittsfield is 0.3 miles from former Mayor Linda Tyer's mansion home in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College.  Nuciforo does not live near his pot growing building on Dalton Avenue.  Nuciforo also has a residence in Boston, as well as a law office in Boston's Financial District.  Nuciforo is suing the City of Pittsfield over his marijuana company's $440,000 in HCAs payments from years ago, along with unspecified damages.

I agree with "Merry & Bright" that your Ward in Pittsfield deserves some answers about Nuciforo's Pittsfield Pot Kingdom from Mayor Peter Marchetti, City Councilors and the Health Department.  It seems like everyone but me - Jon Melle - is afraid of Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, whom I believe belongs in prison for being a corrupt disgraced former politician, unethical lawyer, and a stinky marijuana businessman.

Jon Melle


February 28, 2024

Sarcasm: I told Kufflinks that the city government forgot to pay me back $440,000 plus unspecified damages over my marijuana company's past payments of HCAs fees from years ago.  Kufflinks told me that he didn't forget to pay me because it was part of my pot permits to make millions of dollars off of being a drug dealer of pot products.  So last Summer 2023, I filed a civil lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield in Berkshire Superior Court to recoup my money from the city government, which is still ongoing in 2024.  I am also a disgraced former Pittsfield State Senator who had to step down from my elected position in 2006 because I was double dipping as the Chair of the State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time serving as an Attorney for the Boston Law Firm Berman and Dowell as an Attorney serving Boston's big banks and insurance companies.  In 2024, I still have a law office in Boston's Financial District because I get away with everything under the Sun.  From 2007- 2012, I anointed myself as the Middle Berkshire Registrar of Deeds whereby in 2012, I ran a failed campaign for U.S. Congress.  Years ago in March 2017, I went to pot and co-founded "Berkshire Roots" by using my corrupt political connections with deep pockets of money as one of the first pot permit holders in Pittsfield and Massachusetts alike.  My large marijuana growing building on Dalton Avenue stinks up nearby residential neighborhoods, but the city government that I am suing lets me do whatever the hell I want.  In the Summer 2023, I purchased a $950,000 mansion in the same elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College that former Mayor Linda Tyer lives in.  I don't live near my pot kingdom on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield (Mass.) because I don't want to smell all of the stinky marijuana growing odors that so many city residents complain about.  I am a 4-foot-tall stinky piece of poop who exists in the form of a man.  My sarcastic nicknames are "Luciforo" and "Pittsfield's Pot King".  I have hurt a lot of people over the years because I want everyone to fear me, but as the years go by, I am the one who is called mean-spirited, corrupt, litigious, hypocritical, and so on.  I just turned 60 years old earlier this week, which means that I hope to live for at least another 25 years before I end up in Hell for eternity.  I liked blogger Dan Valenti's satirical play about Pittsfield politics' Agenda 12 requesting the city government pay a $43,000 bill from around one year ago.  I am asking over 10 times that amount from the city government from pot payments that I paid years ago now in my lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield.  I hope that blogger Dan Valenti does not write a satirical play about me.  I get picked on enough.  The Berkshire Eagle wrote that I am "a fringe politician".  The Springfield Republican wrote that I am "mean-spirited".  The Boston Globe wrote about how I used my political connections with deep pockets of money to cash in on being a drug dealer of marijuana products.  Jon Melle always writes that I belong in prison over all of the above corrupt things I have done over the years.  I am Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior.


March 02, 2024


As a career politician, I lie, raise taxes, increase spending, and dish out retribution....

As a lobbyist, I greedily shakedown big businesses for money, put some of my loot in the pockets of the career politicians, and then support regressive taxation schemes such as the state lottery SCAM to give my wealthy clients big tax breaks....

As an accountant, I cook the books for my boss and then I crawl back under my desk in shame....

As an economist, I say that "the ratio" always has trade-offs, but all of the income gains go to the super wealthy 1 percent, while the working class received a whole $5 pay raise over the past 50 years....

As a bureaucrat, I only care about the elites whom I serve, along with my pay plus perks for life....

As a lawyer, I make hundreds of dollars per hour, interpret the law in favor of my client(s), and my picture is on my opposing side's dart board....

As a journalist, I work for my media outlet, which is funded by big corporations to divide and conquer the people based on our political beliefs....

As a blogger, I write about my views of Pittsfield politics and beyond, read Dan Valenti's blog posts, and redundantly write that the financial, corporate and ruling elites are all enriching themselves at the public trough, while the rest of us pounds sand....

Jon Melle


A Planet Valenti comment blog poster wrote: "JM has a unhealthy thing for Nuciforo and you can see it by how he doesn’t mention others seeking the same return of money."

Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024

My reply: Nuciforo used his political connections in Pittsfield and Boston to receive one of the first pot permits in both metro areas at the opposite ends of Massachusetts.  Nuciforo's "Berkshire Roots" marijuana business always had deep pockets of investments.  Who were his investors?  Why didn't many of the other pot permit seekers have so much large investment capital funds like Nuciforo's Pittsfield Pot Kingdom?

Nuciforo is NOT similar to many of the other marijuana businesses in Massachusetts.  We all know that Nuciforo has deep ties to the finance industry in Boston.  It led to him being a disgraced politician and having to step down from his elected position of State Senator back in 2006.  The Boston Globe reported on these facts in early-2007.

Nuciforo has two pending marijuana lawsuits in two Massachusetts Superior Courts.  The first lawsuit was filed last Summer 2023 in Pittsfield's Berkshire Superior Court.  He is suing the City of Pittsfield over the $440,000 in HCAs fees "Berkshire Roots" paid to the city government many years ago now.  The second lawsuit was recently filed in Boston's Suffolk Superior Court in a union decertification bid - SARCASM: You're some Democrat, Nuciforo, suing to decertify unions in the Massachusetts marijuana industry in order to make a few more pot bucks for yourself, you GREED-BALL.

Nuciforo is a very politically connected, disgraced politician, unethical financial industry-based Attorney, and litigious marijuana businessman.  In 2004, when John Forbes Kerry ran for U.S. President, Nuciforo and Kerry wore matching tuxedos to co-host an elitist fundraiser whereby they raised campaign funds from the financial, corporate and ruling elites.  John Kerry is a billionaire and Boston Brahmin, as is Bill Weld.

Nuciforo is a millionaire.  Nuciforo owns several buildings in Boston and Pittsfield alike.  Nuciforo is a landlord.  Nuciforo has a law office in Boston's Financial District.  Nuciforo has a law office in Pittsfield, too.  Nuciforo lives in a mansion in Pittsfield's Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College.

The Berkshire Eagle wrote that Nuciforo is a FRINGE politician.  The Springfield Republican wrote that Nuciforo is MEAN-SPIRITED.  The Boston Globe wrote that Nuciforo - along with other former politicians - used his political connections and deep pockets of investors to receive their pot permits to make millions of dollars off of the commonwealth's marijuana industry, while minority applicants had to pound sand.

Since I was 20 years old during the Spring 1996, Nuciforo has persecuted me: Jon Melle.  Nuciforo also persecuted my dad, Bob, who is a former Berkshire County Commissioner, 1997 - mid-2000.  I have lived in Amherst, NH, for the past 20 years now.  Believe it or not, people who live here who have ties to Massachusetts know that Nuciforo ensnared me into his conspiratorial politics.  Even when I was a graduate college student at U Mass Amherst, (from the Fall 1997 - Spring 1999), some of my College Professors told me they questioned Nuciforo about his mistreatment of me when they went to the Boston Statehouse back then.  Even blogger Dan Valenti himself once wrote to me that he knows that I was hurt in Pittsfield politics.  Bottom line: A lot of people who follow Massachusetts politics know that Nuciforo has been mean-spirited towards me for a very long time now.

In closing, I do NOT understand how Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior is able to file his pot lawsuits without question by the news media and blogs, while he is a disgraced politician, a politically connected sycophant to the likes of John Kerry, and an unethical Attorney who always gets to do whatever the Hell he wants to do and he never faces any consequences for his actions!

Jon Melle


April 11, 2024

Predictable Pittsfield politics:

1. An excessive municipal operating budget that always increases spending by at least 5 percent up to 10 percent per fiscal year.

2. Instead of small businesses, Pittsfield is the Social Services and Not-for-Profit Capital of Massachusetts.

3. Instead of investing in the people and the community, Pittsfield screws anyone and everyone who is not part of the incestuous-like one political (Democrat) party insider's club.

4. Level 5 public schools with over 650 students per academic year who choice out to nearby neighboring public school districts.

5. Lottery Tickets and Nip Bottles and Marijuana Dispensaries and the like epitomizing the state's systemic mockery of the low- to-moderate income underclass residents who live in Pittsfield's distressed economy.

6. Mayors who say that Pittsfield is a Junkie for State Aid, Crime in Pittsfield is an Aberration, I have a Rolodex, I will revitalize post-GE Pittsfield, Pittsfield is Vibrant and Dynamic, I request a 90-day Grace Period free from criticism, and I am NOT a fan of social media and blogs, I formed a [secretive] advisory committee on mental health and addiction whereby I have unilateral authority....

7. Past Mayors who now live in Sunny Florida, a Gated Community along with her litigious neighbor who is sarcastically known as Pittsfield's Pot King Luciforo, and anywhere else but inner-city Pittsfield.

8. The School Committee and City Council supporting demolishing two West Side public schools, while omitting the elementary school that abuts Hill 78, which is a capped leaky landfill full of GE's PCBs industrial chemicals that causes brain damage, learning disabilities and cancer.

9. Pittsfield politics other name is RETRIBUTION!  It is NOT democracy.

10. NO real representation on any level of government for the fictional family named Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, who lives, works, and pays taxes in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

Jon Melle


April 12, 2024

Sarcasm: That is me: Jon Melle, who is racing to post my delusional rants.... I should join the ranks of "Junkie for State Aid" & "Aberration", "Rolodex" & "Renaissance", "Vibrant & Dynamic", and "90 day grace period".  I should run for U.S. Congress versus PAC Man Richie Neal and then after I lose by 40 points, I should appoint myself as Pittsfield's Pot King.  I should propose demolishing 2 West Side public schools, while NOT doing anything about the elementary school that abuts the capped leaky landfill full of PCBs industrial chemicals that causes brain damage, learning disabilities, and cancer.  I should be the first would-be openly gay Governor of Massachusetts, but then have the sarcastic nickname of "Unproductive".  I should be a U.S. Senator who represents Massachusetts in the Swamp, but really live in Chevy Chase, Maryland.  I should be the U.S. President and say that I am very proud of my scoundrel son, Hunter.  There you have it: Jon Melle's DELUSIONAL rant.


April 14, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

One of my best friends, who I grew up with in Pittsfield, wrote to me today that I cannot change the past with Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's a little less than 28 years of bullying me, hurting my dad, Bob, and so on.  I agreed with him, of course.  You, Dan Valenti, once wrote to me that you know that I was hurt in Pittsfield politics.  Many other concerned people have communicated with me their negative views about "Luciforo" over these many years of my adult life (20 years old during the Spring 1996 to 49 years old this upcoming Summer 2024).  I appreciate that good people care about me, as well as my family, when it comes to "Pittsfield's Pot King".

The thing many people do not understand about Nuciforo's conspiratorial persecution of me is that it has not ended, nor will it ever end until death to us part.  It is like I am married and divorced to my enemy #1.  I can never escape this 4-foot-tall piece of poop that exists in the form of a man.  Nuciforo wins at any cost.  He has no decency.  He has no bottom.  It bothers Nuciforo that he has not fully ruined my life, despite all of the abuses he has done to me over so many years now.

I wrote to my best friend that Nuciforo is suing the city.  Nuciforo also filed a lawsuit in Boston to take away unions in the marijuana industry.  I wrote to my best friend that Nuciforo is a piece of shit.  I am NOT the only person who views Nuciforo unfavorably.  Moreover, the Eagle wrote that Nuciforo is a FRINGE politician.  The Springfield Republican wrote that Nuciforo is MEAN-SPIRITED.  The Boston Globe wrote that Nuciforo - along with other former politicians - used his political connections, deep pockets of unknown investors, and the like to be one of the first marijuana firms to receive pot permits in Massachusetts.

Pittsfield (Mass.) is notorious for persecuting innocent people who are powerless versus the likes of someone such as Nuciforo.  All I have to defend myself is my political writings and blogs to fight back versus Nuciforo.  I could not imagine what would happen to me if Nuciforo had won in the past or wins against me in the future.  Lastly, I do not comprehend how Nuciforo has done so much wrong in his horrible life, but he always gets away with everything under the Sun.  I hope that someone out there will STOP Nuciforo over the next 25 years before he ends up in Hell for Eternity.

Best wishes,

Jon Melle


Sarcasm: Luciforo told me to remind everyone that today is 4/20 [2024] and his Anti-Christ idol Adolf Hitler's birthday.

Luciforo is suing the City of Pittsfield because he wants his $440,000 in HCAs fees for his pot permits back.  Luciforo also filed a lawsuit in Boston to try to take away unions in the Massachusetts marijuana industry.  Luciforo loves MONEY, which is the root of all EVIL.

Luciforo lives in a mansion in the same elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield that former Mayor Linda Tyer and her 3rd husband Barry Clairmont HAVE their own mansion in.  Luciforo lives far away from his Dalton Avenue pot growing 3-story building that stinks up nearby residential Pittsfield neighborhoods.

But not to worry because Luciforo is 60 years old, which means that in about 25 years from now, Luciforo will rot in Hell where he will smell sulfer for eternity along with his birthday buddy Hitler.

Jon Melle


April 22, 2024

My reply to you, Barry Clairmont, is that I am a Linda Tyer supporter in politics since 2003.  She was one of the best in the Berkshires elected officials in my lifetime.  I agree with you when you said that she was the best Mayor of Pittsfield in recent decades.  That being said, I wish you and Linda a wonderful life together.

As I recall, you won a 6-figure legal settlement in your several years-long defamation lawsuit versus Melissa Mazzeo.  She should have chosen her criticisms of you being near the City Clerk's Office where the ballots were held in Pittsfield City Hall close to the 2019 municipal election that your aforementioned 2nd wife won back then more carefully.

You are a multi-millionaire CPA who owns a mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College.  Also, you served on the Pittsfield City Council years ago.  Your 2nd wife, Linda Tyer, was the Mayor of Pittsfield for 8 years from 2016 - 2023.  Your successes far outnumber the accusatory statements that Melissa Mazzeo made about you over 4 years ago now after she lost the mayoral election in 2019.

Many people, including myself, along with The Berkshire Eagle's editorials, have criticized your defamation lawsuit versus Melissa Mazzeo.  You had merit, obviously, but politics is an arena full of mudslinging.

I never sued "Luciforo" over his alleged abuses against me over the past a little less than 28 years now since I was 20 years old and my dad successfully campaigned for the elected office of Berkshire County Commissioner in 1996.  I do not rule out suing Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, especially because he is suing the City of Pittsfield over his pot permits HCAs payments of $440,000 years ago, along with his other marijuana lawsuit that he recently filed in Boston to try to take away unions in the Massachusetts marijuana industry workplace.  I wonder how Nuciforo would like it if the tables were turned on him and he was to be sued?

Stay strong, Barry Clairmont.  You asked me a fair question.  I hope that you will accept my answer.

Jon Melle


May 10, 2024

The cornerstone of Pittsfield politics: Predictable retribution.
The cornerstone of the feminist Me-Too movement: Double Standards.
The cornerstone of the extremists movements: Moral Hypocrisy.
The cornerstone of Beacon Hill politics: Do NOTHING but DISSERVICES.
The cornerstone of the Swamp: Pay to Play.
The cornerstone of 300,000 years of human nature and behavior: GREED.
The cornerstone of so-called JUSTICE: MONEY.
The cornerstone of power: Divide and Conquer to dominate.
The cornerstone of the Miss Hall's sex scandal case: Wait many years to accuse a man teacher of being sexually inappropriate with teenage girls.
The cornerstone of GE: Make Pittsfield (and Lee) into GE's toxic waste dumps.
The cornerstone of blogger Dan Valenti: Criticize Pittsfield and beyond from his upscale home in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
The cornerstone of Jon Melle: Say that I am a persecuted person due to the abusive, conflictual and mean-spirited actions by Luciforo and other bullies, and also, blame the financial, corporate and ruling elites for over 50 years in inequitable socioeconomic policies - Class Warfare - that makes the commoners pound sand, while the super-rich get richer and the underclass gets poorer.

Jon Melle


May 20, 2024

Good old Massachusetts has one of the highest prices for groceries in the U.S.A.

Billionaire John Forbes Kerry's HOT AIR is NOT helping the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family who lives in Pittsfield and has working-class cousins in Boston be able to afford to buy groceries in Massachusetts.

Jon Melle

Post Script: Nuciforo tried to jail me 26 years ago on May 20th, 1998:

May 20, 2024

26 years ago today, then Pittsfield (Massachusetts) State Senator and now a disgraced former politician who newspapers have called FRINGE, MEAN-SPIRITED, and alleged has deep pocket unknown investors in his marijuana business named "Berkshire Roots" tried to put me - Jon Melle - in jail.  Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior - aka LUCIFORO; aka Pittsfield's Pot King (of lawsuits) - told the Pittsfield Police Department FALSE allegations that I was making "veiled" threats towards him.  In fact, it was "Luciforo" who was the one who was conspiratorially and directly bullying and threatening me for 2 years back then.  Prior to this event when I was 22 years old, Nuciforo filed multiple state "ethics" complaints - THE IRONY of Nuciforo filing state "ethics" complaints: given that Nuciforo ended up being an allegedly illegal double dipper as Chair of the State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time serving as counsel to Boston's big banks and insurance companies from 1999 - 2006, according to the Boston Globe's news article in early-2007 - against my dad, Bob (who will turn 80 years old this Summer 2024), when my dad, Bob, served as an elected Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000) and was an Assistant Chief Probation Officer (1970 - 2002) in the Pittsfield District Courthouse.  Nuciforo tried to get me dad fired from his courthouse position and force his resignation from the Berkshire County Commission, but fortunately for my dad, Bob, and I, Nuciforo's persecutions of us were ineffective.

Nuciforo had to resign from his elected position in the State Senate in 2006 due to his alleged illegal double dipping.  In 2006, Nuciforo strong-armed two women candidates - Sharon Henault and Sara Hathaway (who was a former Pittsfield Mayor by then; and she was a former aide to Nuciforo, too) - out of the state government so-called election to anoint himself Pittsfield Registrar of Deed, which as a no-show state plum that he served in for 6 years until 2012.  In 2012, Nuciforo campaign for the elected position of U.S. House of Representatives to oust the now-late Congressman John W. Olver, who ended up retiring due to redistricting back then.  Nuciforo challenged Congressman - aka PAC Man - Richie Neal in 2012, but Nuciforo lost to Richie Neal by 40 percentage points in the 2012 Democratic Party primary election back then.  Nuciforo's disgraced political career was finally over - THANK GOD!

In March 2017, Nuciforo started his marijuana business named "Berkshire Roots"  Nuciforo used his political connections in both Pittsfield and Boston, along with the deep pockets of unknown investors, to be one of the first people to receive pot permits in Massachusetts new marijuana industry.  Nuciforo's Pittsfield Pot Kingdom on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield stinks up nearby residential neighborhoods with dead-skunk-like odors on a daily basis.  Nuciforo himself does not live near his Dalton Avenue Pittsfield Pot Kingdom, but instead, Nuciforo lives in a mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College.  Last Summer 2023, Nuciforo filed a lawsuit in Pittsfield's Superior Court suing the City of Pittsfield over the $440,000 in HCAs fees he paid for his pot permits.  Nuciforo recently filed a second pot lawsuit in Boston's Superior Court to challenge state law in favor of marijuana workers' right to be in unions in Massachusetts.  Nuciforo has made many millions of dollars from his marijuana businesses, but he is so greedy that he is suing the City of Pittsfield over his HCAs payments for pot permits from many years ago now, along with him trying to bust unions in the state's marijuana workforce.

In closing, let us all remember the date of May 20th, 1998, when Nuciforo tried to jail me - Jon Melle - as an event that symbolizes the EVIL person that "Luciforo" truly is!

Jonathan Alan Melle


May 20th, 2024

My ideas of celebrating the day - May 20th, 1998 - that Nuciforo lied to the Pittsfield Police Department about me to try to have me arrested and jailed:

Please put this FRAUDSTER in prison for all of his alleged wrongdoings over all of these years.

Please tell the Massachusetts Superior Court Chief Justice all about "Luciforo" when his two respective lawsuits are heard in Pittsfield and Boston.  Why isn't the Boston Globe, Boston Herald west to The Berkshire Eagle newspapers reporting on Nuciforo's two pot lawsuits?

Please shut down his Berkshire Roots' "largest in the region" marijuana growing operation on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield (Massachusetts) for stinking up the nearby residential neighborhoods with his unpleasant pot growing odors.

Please read all of my blogs postings about how mean-spirited, conspiratorial and abusive Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior was to me since I was 20 years old when I first met him during the Spring 1996 when my dad, Bob, began his successful campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner back then.

Please understand that I have heard for many years of my adult life that many people are on my side, but I was told that they live in fear of Nuciforo's influential power in Pittsfield politics, whose other name is RETRIBUTION!

Jon Melle


May 30, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I wish to state for the public record that I was proud of then Mayor Linda Tyer for standing up and fighting Nuciforo's pot lawsuit versus the City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

I wish to state for the public record that I dissent about Mayor Peter Marchetti and 10 out of the 11 Pittsfield City Councilors settlement with Nuciforo's pot lawsuits versus the City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  They also settled with two other Pittsfield pot companies in 2024.

Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior - also know as "Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King" - is a FRAUDSTER many times over.

Nuciforo's marijuana company named "Berkshire Roots' has a "largest in the region" 3-story tall pot growing building on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield, which stinks up nearby residential neighborhoods with unpleasant pot odors.  Nuciforo himself lives in a mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College, along with his wealthy neighbors Linda Tyer and Barry Clairmont.

There should be a class action lawsuit versus Nuciforo's Berkshire Roots for allegedly lowering the nearby residential neighborhood(s) property values in Pittsfield.  When Nuciforo double dipped from 1999 - 2006 as a Pittsfield State Senator who chaired the State Senate Finance Committee back then, and who at the same time served as a private Attorney for Boston's big banks and insurance companies, he should have been prosecuted and sent to state prison.  There are so many alleged wrongdoings by Nuciforo over the years, including his conspiratorial persecution of me: Jon Melle - since I was 20 years old in the Spring 1996 when my dad began his successful campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000).

Who are the alleged unknown private investors in Nuciforo's "Berkshire Roots" pot business?  Are any of them from his political and legal connections from the Boston Statehouse and/or Boston's big banks and insurance companies.  What is the status of Nuciforo's law office in Boston's Financial District?  Did Nuciforo do any unethical and/or illegal favors for his pot company's alleged unknown investors?

Where are you, blogger Dan Valenti, on this matter?  Where is The Berkshire Eagle points east to The Boston Globe and Boston Herald?

Why is Nuciforo trying to bust unions and workers in the marijuana industry in Massachusetts with his other pot lawsuit that he filed in Suffolk (Boston) Superior Court?  Do unions and workers in the marijuana industry even matter to Governor Maura Healey and state lawmakers?

How does Nuciforo always get away with all of the above matters?  I believe the answer is because he plays people and institutions for fools.  I must be the only person on Earth who cares about Nuciforo's public record in Pittsfield and Massachusetts alike.  I hope that Nuciforo will be stopped sooner than later because he is a son of a bitch in both "Bitchfield" and Boston!

Jon Melle


May 31, 2024

Mayor Peter Marchetti's first municipal budget for fiscal year 2025 (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025) won its first round of rubber stamp approval votes on Thursday night, May 30th, 2024.

The final municipal budget vote will occur on Tuesday night, June 11th, 2024.

The average Senior Citizen household has to pay the city an average of over $5,000 in municipal taxes and fees....for Pittsfield politics:

The 60-year-old Nuciforo will receive a "FREE CASH" settlement from the City of Pittsfield for the amount of $341,000, and in return, Nuciforo's "Berkshire Roots" Dalton Avenue marijuana business is allowed to stink up nearby residential neighborhoods with his unpleasant "largest in the region" unpleasant pot growing odors.

After his mayoral 4-year term(s), Mayor Peter Marchetti will collect his lucrative city public pension plus perks for life.

This is what happens in a corrupt small postindustrial city when the wrong people have power in state and local government.  Is there anyone out there who will stop the city's "business as usual" GREED?

Jon Melle


June 1, 2024

Thank you.  The highest honor I - Jon Melle - could ever receive in my life would be to see Nuciforo sent to prison for all of his wrongdoings, the GREED in Pittsfield politics and beyond end by the people and taxpayers standing up to the likes of "Bitchfield" Mayor Peter Marchetti and Voltron Pete White the pork-chop, and Beacon Hill lawmakers passing a state law giving at-risk homeless Veterans entitlement to Emergency Shelter in Massachusetts, which illegal immigrants already have, along with other lucrative taxpayer-funded benefits that Veterans are not receiving in Massachusetts.

Please know that the 3 Berkshire-based State Representatives Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Smitty Pignatelli and John Barrett III all recently voted against giving at-risk homeless Veterans priority for Emergency Shelter in Massachusetts.  Shame on Tricia, Smitty and John!

Jon Melle

P.S. Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King is a piece of SHIT who is collecting $341,000 in "Free Cash" from the City of Pittsfield's settlement with three Pittsfield marijuana companies, and who has a 2nd pot union busting lawsuit in Suffolk (Boston) Superior Court to try to take pot unions away from marijuana workers in Massachusetts.  Taxpayer dollars do NOT matter to Nuciforo.  Unions and marijuana workers do NOT matter to Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior.  Hopefully, Governor Maura Healey and state lawmakers in Boston will oppose Nuciforo's 2nd pot lawsuit.

P.P.S. Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King's "largest in the region" 3-story pot growing building on Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield stinks up nearby residential neighborhoods - who allegedly lost value on their biggest investment: their homes - with his unpleasant pot growing odors.  Nuciforo himself does not live near there, but rather, Nuciforo lives in a mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community neighborhood west of Berkshire Community College, along with his multi-millionaire neighbors Linda Tyer and her 3rd husband Barry Clairmont.


June 2, 2024

On Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden:

Most people did NOT want to see a rematch of Donald Trump versus Joe Biden in 2024.

All of us know that Donald Trump will APPEAL all of the loaded legal cases.

All of us know that Joe Biden raises more campaign cash than any other politician in U.S. history with Donald Trump catching up to him in 2024.  Which one of them will buy The White House in the 2024 presidential election?

Hunter Biden is due in Federal Court on Monday, June 3rd, 2024, to face gun charges because he allegedly lied on a gun and ammunition form to purchase a gun and ammunition by saying that he was not an addict of drugs and alcohol.  Hunter Biden later wrote and published a book stating that he used to smoke crack cocaine every 15 minutes and drown himself in alcohol.  In September, Hunter Biden will face an alleged tax and wire fraud federal trial.  Will Joe Biden pardon his son, Hunter Biden, if his son is found guilty in Federal Court in June and/or September 2024?

On Pittsfield politics:

Most Pittsfield taxpayers did not want the always predictable 5 percent spending increase by Mayor Peter Marchetti in his excessive and record breaking fiscal year 2025 municipal budget that will begin in less than one month on July 1, 2024.

Most Pittsfield taxpayers did NOT want "Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King" to receive a $341,000 pot settlement from the City of Pittsfield in 2024.

Most people in Pittsfield politics know that Voltron Pete White the pork-chop hopes to be next in line to be the next Mayor of Pittsfield.

Jon Melle


June 3, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Blogger Dan Valenti was against the Civic Authority, which failed decades ago.  Jimmy Ruberto was a big supporter of the Civic Authority, which made up his base of supporters in his failed 2001 election, but successful 2003 election that made him Mayor of Pittsfield politics for 8 years of his failed leadership.

Jim Bouton published a book published a book about the Civic Authority crew behind Jimmy Ruberto in Pittsfield politics.  The Berkshire Eagle loved Jimmy Ruberto because he took their side over the majority of the people and taxpayers of Pittsfield, who voted down the Civic Authority, which would have been another debacle similar to the soon-to-be 26-year-old heavily indebted and polluted PEDA debacle.

Mayor Jimmy Ruberto put his big bet on the arts and cultural venues for his so-called downtown Pittsfield "Renaissance".  He told voters that he had a ROLODEX to bring businesses back to Pittsfield after GE left town and made the city their toxic waste dump full of capped "leaky" landfills; now, GE is doing the same thing to Lee (Massachusetts) with the full support of Smitty Pignatelli, PAC Man Richie Neal, and Maryland's Ed Markey (D - HOT AIR).

The 2008 recession was the WORST one since the Great Depression in the 1930's.  While the Ruberto "renaissance" worked for a few short years and many millions in wasted tax dollars, the Ruberto "Rolodex" was a flop.  The 2008 recession saw great financial losses, but Jimmy Ruberto kept up his propaganda about his "renaissance" and "Rolodex", which meant the he told Pittsfield taxpayers to "sacrifice" by him raising municipal taxes and spending to record levels in the face of severe fiscal losses.

By 2011, Mayor Jimmy Ruberto's public record in Pittsfield politics was a total failure.  He did not run for a 5th two-year mayoral term.

The irony of Jimmy Ruberto's failed leadership in Pittsfield politics is that he never owned nor rented a residence in Pittsfield (Massachusetts) during his entire life.  As a man in his 50's, he moved into his mother, Edith's, Pittsfield home from Texas, and then placed his mother in a nursing home shortly thereafter, and then many years later, he sold his late-mother's Pittsfield home and purchased a $490,000 condo unit in upscale Lenox, while he has always owned a condo unit in Florida where he is a full-time resident in his Golden Years.

Here was a man who touted his Rolodex, made a false promise about a downtown Renaissance, and raised city taxes and spending through the roof, but Jimmy Ruberto himself never invested in being a home-owner or renter resident of Pittsfield.

A book named "Foul Ball" was written about Jimmy Ruberto and his political base, he supported The Berkshire Eagle over the people and taxpayers of Pittsfield, and he failed on all of his false campaign promises.

If Jimmy Ruberto really is blogger Dan Valenti's friend, then it must be on a personal level only because I could never believe that blogger Dan Valenti would support such a FRAUDSTER on the level of "Luciforo", the late Carmen C. Massimiano, Jr., Angelo Stracuzzi, Peter Larkin, and the like.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


Letter: "The stubborn weed at root of our drug epidemic"
The Berkshire Eagle, June 19, 2024

To the editor: Regarding your editorial about the toll of drug addiction and overdoses ("Our Opinion: From the Massachusetts front of fight on opioid crisis, more welcome good news," Eagle, June 13), did you ever think that making marijuana legal and opening all these stores that sell it is affecting our youth and elderly by making them crave a bigger high?

Totally outrageous. Look at what is happening in our towns and society just so the government can make a profit. I believe it's destroying our youths, and all will pay the costs. I am disgusted.

Jeff Esposito, Pittsfield


June 21, 2024

I view Mayor Peter Marchetti's plan to deploy Social Workers and Social Services resources to the poverty-ridden inner-city Pittsfield (Massachusetts) as a means to further monetize social services and (level 5) public education in return for many millions of dollars in revenues to the city from the state administered federal aid funding.

I grew up in Pittsfield.  I experienced the worst of both worlds as a no income and low income then young man and then a disabled Veteran.  I also lived in inner-city Manchester (NH) for 4 years of my adult life in my then early-30's from early-2005 to early-2009.  I am now 48 who will turn 49 in a little over one month from now.

I have a Master of Public Administration, but I don't know why because I am a member of our nation's huge underclass population.  I studied economics and finance, and I found out that the government uses PERVERSE INCENTIVES to cash in on deleterious social outcomes.

To illustrate, the more poverty in Pittsfield equals more state aid for social services and the (level 5) public school district.  To illustrate, the more crime in Pittsfield equals more state aid for the public safety agencies.

The state lottery SCAM is the PERFECT illustration of perverse incentives.  Last Summer 2023, the Massachusetts lottery officials boasted record profits.  But the state lottery is wrong on more levels than a skyscraper building with over 100 floors.  The state lottery is really regressive taxation.  The state lottery revenues equals greedy lobbyists such as Dan Bosley obtaining huge state tax breaks for his big business campaign donors to the corrupt career politicians on Beacon Hill.

For at least over 30 years now, Pittsfield chose the many millions in state aid funding from poverty, (level 5) public schools, state lottery state aid dollars, etc., over bringing back living wage jobs from the post WW2 era of middle class growth until the mid-1970's around the time I was born.  To be clear, Pittsfield's municipal budget is really about the city receiving tens of millions of state aid dollar per fiscal year (in return for....).

Pittsfield's largest demographic for population loss is in the city's young adult population who want to earn a living wage to live in the middle class versus being stuck in a city that will profit off their socioeconomic misery.

Pittsfield's financial management also consists of taxing the average Senior Citizen household over $5,000 per fiscal year.  Meanwhile, Kufflinks has his secretive multi-milion-dollar Slush Funds, so-called FREE CASH account(s), and alleged cooked books.

Peter Marchetti will serve  his 4-year mayoral term(s) and then cash in on his 6-figure city public pension plus perks, which will be in addition to his bank's 401k plan, along with his future monthly Social Security checks.

Jon Melle


June 23, 2024

The 3 Stooges - Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti, Berkshire D.A. Tim Shugrue, and Berkshire Sheriff Tom Bowler - all make 6-figure public pay plus perks for life as future public pensioners.  It must be nice to be a complete joke!!

Rome is burning....up the wallets of the Pittsfield taxpayers.  In full-time resident of Sunny Florida Jimmy Ruberto's part-time Town of Lenox, Smitty Pignatelli is a double dipper who is probably juicing up his future public pension(s) plus perks for life.

Disgraced former double dipper Pittsfield State Senator Luciforo cashed in as Pittsfield's Pot King...of lawsuits, including his ongoing lawsuit in Boston trying to bust unions representing marijuana workers in Massachusetts.

Former Massachusetts state lawmakers Peter Larkin, Dan Bosley, Stan Rosenberg, and other public pensioners are greedy lobbyists who never left the Boston Statehouse because it is PAY to PLAY in Boston.

PAC Man Richie Neal rakes in millions of dollars per year from the Swamp's K Street corporate lobbyist firms, especially insurance companies.  Joe Biden raised and spent more campaign money than any other politician in U.S. history, but this past week, his challenger, former U.S. President Donald Trump, surpassed Joe Biden in campaign donations for the first time ever as the November election is fast approaching.

The Golden Rule is politics is that those with the Gold get to rule, while the rest of us pay taxes and pound sand.

Jon Melle


June 26, 2024

Pittsfield (Mass.) Mayor Peter Marchetti blocked my political emails.

I should have kissed his dirty behind for serving as mayor so he will collect his 6-figure city public pension plus perks for life when he retires, along with his bank's 401k pension and his Golden Years Social Security monthly checks.

I should have told him how proud I am of him for publicly asking for a 90-day grace period free from criticisms, along with his statement that he is not a fan of social media commentary.  I should have told him that he should be treated like a King whereby FREE SPEECH is met with the harshest of RETRIBUTION.

I should have told him that his use of the City's FREE CASH to pay pot settlements to Luciforo and the 2 other marijuana companies benefited the taxpayers....because PIGS have WINGS and FLY.  I should have told him that he was (NOT) right not to tell Luciforo to GO TO HELL!

I should have told him that his $216 million municipal operating budget that raised city spending by the predictable Pittsfield politics rate of 5 percent per fiscal year was a stroke of genius.  I should have told him that him raising the water and sewer rates by 8 percent was the lowest rate hikes in the last couple of years.

I should have told him that him being named in Victoria May's federal sex discrimination and sexual harassment civil lawsuit versus the Pittsfield Co-op Bank shows that he is the target of an alleged witch hunt.  I should have told him that Victoria May's allegations that Peter Marchetti called her a BITCH could not possibly be true.

I should have told him that he stands for "One Pittsfield".  I should have told him that the 2 Petes city government will unite the city towards progress for Pittsfield's Level 5 public schools, Pittsfield's inner-city distressed neighborhoods, Pittsfield's downtown that is also known as Social Services Alley, Pittsfield's violent crime rate more than doubling the statewide average since at least 1980's, and so on.

I should have told him that NO baseball in 2024 was not his fault.  I should have told him that he should spend the city's tax dollars on flowers and PRIDE flags instead.

Jon Melle


June 29, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Why does anyone care about my (honorable) military service?  I am not a career politician.  I believe that Governor Maura Healey stands with Veterans, but I strongly disagree with her doing more for illegal immigrants than Veterans in Massachusetts.  I believe that the Berkshire-based State Reps. Smitty Pignatelli, Tricia Farley-Bouvier and John Barrett III's recent vote against giving at-risk homeless Veterans priority to Emergency Housing Assistance in Massachusetts was wrong.

Smitty wrote a letter saying how he supports Veterans, but his public record does not always back up his always lofty words that he bestows upon himself.  John Barrett III was the Mayor of North Adams.  Isn't the first thing a Mayor turned State Rep. does is ensure that the people he serves are safe with a roof over their heads?  Tricia Farley-Bouvier prefers illegal immigrants on all public policy levels.

Homelessness is a structural assault on a person and/or family.  There should be no such thing as homelessness.  The huge underclass population in our country is a perfect illustration of how career politicians fail the people they supposedly serve in the government.

I am a member of the underclass population.  My native hometown is the distressed City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  I did not make it in my life to live the so-called American Dream of owning a beautiful home with at least 2 new cars in the garage with 2 to 3 happy and healthy children who will never have to worry about their financial well-being.

I am Jon Melle, a disabled Veteran who lives in a 1-bedroom condo unit with his Emotional Support Animal 16-year-old dog named Chocolate in Amherst, NH, and drives a 2018 car to my VA appointments.

My surname is from a small municipality named Melle in Piedmont, Italy.  My great-great grandfather named Michael P. Melle emigrated from Melle, Piedmont, Italy to Pittsfield, Massachusetts sometime in the late-19th Century, and he died in Pittsfield in 1937.  My great-grandfather, Albert Henry Melle, was born in Pittsfield in 1895, and passed away in Pittsfield in 1971.  I come from a working-class, blue collar family who are from Pittsfield.

For a little over 28 years since the Spring 1996, I have been conspiratorially persecuted by Luciforo, who is also known as Pittsfield's Pot King....of lawsuits, including the one in Boston whereby he is trying to bust unions who represent marijuana industry workers in Massachusetts because just as city tax dollars don't matter to Nuciforo, neither do unions and workers.  To Luciforo, the only thing that matters is MONEY, which is the (Berkshire) root of all EVIL!

My relative Peter Marchetti - we share the same great-grandparents who emigrated to Pittsfield from Italy well over one century ago - is the current Mayor of Pittsfield politics, but he is all about money and power instead of family and community.  He allowed my Enemy #1 in my life named Luciforo to receive a city FREE CASH pot settlement of $341,000, while Pittsfield's Pot King (Nuciforo) is allowed to stink up residential neighborhoods in Pittsfield with his largest in the region marijuana growing operation on Dalton Avenue.  Pittsfield taxpayers pay their city taxes to enrich Luciforo and allow him to stink up their neighborhoods because Pittsfield is in The Twilight Zone. 

I am NOT a WINNER in life.  I choose to be the opposite of the aforementioned career politicians by simply being a good man in my limited time on Earth.  Whatever happened to being a good man?  Why does everyone, especially the 60-year-old Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, have to be so great by picking on the soon to be 49-year-old Jon Melle?  If I am lucky, I only have around 36 years to go in my life, and then I become a memory sometime around the year 2060 give or take a couple of years.

Jon Melle


July 6, 2024

Luciforo lives in (both Boston & Pittsfield) Massachusetts.  He has conspiratorially persecuted me for a little over 28 years of my adult life now.  I am afraid to move back to Massachusetts because Luciforo would continue his EVIL quest to drive me to insanity.

Joyce Craig and Gov. Maura Healey both stand for good causes.  They have my full support.  I believe that they would make a great team together.  I believe that they strongly support Veterans, too.

Kelly Ayotte un-endorsed Donald Trump 8 years ago in 2016, but in 2024, she endorses him.  She flipped-flopped on Trump's hot mic "Grab women by their genitals" scandal.  The one word I would use to describe Donald Trump and Kelly Ayotte alike is CRINGE.

Two other reasons why I support Gov. Maura Healey is because Lenox State Rep. Smitty Pignatelli has excessively criticized her 1.5-year administration, while he has been in the same elected office for a little over 21.5-years now; and, Kelly Ayotte has used Gov. Maura Healey as her target of derision in Kelly Ayotte's CRINGE 2024 campaign for Governor of New Hampshire.

Jon Melle


July 8, 2024

I feel bad for Linda & Barry Clairmont because Luciforo lives 0.3 miles from them in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College.  I would NOT want Pittsfield's Pot King living near me, but I don't have such problems because I am a disabled Veteran so I am not worth millions of dollars like they are.

I have been a proud supporter of Linda Tyer (Clairmont) supporter since 2003 when I lived in Pittsfield (Massachusetts) way back then.  I have followed her political career in Pittsfield politics for 2 decades.  I wish her well in her new position at Berkshire Community College.  I wish Linda & Barry a wonderful life together.

Andrea Harrington and her family relocated in the early-Spring of 2023.

I wish her and her family well in the St. Louis region.  I did not like how the failed career politicians such as greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley, the wealthy Sherwood Guernsey, and the like, ganged up on her.  D.A. Tim Shugrue's public record is no better than his predecessor.

Tricia Farley-Bouvier is still a career politician in Boston since the Autumn season of 2011.  Her public record in Boston has very few achievements.  I disagreed with her support of the 2018 art sales of tens of millions of dollars in artworks by the Berkshire Museum.  Her number one legislative priority in 2024 is to decriminalize sex workers in Massachusetts.  She has long blocked my political emails, but so does Paul Mark, Smitty Pignatelli, and Maryland's Ed Markey.

Jon Melle


August 7, 2024

I am disappointed with Gov. Maura Healey's large cuts to state funding - close to $400 million in 2024 - for social services programs.  You are right that the elderly, disabled, and children should not be expendable, while the state lottery is reporting annual net profits of over $1 billion per fiscal year.

Whatever happened to the state government investing in people and communities?  Answer: Corrupt career politicians and the greedy lobbyists in Boston; some of the lobbyists in Boston report 7-figure incomes because it is PAY to PLAY on Beacon Hill.

Sherwood Guernsey is an old wealth, Ivy League educated latte limousine liberal.  I did not like his letter in 2022 criticizing then Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington.  He is a former Massachusetts State Representative and an unsuccessful candidate for U.S. Congress over three decades ago now.  He, along with the likes of former State Representative - greedy lobbyist - Dan Bosley and former State Senator - disgraced double dipper - Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, did not exactly hit home runs in Boston - more like strike outs.

It is always the political establishment sticking together in state and local politics in Massachusetts.  I have one million criticisms of Sherwood Guernsey, Dan Bosley, "Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King", and so on, but they all cover for each other for money and power because that is what really matters to them, NOT the people and communities.

Kamala Harris should not have been anointed by the Democratic Party elites to be their nominee for U.S. President in 2024.  It only figures that Sherwood Guernsey had her make a brief visit to Pittsfield (Massachusetts) to raise over $1 million.

Donald Trump's life is scandalous.  He never - even one time - admits to his wrongdoings.  He is the ultimate MORAL HYPOCRITE who is the leader of the WEIRD White Christian Nationalist racist political movement in the U.S.A.  It figures that Donald Trump would be the one standing for Jesus Christ and U.S.A. nationalism just like it figures that Sherwood Guernsey was the one who brought Kamala to the beautiful Berkshires.


August 15, 2024

I received criticism for my post defending Tim Walz.  My line of defense is that at least Tim Walz has the backs of disabled Veterans.  Secondly, Trump's Project 2025 would take away VA benefits, which would destroy my life as I now know it.  If Trump's Project 2025 takes effect, I would lose everything and I could finally call my homelessness sidewalk on the corner of First Street and Fenn Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, my forever home.  If that nightmare happens, then maybe Nuciforo could finally take an ounce of pity on me and give me one of his pot products to ease my pain.  I am all in for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz because they will put Trump's Project 2025 in the trash bin of U.S. history.

Jonathan A. Melle


August 16, 2024

Re: Open letter to Charles Ivar Kronick

Hello Charles,

I posted my response to your essay about the Founding of the U.S.A. beginning in the Spring 1775.  I am NOT targeting you.  I am exercising my FREE SPEECH.

Indeed, I am a victim of Pittsfield politics mostly due to the actions of an EVIL man named Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, who is sarcastically called "Luciforo", as well as "Pittsfield's Pot King".

It has been over the past +28 years of my 49-year-old life that Nuciforo has conspiratorially bullied and hurt me in Pittsfield (Massachusetts) and beyond.  He is a DISGRACED politician, and a corrupt Attorney, and he used his connections in Pittsfield and Boston alike to make millions of dollars off of the state's predatory marijuana industry since he founded "Berkshire Roots" in early-2017.

I admire you for standing up to the evil men (and women) who run Pittsfield politics when you served as the city's poorest Ward 2 City Councilor.  As I live in Southern New Hampshire, you now live in Vermont.  I am happy for both of us to have moved away from Pittsfield like the many thousands of people have done over the past 50 years.

Likewise, I have no bad thoughts of you either.  In fact, my thoughts of you are good thoughts.  I like that you tell me how you feel about my political writings.  I have many friends who support Donald Trump for U.S. President in 2024.  I respect their political beliefs as equal to my own.  I choose to support Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for the U.S. Presidential ticket in 2024.

I enjoyed reading your essay on Planet Valenti.  Please keep up the good work in politics.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Just prior to the beginning of the Revolutionary War, the American British Colonies were taxed a net sum of 2 weeks per year of their incomes.   In 2024, the U.S. taxpayers are taxed many months of their incomes, and the U.S. national debt is currently over $35 trillion and always increasing in red ink.

The Massachusetts government asked King George III for a bail out.  The King of England declined and he told his subjects to raise taxes.  Massachusetts was bankrupt in the mid-1770's.  Also, many of the mostly slave owning Founding Fathers were deep in personal debts.  MONEY played a BIG part in the Revolutionary War.

Enter religion to argue that that God granted the American subjects that natural rights of self-determination.  Enter politics by arguing that taxation without representation in the government is unjust.  Enter France, which provided financial and military aid to the Founding Fathers.

Please understand that 18th Century France outlawed Slavery, and that black citizens of historic France were equal under law there.  The Declaration of Independence was written to appeal to France to ally with the Founding Fathers versus King George III and Great Britain.  

The Founding Fathers lied to France by saying that Slavery in the American Colonies was the fault of the British Empire because when they defeated the King George III's British Armed Forces, most of the Founding Fathers continued to own Slaves throughout their natural lives in the newly formed United States of America.

The Native American Peoples were the victims of GENOCIDE from the 17th Century through the 19th Century.  Their lands were stolen.  U.S. President Andrew Jackson's pogroms against the Natives are compared to Adolf Hitler's Holocaust against the Jewish People and "the others".  NOTE: The U.S. and U.K.-led Allied Forces defeated Nazi Germany in 1945 and ended Hitler's EVIL and TRAGIC Holocaust.

While Judeo-Christian Religion(s) are the Foundation(s) of our society and government, I have to ask: "How were the Founding Father's and the U.S. Government they formed religious given the Institution of SLAVERY and the GENOCIDE(S) of the Native American Peoples?"

Since the end of WW2 in the mid-1940's, the U.S. Government made the U.S. Military Industrial Complex the cornerstone of the U.S. economy and Wall Street has made trillions of dollars in profits off of endless wars.  But at what cost?

Since the end of WW2, many millions of innocent people around the world have been killed at the hands of the U.S. Government's military and intelligence operations.  The U.S. Government's number one non-farm export to the world are arms sales.

In the 21st Century, more and more countries are turning to authoritarianism instead of democracy.  Over the past 50 years, the middle-class U.S. family unit has greatly diminished, while the underclass population is always growing larger in numbers.  All of the income gains except for a paltry average net gain of $5 per week has gone to the financial, corporate and ruling elites.  Is this what American Democracy is supposed to look like?

In closing, I do NOT understand why U.S. history and today's inequitable political system is so glorified.  To say that we are founded on religion and democracy when it flies in the face of facts is really propaganda.

I love my country and God, but I dissent against my government, as well as organized religion.


August 17, 2024

Exactly.  Jesus Christ preached compassion and said the meek will inherit the Earth, which is from the Beatitudes in the Bible that means that those who renounce worldly power will be rewarded in the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus Christ wanted human beings to stop sinning against God.  Slavery of the black people and the GENOCIDE(s) of the Native American Peoples by the Founding Fathers is the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ believed in, but, as we all know, human beings Crucified Jesus Christ for standing up to those who coveted worldly power.  It has always been that those who covet worldly power use God as their will to have power.  When will it ever end?

Jonathan A. Melle


August 17, 2024

....rules are meant to be broken....when Kamala visits Pittsfield....and leaves the distressed small city with $1.4 million....because old wealth Sherwood Guernsey is part of the latte limousine liberal political establishment and he brought the Veep to the heart of the beautiful that Kamala could campaign for the U.S. Presidency in the historical Colonial Theater....but it is unlike the historical two Norman Rockwell paintings he himself donated to the Berkshire Museum....only to be auctioned off in 2018 for millions of dollars....along with other historic pieces of artwork....and there is no baseball in Pittsfield this Summer 2024....and Wahconah Park will turn into Pittsfield's version of Boston's "Big Dig" boondoggle...and PCBs are still everywhere in Pittsfield....and Mayor Peter Marchetti is named in a sex discrimination federal lawsuit whereby he allegedly called Victoria May "a BITCH" at a bank they once worked at together....and the aforementioned Mayor gave Nuciforo a so-called city "FREE CASH" pot settlement of $341,000....while the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski pay excessively high municipal taxes and return for....I won't write it....but former Mayor Linda Tyer, along with her greed-ball neighbor Nuciforo live in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College....and Jimmy Ruberto's Rolodex is rusted out at the bottom of Silver Lake....and Beacon Hill state lawmakers got almost nothing done and now they are on their 5-months-long taxpayer-funded vacation....and PAC Man Richie Neal is only representing K Street corporate lobbyist firms in the Swamp....and greedy lobbyist Dan Bosley is kissing his dirty behind....and Jon Melle supposedly cannot get away from myself....but I did get away from North Street's Social Services Alley and the ring of poverty inner-city neighborhoods that surround downtown Pittsfield....but I am still a member of the underclass population in Southern New do not be too happy for me....Thanks everyone!

Jonathan A. Melle


August 19, 2024

If Trump wins and Project 2025 is implemented into federal law(s):

....then Jon Melle will lose his VA benefits and my nightmare of living on my homelessness sidewalk on the corner of First Street and Fenn Street in Pittsfield (Massachusetts) would become true for poor middle-aged me.

If the far-right extremists win, then I could only hope that my Enemy #1 called "Luciforo" may finally show me mercy after his over 28 years of abuse(s) against me by giving me one of his pot products to ease my pain.

The "have not's" will lose all of our rights.  We will have no choice but to serve the financial, corporate and ruling elites' agenda.  If we fight back against the tyranny of the "have's", then we will be sent to one of Putin's Siberian forced-labor prison camps.

JD Vance will force women to have children or else they will have to wear the equivalent of the Scarlet Letter A along with a cat print on the back of their shirts to live in shame for violating his WEIRD views of society.

History books will be revised to say that Slavery provided job training skills, the plight of the Native American Peoples was for white manifest destiny, that capitalism did not cause the huge underclass population, that the military industrial complex, forever wars, arms sales exports, and greenhouse gas emissions are all necessary to protect our freedoms.

The powerful will rule by RETRIBUTION.  The powerless will be persecuted.

Please STOP Trump's authoritarian madness.  Please vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for the U.S. President ticket in 2024!

Jon Melle


August 22, 2024

I am a proud supporter of Kamala & Veteran: Walz.  They will STOP the Republican Party under Donald Trump and WEIRDO J.D. Vance from going back to the 1920's and the 1950's eras of inequity and moral hypocrisy.  They will NOT call women who never had children WEIRD names like miserable childless cat ladies.

If Trump's agenda really is NOT about Project 2025, including, but not limited to, abolishing VA benefits, gutting social insurance federal programs such as Social Security and Medicare, taking away women's rights, and so on, then what is Trump's agenda?

The answer is that Trump's agenda is to institute authoritarianism in the Swamp.  Trump's government would pass laws making it impossible for people such as "Jon Melle" to fight back against powerful people such as my Enemy #1 called "Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King".  Under Trump, if "Jon Melle" wrote and blogged about the millionaire Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's abuses and corruption, then "Jon Melle" would be sent away to one of Putin's Siberian forced labor prisons to be killed.

The financial, corporate and ruling elites should have "Jon Melle" fight back against their authoritarianism in government.  I should have the right to write that PAC Man Richie Neal only represents K Street corporate lobbyist firms in the Swamp instead of the people who live in Western Massachusetts.  I should have the right to write that Smitty Pignatelli sold out his constituents in Lee & Lenoxdale (Mass.) by supporting GE's poisonous plan to put a capped leaky landfill full of PCBs in Lee (Massachusetts).  As well, I should have the right to write how absurd it was for Smitty Pignatelli to scapegoat Governor Maura Healey's less than 2 years in the corner office when Smitty Pignatelli himself has been in Boston for over 2 decades.

Donald Trump is the leader of the racist White Christian Nationalist political movement; MAGA = NAZI.  Donald Trump is the ultimate moral hypocrite who openly cheated on all 3 of his wives, paid a porn star to stay silent about his alleged love affair with her, and said on a hot mic that he likes to grab women by their genitals.  How on Earth could Donald Trump's evangelical politics square with his moral hypocrisy?  What would Jesus Christ have to say about Donald Trump, who is the ultimate moral hypocrite?

I agree with Tim Walz when he says that Trump and Vance's Republican Party agenda is WEIRD!

Jon Melle


August 22, 2024

Blogger Dan Valenti edited a good portion of my blog post about the 2024 U.S. presidential election, as well as my negative comments about Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, Smitty Pignatelli, and PAC Man Richie Neal.  I also wrote about Donald Trump's long history of moral hypocrisy.

I do not only write negative things about Republicans, Italian-Americans, and/or other groups of people in politics, which I have been falsely accused of doing over the years.  My last name "Melle" is derived from the small municipality of Melle, Piedmont in northwestern Italy.  I am mostly French and Italian in my ancestral heritage; "FrItalian". (Mele translate to Apple in Italy; Milos translates to Apple in Greece.  I am Jonny Apple(seed).

I did not choose to be born and raised in Pittsfield (Massachusetts), nor did I choose to have the same Italian immigrant great-grandparents as Mayor Peter Marchetti, who is yet another failed leader of Pittsfield politics.

I did not choose to be conspiratorially persecuted by "Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King" since I was 20 years old during the Spring 1996; it has been over 28 years of Nuciforo's conspiratorial bullying and threatening to physically assault me (it is now the late-Summer 2024, and I am now 49 years old).  My dad successfully campaigned for the now defunct elected official position of Berkshire County Commissioner when I first met my Enemy #1: "Luciforo", and it has been Hell for me ever since that dreaded day many years ago now.

I do NOT understand all of it myself.  I wasn't dealt a good hand in my life.  I am trying to explain what the Hell is going on here.  Thank you.

Jon Melle


August 25, 2024

Trump's Republican Party has a 922-page Agenda called Project 2025.  If this far-right agenda is implemented, I - Jon Melle - would lose my VA benefits, which would make my nightmarish vision of me calling a sidewalk on the corner of First Street and Fenn Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, my forever home.

After the far-right Trump Republicans abolish VA benefits as we now know them, gut social insurance federal programs such as Medicare and Social Security, strip away women's rights and send society back in time 100 years, and so on, the "Jon Melle is a disabled man" slogan will see me in living a life in pain whereby I would hope that my Enemy #1 called "Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King (of lawsuits)" would finally take mercy on me after his over 28 years of conspiratorially persecuting me in Pittsfield politics, by Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior himself giving me on of his pot products to ease my pain from being fed to the wolves by the Grand Old Party of MORAL HYPOCRISY led by the ultimate MORAL HYPOCRITE named Donald Trump and his WEIRD V.P. J.D. Vance, who hates motherless women who own cats and therefore must be miserable.

Where now I live in New Hampshire, Kelly Ayotte is running the UGLIEST of negative campaign ads against her opponent Joyce Craig, in her 2024 campaign for Governor of New Hampshire.  Kelly Ayotte says she approves this message that blames former Mayor of Manchester, NH, Joyce Craig for homelessness, violent crime, and a rape in a city cemetery....because 2 + 2 = 5.

Kelly Ayotte un-endorsed Donald Trump for U.S. President in 2016 after the hot mic incident aired whereby Trump said that he likes to GRAB WOMEN BY THEIR [GENITALS].  Eight years later in 2024, Kelly Ayotte endorses Trump for U.S. President after it has been revealed that he paid hush money to a porn star and a Playboy Bunny model, openly cheated on all 3 of his wives, and disparages women with his verbal abuse.  BUT JOYCE CRAIG IS TO BLAME in Kelly Ayotte's The Twilight Zone world of delusions.

RFK Jr. is a FRINGE politician who never had a shot at the White House.  Like everyone else out there, RFK Jr. criticizes the federal government, which has a low popularity rating with the general public.  BUT, what has RFK Jr. actually done in politics? Answer: NOTHING!

I fully support Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for the U.S. President ticket in 2024 because she will stop Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and Project 2025.  She will represent the U.S.A.'s national interests in the White House by standing up for the American People who need the help the most instead of the billionaires and their inequitable politics.

Jon Melle


September 2, 2024

If you had a choice, would you want Matt "Kufflinks" Kerwood managing your money?

If you had a choice, would you want Peter "Openly Gay" Marchetti spending your money?

If you had a choice, would you pay Tricia Farley Bouvier to do nothing in Boston for over 12 years?

If you had a choice, would you approve of a city FREE CASH pot settlement of $341,000 to Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's multi-million-dollar Berkshire Roots marijuana business?

If you had a choice, would you want Richard Neal going to the Swamp to only represent K Street corporate lobbyist firms that have nothing to do with the people who live in Western Massachusetts?

What is wrong with this picture of Pittsfield politics in 2024?

Answer: There is NOBODY representing you in the government that you pay your hard-earned taxes to in return for Kufflinks, Openly Gay, Country Buffet, Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King (of lawsuits), and PAC Man.

My answer: NO!  I would tell Kufflinks, Openly Gay, Country Buffet, Luciforo, and PAC Man to all GO TO HELL!

Jon Melle


September 13, 2024

Thomas Paine (in the....') lost pamphlet: Most of the Founding Fathers owned Slaves!

Donald Trump's AGENDA: Project 2025 to remake the U.S.A. into an authoritarian state!

I remember an infamous and disgraced Pittsfield politician's plagiarism in the year 2012.  His name rhymes with Luciforo.

My favorite politicians: Andrea Harrington, Kamala Harris, Joyce Craig, and Maura Healey.

Blogger Dan Valenti's least favorite politicians: see the names above.

What is the WEIRD legacy of the Republican Party?  Answer: Moral Hypocrisy.

Who is the ULTIMATE moral hypocrite?  Answer: Donald Trump.

If Kamala Harris is "sleazy", then Donald Trump's scandalous life is what, again?

Jon Melle


September 18, 2024

Project 2025 and Donald Trump wants to abolish the U.S. Dept. of Education, privatize the VA, gut federal social insurance programs such as Medicare and Social Security, etc., in order to giveaway huge tax cuts to the super wealthy.  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will support the Dept. of Education, the VA, Medicare and Social Security.

I am supporting and voting for Kamala and Tim in 2024 because I do not want to fulfill my nightmarish vision of me living on a sidewalk on the corner of Fenn Street and First Street in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, (while my Enemy #1 Luciforo lives in his mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College).  I like my VA benefits, as well as my Medicare and Social Security benefits.  I support public education, too.  (I dislike Luciforo, of course).

Jonathan A. Melle


September 23, 2024

Donald Trump's agenda is to Make America Go Authoritarian.  I am grateful for liberal leaders such as Andrea Harrington, Kamala Harris, Joyce Craig, and Maura Healey for standing up to Trump's bullying of people who need our support to live a life of dignity.

If Trump wins in 2024, he will privatize the VA, abolish the U.S. Department of Education, gut federal social insurance programs such as Medicare and Social Security, and so on, in order to pass a huge tax cut for the super wealthy.  As a disabled Veteran, I would end up living on my homelessness sidewalk on the corner of Fenn Street and First Street in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, while my biggest enemy in my life "Luciforo" lives in his mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College.

I hope that Kamala Harris wins the White House in 2024 so that Veterans won't lose everything.  I don't want to see Grandma and Grandpa thrown off of the cliff.  I don't want to see children become uneducated.  I don't want the U.S.A. to go from a democracy to an authoritarian country.

Trump will lose the 2024 presidential election because he lost the women's vote.  No modern president has won an election without at least somewhere around 50 percent or higher of the women's vote.  Kamala has somewhere around 2/3rd of the women's vote, while Trump has somewhere around 1/3rd.

Jonathan A. Melle


September 23, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti and blog posters and readers,

Off topic:

Pittsfield politics: has new toters - has a record high municipal operating budget - has an annual operating cost of between $30 million to $40 million more than similar postindustrial small cities - has predictable annual municipal budget increases of around 5 percent or higher for over 40 years now - has mostly unfunded municipal public debts (including OPEB) in the hundreds of millions of dollars - has the Wahconah Park "Big Dig"-like boondoggle project proposal - has Tricia Farley Bouvier Country Buffet going into her 14th year (of doing nothing) in Boston - has Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior $341,000 richer (allegedly, thanks to his $1,000 donation to Peter Marchetti's 2023 campaign) - has Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King's Berkshire Roots largest in the region marijuana growing operation on Dalton Avenue stinking up residential neighborhoods with his dead-skunk pot odors (while Nuciforo himself lives away from it all in his mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College) - has Peter Marchetti being named in Victoria May's federal sex discrimination lawsuit versus a local bank whereby the then bank manager Peter Marchetti allegedly called Victoria May "a BITCH" - has Peter Marchetti's Pride flags flying around the city - has Pete White cosplay Voltron - has Bill Cameron proposing tearing down 2 west-side public schools while he omits Allendale Elementary School being next to Hill 78's capped leaky landfill full of GE's PCBs that cause brain damage and cancer alike in human beings - has Level 5 rated public schools (the worst rating by the state) - has over 650 students choice out of the Pittsfield public school district to neighboring public school districts - has over 50 years of its only economic growth being in its large underclass population - has a downtown that is sarcastically called "Social Services Alley" with the inner-city distressed neighborhoods that surround North Street sarcastically called "The Ring of Poverty" - has a violent crime rate that more than doubles the (Massachusetts) state-wide average since at least 1980 - has over 1,000 gang members living in its inner-city neighborhoods with reported daily shootings - has over 50 years of severe losses in living wage jobs and population - has an incestuous-like clique of multi-generational, inter-related families that are sarcastically called "The Good Old Boys" - has a daily newspaper (The Berkshire Eagle) that is sarcastically called names such "The Dirty Bird" that does a DISSERVICE to real journalism most, but not all, of the time - has news media blacklists of free speech letter writers such as myself (Jon Melle) whereby the Eagle hasn't published one of my many letters in over 20 years now - has state lottery sales that most of the residents don't understand is really (voluntary) regressive taxation that systemically mocks the low- to moderate income mostly financially illiterate residents and Pittsfield itself on many levels - has Pittsfield politics' other name being called RETRIBUTION (my dad, Bob, and I should know thanks to Nuciforo's decades of conspiratorial persecution of me/us) - has voter turnouts of around 20 percent give or take a few points - has public participation apathy syndrome whereby only a few residents dare to speak or write letters about Pittsfield's downward spiral - has the 26-year-old polluted PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in always increasing higher unfunded liabilities (public debts) - has been the subject of museum exhibits in London, NYC, and L.A. whereby Pittsfield was titled: "A City in Decay" - had the Berkshire Museum in 2018 selling 2 Norman Rockwell paintings that the famous artists himself donated (along with other historic paintings) for tens of millions of dollars - had the Boston newspapers write that Pittsfield is a service city by the working-class residents for the wealthier southern Berkshires - had the N.Y. Times write that Berkshire County's real estate market is hot, but to avoid the hole in the doughnut: Pittsfield - has Mayors with nicknames of (the late) Bar-stool, Aberration, Rolodex, Montello, Gated Community, and the sitting Mayor also known as Openly Gay - always has a majority rubber stamp City Council - and last, but not least, has the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family paying their hard-earned money to state and local taxes in return for....I won't write it....because it is all listed above.

Jon Melle


September 23, 2024

Bill Clinton is a 2x Convicted Felon for Perjury and Suborning Perjury from the Paula Jones Sexual Harassment case whereby he lied about receiving blow jobs from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, which was sarcastically called the Oral Orifice.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruling this year 2024, the U.S. President cannot be charged with a crime if it is an official act.  Does that make Bill Clinton receiving blow jobs from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office and then the U.S. President lying under oath about it an official (SEX) act?

Donald Trump is a 34x Convicted Felon from the porn star Stormy Daniels hush money case that he will appeal.

Donald Trump also owes many millions of dollars from two civil cases that he is appealing.

I was convicted of 2 misdemeanors, which were annulled by the State of New Hampshire in 2019.  The Manchester NH police officer John Cunningham who arrested me for knocking over a plastic traffic cone was himself never charged with a crime when he later hit a pedestrian who is an Attorney named Adam Mackler with his police cruiser many years ago now.  Manchester NH Police Officer John Cunningham was counseled by his municipal police department for disrespect because he yelled at one of the two witnesses to my arrest by him saying to her, "I don't care if he [Jonathan Melle] is disabled!"

I know I am not a former U.S. President like Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.  I no longer have a criminal record since it was annulled back in 2019.

I wish that Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior was charged, indicted, and possibly found guilty of his alleged double-dipping as a former Pittsfield State Senator who chaired the Massachusetts State Senate Finance Committee while at the same time serving as an Attorney for Boston's big banks and insurance companies with the Boston Law Firm Berman & Dowell from 1999 - 2006, which led to him having to step down from his aforementioned elected office in 2006.  These FACTS were reported by The Boston Globe newspaper back in early-2007.

I believe that Nuciforo should have been a Convicted Felon and disbarred from practicing law and sent to state prison long ago, but he still has a law office in Boston's Financial District, and earlier this year 2024, he successfully settled his pot lawsuit with the City of Pittsfield for $341,000.

Jonathan A. Melle


September 26, 2024

Donald Trump's Project 2025 would leave me homeless, as it would privatize the VA, which has a $325 billion per fiscal year federal budget that would make the for profit insurance companies big dollars.  The whole point of Trump's agenda is to gut federal programs that helps many millions of common people in order to give the super wealthy few huge tax cuts.  Trump has promised the single largest tax cut in U.S. history if he is elected in 2024.

I better win the Powerball and/or Mega Million's jackpot(s) so I don't end up on my homelessness sidewalk on the corner of First Street and Fenn Street in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, while my enemy of over the past over 28 years now, Luciforo, lives in his $950,000 mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College.

I have survived Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's decades of conspiratorial bullying and political persecutions, I have survived being from Pittsfield, I have survived being a Soldier in the U.S. Army, I have survived being wrongly indicted on 2 felonies in NH Superior Court many years ago now, but now, I hope to survive Donald Trump and his authoritarian agenda named Project 2025 by hoping that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will be elected in 2024.

Jonathan A. Melle


September 28, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti, blog posters & readers, and everyone else out there,

I am a permanent and total 100 percent disabled Veteran who served our country - the U.S.A. - honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces branch of the U.S. Army.  I received the regards of a U.S. President (GWB) who ordered me a hearing at the VA Central Office near The White House in the Summer 2004.  I enjoy attending my VA appointments in Manchester, NH.

I did not like how the blog poster, below, described my life as a 49-year-old man, who has no criminal record - as my 2 misdemeanors were annulled over 5 years ago in 2019 by the State of New Hampshire.

As for the Manchester, NH, police officer John Cunningham who arrested me and had me wrongly indicted on 2 felony charges, he later hit a pedestrian with his police cruiser many years ago now, but he was never charged with a crime, while I faced a trial in NH Superior Court in Nashua, NH, for knocking over a plastic traffic cone with my car.  Furthermore, Cunningham was counseled by his city police department for disrespect for yelling at a woman witness to my arrest by him saying to her, "I don't care if he (Jonathan Melle) is disabled."

As for Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior, he has conspiratorially bullied and politically persecuted me - as well as my dad, Bob - since the day I first met him in the Spring 1996, which is a little less than 28.5 years ago now, when my dad successfully campaigned for the elected position of Berkshire County Commissioner (1997 - mid-2000).  I write with absolute certainty that nobody has had it worse in Pittsfield politics than me: Jon Melle, due to "Luciforo: Pittsfield's Pot King (of lawsuits)'s" decades of abuses.

Does anyone realize that I spent me 20's decade of my life from the Spring 1996 to the mid-Summer 2005 as a persecuted person who appeared to people as a paranoid schizophrenic due to Nuciforo's mean-spirited actions against me, as well as my dad, Bob?  Does anyone understand that neither Nuciforo nor his conspiratorial network of bullies ever once apologized to me for their hurtful words and behaviors against me, as well as my dad?

I do NOT understand why I - Jon Melle - am such as hated man in my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, while some people revere Nuciforo for being a disgraced State Senator (1997 - 2006), a political hack Registrar of Deeds in Pittsfield (2007 - 2012), a failed candidate for U.S. Congress (2012), a corrupt Attorney in Boston's Financial District (1999 - present day, 2024), and the co-founder of the Berkshire Roots marijuana business (2017 - present day, 2024), who, back in 2004, wore a matching tuxedo with John Forbes Kerry at an elite presidential campaign fundraiser, but George W. Bush defeated his fellow Skulls and Bones Yale Alumni who married into the Heinz family fortune and is the billionaire champion of climate change reforms in the Swamp.

I am proud of my dad, Bob, who is now 80, for being a politician decades ago, but I wish I never met and/or knew the name Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior aka Luciforo aka Pittsfield's Pot King (of lawsuits).  I am NOT a politician.  My dad was the politician.  Please stop dragging me into my dad's life because I live my own life.  Thank you.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle


JM is the perfect democRAT voter in a snapshot. I will explain.

He could work but he chooses not to. Instead, he finds it much easier to sit at home unemployed, watching MSM, and then incorporating the democRAT talking points (Project 2025) into his long-winded screeds. Never offering any solutions or suggestions Harris/Walz have to remedy the situation, other than TDS.

We certainly can’t forget about JM’s key character trait: playing the “professional victim.” It’s always someone else’s fault:

*Andy Nuciforo-a continuous, 30-year obsession with a man, who more than likely, doesn’t even give JM a passing thought.

*US Army-they were mean and yelled at him a lot. The Army expected JM to grow up and be a man.

*NH Cop-a cop doing his job that JM didn’t agree with. He ultimately ends up fighting with the cop and having to do jail time for it.

Did I miss anyone JM?


September 29, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I want my toter to have the words: Pittsfield politics spends up to $40 million more per fiscal year than similar postindustrial small cities in return for....2x the rate of violent crime statewide (since at least 1980), over-priced Level 5 public schools, the heavily indebted 26-year-old polluted PEDA debacle, the ingrained one (Democratic) party state and local political corruption and all of their DISSERVICES (see below), the distressed inner-city neighborhoods that surround North Street aka - its sarcastic nickname of - Social Services Alley, etc.

I like to pretend that I could put Luciforo into my would-be toter with wheels and then roll it down the hill and push it off the cliff (Nilan). This sarcastic sentence was NOT a veiled threat. Rather, it is only freedom of speech to express my dislike for my enemy #1 who lives in a $950,000 mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College, while he owns and operates a lucrative marijuana business named "Berkshire Roots" on Dalton Avenue that stinks up nearby residential neighborhoods with his dead skunk-like pot growing odors - and Nuciforo received a $341,000 pot settlement from the City of Pittsfield (Mass.) in 2024 to boot - after Pittsfield's Pot King donated $1,000 to Peter Marchetti's mayoral campaign in 2023.

There are little to no living wage jobs in Pittsfield (Mass.), but the city's record setting municipal budget is somewhere around $216 million.  How does any of it even begin to make any financial sense?  Answer: Perverse Incentives whereby the city and public school district profits off of no- to low- to moderate income residents and families whose underclass social status brings into the city many millions of dollars in state administered federal aid dollars.  Even then one-term Pittsfield Mayor Sara Hathaway (2002 - 2003) once notoriously quipped that "Pittsfield is a junkie for state aid".

Pittsfield's perverse incentives predictable public policies are along the same lines of the last 2 fiscal years (2023 & 2024) record setting over $1 billion per fiscal year in profits by the Massachusetts State Lottery, which relies on the mostly financially illiterate no- to low- to moderate income residents and other gamblers to purchase/play the lottery's tickets and games.  The lottery - like all forms of gambling - is really (voluntary) regressive taxation that exploits the masses to benefit the financial, corporate and ruling elite's special interests.  It is wrong on many levels, but it is all around us everyday of our lives of being financial fools....and there also are plenty of lottery tickets and games for sale in Pittsfield (and beyond, of course)....I just wish that it didn't go over so many people's heads!

It is NOT really about public safety, public schools, roads and bridges, social services programs, etc., to the City of Pittsfield.  Nor is it about all of the above to the state government in Boston.  Rather, it is about the city and state playing financial shell games with each other to receive as many state administered federal aid dollars as possible, which the ruling elites then use to always giveaway billions of dollars in state and local tax breaks per fiscal year to their wealthy financial and corporate elite big campaign donors, which also benefits the greedy lobbyists - some of whom report 7-figure per year salaries in Boston, the Swamp, and the like.

Also, it is about selling as many lottery and other gambling products and services as possible to enrich the elites, while systemically mocking the financially foolish people and taxpayers that the state and local government is supposed to be serving instead of financially exploiting for their own special interests and personal benefit(s).  But it almost all goes into the pockets of the wealthy few, while sadly, it all goes over most people's heads!

I think Pittsfield's capped leaky landfills full of GE's PCBs industrial chemicals that cause brain damage and cancer alike in human beings has made the city's leaders into brain damaged mutants who would not be anybody of important class and status outside of Pittsfield politics.

Jon Melle


September 30, 2024

I feel the same way about you know my enemy #1....whose name rhymes with Luciforo....who I like to pretend to be in my would-be toter with wheels that I would roll down the hill with him inside and throw it off the cliff (Nilan)....and then Luciforo would spread his Devil wings and fly away to his $950,000 mansion in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community west of Berkshire Community College....and I would give him two middle-fingers....and this is all only sarcasm; it is NOT a veiled threat....but rather, it is only meant to be free speech....because one needs it to deal with the morons who run Pittsfield politics....into the costly waste disposal dump....when they are not monitoring GE's PCBs inside of the city's capped leaky landfills that do not last forever in containing the aforementioned industrial chemicals that cause brain damage and cancer alike in human beings....but Hill 78 abuts Allendale Elementary School in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and it all still stands through present day....thanks to the late Mayor Gerry Doyle taking 30 pieces of silver from the late GE CEO Jack Welch....that Mayor Peter Marchetti will use some of the GE settlement funds for the "Big Dig"-like Wahconah Park project that will turn into yet another costly boondoggle....while we are all focused on 2 lousy presidential candidates in 2024....with Kamala Harris pretending to be Mrs. Santa Claus without a way to pay for all of her would-be promised federal programs...and with Donald Trump promising the biggest tax cut in U.S. history that would wipe out federal funding for the existing federal programs....that leaves the taxpayers scratching their heads....because most of us fictional Kapanskis have to live in financial reality....while the likes of Nancy Pelosi said only a few years ago that she is ONLY worth $115 million, and it was reported in the news in mid- to late August 2024 that she made $15 million in 10 days on her investments....because being a career politician is really about money and power....and now I am done with my no paragraphs screed, and I will go back to pounding sand.

Jonathan A. Melle


October 02, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti and readers, and everyone else out there,

Pat, the underclass population has been increasing in numbers for over the past 50 years now.  Almost all of the income gains have gone to the super wealthy few households, financial powerhouses, corporate elites, and the corrupt ruling elites.

Pat, how can you say that J.D. Vance is correct to point out that due to high housing costs and inflation, the common people and families are unable to achieve the American Dream under Joe Biden & Kamala Harris (& Tim Walz, too)?  It has been getting worse and worse for over the past 50 years now - it is called economic inequality.

From what I understand, someone around my age who is stuck in a working-class life makes about $5 more per work week than my grandparents did in the 1970's.  Meanwhile, the super wealthy have been enriching them and their financial, corporate and ruling elites to the tune of many billions of dollars per year since the 1970's.  

Since the end of WW2, Wall Street has been making trillions of dollars off of war, but at the cost of many millions of innocent human lives over the past a little less than 80 years.  It is called, "Wall Street worships the Almighty....Dollar!

Our nation's post WW2 through present day, 2024, economy is based on the military industrial complex whereby the U.S. Government's number one non-farm exports are arms sales, related technologies, and endless wars.  Our nation's industrial economy has been outsourced to foreign countries, but with large regions of the U.S.A. being called "The Rust Belt".  Many farms in the U.S.A. have been bought out by large corporations, foreign interests, and billionaires such as Bill Gates.

Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was once a so-called GE town that employed over 10,000 local residents in the post-WW2 era through the 1970's whereby the middle-class actually grew in the U.S.A. for a little less than 30 years from the mid-1940's to the early-1970's.  In 2024, Pittsfield has been and still is GE's toxic waste dump with zero GE jobs left.  Pittsfield is a perfect illustration of postindustrial decay in the 21st Century U.S.A.

I was never able to work in a living wage job in my entire life of over 49 years.  If I did not have my service-connection VA benefits, then I would be fortunate to live in public housing myself.  When I lived in my native hometown of Pittsfield many years ago now, I felt that I had better odds of winning the state lottery jackpot - (voluntary) regressive taxation that targets the "Jon Melle's" of distressed places like the "PITTS-field's" - than obtaining and retaining a living wage job in my life.  Those are terrible odds, but I faced them many years ago now - along with Luciforo's a little less than the past 28.5 years of abuses against me (and my dad, Bob, who was a Berkshire County Commissioner from 1997 - mid-2000).

Project 2025 and Donald Trump wants to privatize the VA.  The first thing privatization does is for a would-be greedy insurance company to strip away VA benefits in the name of so-called efficiency.  I would eventually lose everything that I have today.  I never counted in my life when I lived in Pittsfield, and I may not count anymore if the VA is privatized in a would-be future.  I do not win at any cost like the aforementioned super wealthy few and the elites that serve their special interests do.  Instead, I write, blog, and pound sand about it all.

Jon Melle


October 04, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

Mayor Peter Marchetti's quote(s), below, do(es) not address the allegation(s) by Victoria May that when he was a bank manager, he called her "a BITCH".  He is named in Victoria May's federal sex discrimination lawsuit as one of three bank managers who allegedly illegally mistreated her at the bank she worked at whereby they terminated her employment there.

In 2006, when John Forbes Kerry visited Pittsfield at the top floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Peter Marchetti threw me - Jon Melle - his own relative under the bus by telling people that I lived with my elderly grandmother (1909 - 2008), whose maiden name is Marchetti, and that my plan was to live with her in her Pittsfield home back then.  I had moved to Southern New Hampshire 2 years prior in 2004.

As for Sara Hathaway, during the Fall 1997 North Adams Fall Foliage Parade, she was at Andrea Francesco Nuciforo Junior's side when he broke his parade route and rolled up in my face.  It took my cousin from North Adams and Uncle from Saratoga Springs, NY, to get Nuciforo off of me.  Sara Hathaway did nothing but watched.  Sara Hathaway did not tell Nuciforo to stop his hostile actions.

Dan Valenti, don't you just love how Mayor Peter Marchetti and Sara Hathaway act like they are the epitomy of kindness when their own behavior(s) are anything but?

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Mayor Peter Marchetti delivered a "comment to maybe an email I haven't yet responded to," explaining that the city doesn't have to tear people down to bring people up.

"I think as a city, we need to take our time to celebrate the successes we have and it doesn't mean that when we're celebrating someone's success, we're taking others down,"

"And so I just think it's important to recognize successes because clearly if we didn't recognize them, then we wouldn't have the desire for others to try to fall in the footsteps and succeed."


October 09, 2024

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

For all of Sara Hathaway's many flaws in Pittsfield politics, she was right when she warned the city in the early-2000's-decade that Jimmy Ruberto is a snake oil salesman who was part of Pittsfield's Good Old Boys network of incestuous-like, inter-related failed state and local leaders who ran the city into the ditch for generations.  NOTE: I know, even a broken clock is right twice per day, but I still wished that I had listened to her over 2 decades ago.

It is interesting to me that Sara Hathaway wrote a letter to the Dirty Bird (Eagle) last Autumn 2023 endorsing Peter Marchetti for Mayor, who is named in a federal sex discrimination lawsuit versus a local bank whereby Victoria May alleges that Peter Marchetti, who was one of her bank managers, called his employee Victoria May "a BITCH".  NOTE: I know, Governor (misguided) Maura Healey and Tricia Farley Bouvier Country Buffet also endorsed the now Mayor of BITCH-field, Massachusetts.

How did Sara Hathaway go from being a so-called "breath of fresh air" to lining up behind the 2 Pete's Pittsfield politics?  Answer, even a broken clock is wrong other than the aforementioned twice a day time-keeping.

The bedraggled taxpayers have always been the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski working-class family who resides in a corrupt city that charges them up to $40 million per fiscal year more than similar small postindustrial cities, such as Westfield, for the luxury of life in the PITTS.

The Kapanski's are the ruling elites' financial fools who City Hall treats like a doormat on a good day, but a toilet for them to shit on the bad days, but it all goes over most of their heads that they are used for their state and local government's inequitable financial shell games.  I wish I could teach the underclass, working-class, and everyone else out there that the state government in Boston systemically mocks them, and the corrupt career politicians in Boston only does DISSERVICES against them instead of investing in people and communities because it is all a game called PAY to PLAY.

Jon Melle

P.S. Pittsfield politics' mayoral nicknames are the late-bar-stool, aberration the litigious schoolmarm who a little less than one decade ago received an undisclosed settlement from the City of Pittsfield in her discrimination lawsuit for her loss, the (useless) Rolodex with his weak ethics, the part-time Mayor Montello, the former school secretary Mayor who lives in Pittsfield's elitist Gated Community along with her litigious nearby Pot King neighbor Luciforo who donated $1,000 in 2023 to Peter Marchetti's mayoral campaign and earlier in 2024, Nuciforo received a $341,000 pot settlement from the City, and the openly gay, 90-day grace period from free speech sitting Mayor (of a would-be City in Russia, or China, or Iran, or North Korea, or Saudi Arabia....) - with Voltron the Pork-chop next in line to the throne.


October 14, 2024

I am NOT a Marxist.  In fact, I hate Communism because it has led to the most mass deaths of innocent people and Peoples in human history in the range of hundreds of millions of lost human lives to a so-called utopia of people who are supposed to NOT be greedy, but instead, it led them to be violent.  Moreover, Karl Marx wrote and published his philosophies of human nature and behavior, and pseudo-economics in the 19th Century.  I was NOT around back then, of course, but it was a brutal era for the marginalized masses.

I do, indeed, know and believe that Capitalism has produced great wealth for a few super wealthy estates and households, but at the cost of it producing a huge underclass population.  For over 50 years now, the middle-class has been shrinking in numbers, which means that the super wealthy have received almost all of the net income gains, while the underclass population has substantially grown in numbers, which is an injustice.

There is no real or easy answer to solving the age old problem of GREED.  I don't have an answer, nor does anyone else, including the BIG SPENDER Kamala Harris or the BIG BORROWER Donald Trump.

Jonathan A. Melle
